26 Aug 2020, 15:39:36 (4 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Implement RefereesRemindPage.

3 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/applicants/browser.py

    r16207 r16214  
    17751775    grok.require('waeup.manageApplication')
     1777class RefereesRemindPage(UtilityView, grok.View):
     1778    """A display view for referee reports.
     1779    """
     1780    grok.context(IApplicant)
     1781    grok.name('remind_referees')
     1782    grok.require('waeup.manageApplication')
     1784    mandate_days = 31
     1786    def remindReferees(self):
     1787        site = grok.getSite()
     1788        kofa_utils = getUtility(IKofaUtils)
     1789        ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.','')
     1790        failed = ''
     1791        emails_sent = 0
     1792        for referee in self.context.referees:
     1793            if not referee.email_sent:
     1794                continue
     1795            # Check if referee has already created a report
     1796            report_exists = False
     1797            for report in self.context.refereereports:
     1798                if report.name == referee.name:
     1799                    report_exists = True
     1800            if report_exists:
     1801                continue
     1802            # If not, create new mandate
     1803            mandate = RefereeReportMandate(days=self.mandate_days)
     1804            mandate.params['name'] = referee.name
     1805            mandate.params['email'] = referee.email
     1806            mandate.params[
     1807                'redirect_path'] = '/applicants/%s/%s/addrefereereport' % (
     1808                    self.context.__parent__.code,
     1809                    self.context.application_number)
     1810            mandate.params['redirect_path2'] = ''
     1811            mandate.params['applicant_id'] = self.context.applicant_id
     1812            site['mandates'].addMandate(mandate)
     1813            # Send invitation email
     1814            args = {'mandate_id':mandate.mandate_id}
     1815            mandate_url = self.url(site) + '/mandate?%s' % urlencode(args)
     1816            url_info = u'Report link: %s' % mandate_url
     1817            success = kofa_utils.inviteReferee(referee, self.context, url_info)
     1818            if success:
     1819                emails_sent += 1
     1820                self.context.writeLogMessage(
     1821                    self, 'email sent: %s' % referee.email)
     1822                referee.email_sent = True
     1823            else:
     1824                failed += '%s ' % referee.email
     1825        return failed, emails_sent
     1827    def update(self):
     1828        if self.context.state != 'submitted':
     1829            self.flash(
     1830                _('Not allowed!'), type='danger')
     1831            return self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
     1832        failed, emails_sent = self.remindReferees()
     1833        msg = _('${a} referee(s) have been reminded by email.',
     1834                mapping = {'a':  emails_sent})
     1835        self.flash(msg)
     1836        return self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
     1838    def render(self):
     1839        return
    17771841class RefereeReportDisplayFormPage(KofaDisplayFormPage):
    17781842    """A display view for referee reports.
    18461910            args = {'mandate_id':mandate.mandate_id}
    18471911            # Check if report exists.
    1848             # If so, redirect to the pdf file.
     1912            # (1) If mandate has been used to create a report,
     1913            # redirect to the pdf file.
    18491914            if mandate.params.get('redirect_path2'):
    18501915                self.redirect(
    18531918                    '?%s' % urlencode(args))
    18541919                return
     1920            # (2) Report exists but was created with another mandate.
     1921            for report in self.context.refereereports:
     1922                if report.name == mandate.params.get('name'):
     1923                    self.flash(_('You have already created a '
     1924                                 'report with another mandate.'),
     1925                               type='warning')
     1926                    self.redirect(self.application_url())
     1927                    return
    18551928            # Prefill form with mandate params
    18561929            self.form_fields.get(
    18851958        notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(self.mandates[self.mandate_id]))
    18861959        args = {'mandate_id':self.mandate_id}
    1887         self.redirect(self.url(report, 'referee_report.pdf')
    1888                       + '?%s' % urlencode(args))
     1960        self.flash(_('Your report has been successfully submitted. '
     1961                     'Please use the report link in the email again to download '
     1962                     'a pdf slip of your report.'))
     1963        #self.redirect(self.url(report, 'referee_report.pdf')
     1964        #              + '?%s' % urlencode(args))
     1965        self.redirect(self.application_url())
    18891966        return
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/applicants/tests/test_browser.py

    r16190 r16214  
    17461746        self.browser.getControl(name="form.email").value = 'bb@bb.bb'
    17471747        self.browser.getControl("Submit").click()
    1748         # Referee wil be redirected to a pdf file
     1748        # Referee will be redirected to the frontpage
     1749        self.assertEqual(self.browser.url, 'http://localhost/app')
     1750        self.assertTrue('Your report has been successfully submitted. '
     1751                        'Please use the report link in the email again '
     1752                        'to download a pdf slip of your report.'
     1753            in self.browser.contents)
     1754        # If they use the mandate again, they will be redirected to a pdf file
     1755        self.browser.open('http://localhost/app/mandate?mandate_id=%s'
     1756            % mandate.mandate_id)
    17491757        self.assertEqual(self.browser.headers['Status'], '200 Ok')
    17501758        self.assertEqual(self.browser.headers['Content-Type'],
    17621770        self.assertEqual(self.browser.headers['Content-Type'],
    17631771                         'application/pdf')
     1772        # Referees can't use another mandate for adding a new report
     1773        mandate2 = RefereeReportMandate()
     1774        mandate2.params['name'] = u'John Referee'
     1775        mandate2.params['email'] = 'aa@aa.aa'
     1776        mandate2.params['applicant_id'] = self.applicant.applicant_id
     1777        mandate2.params['redirect_path'] = '/applicants/%s/%s/addrefereereport' % (
     1778                container_name_1, self.applicant.application_number)
     1779        mandate2.params['redirect_path2'] = ''
     1780        self.app['mandates'].addMandate(mandate2)
     1781        self.browser.open('http://localhost/app/mandate?mandate_id=%s'
     1782            % mandate2.mandate_id)
     1783        self.assertTrue('You have already created a report with another mandate'
     1784            in self.browser.contents)
    17641785        # Managers can view the report
    17651786        self.browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw')
    17781799        print "Sample PDF referee_report_slip.pdf written to %s" % path
    17791800        # Mandate is not deleted ...
    1780         self.assertEqual(len(self.app['mandates'].keys()), 1)
     1801        self.assertEqual(len(self.app['mandates'].keys()), 2)
    17811802        # ... but redirect_path2 attribute has been set
    17821803        redirect_path2 = '/applicants/%s/%s/%s/referee_report.pdf' % (
    17851806                report.r_id)
    17861807        self.assertEqual(
    1787             self.app['mandates'].values()[0].params['redirect_path2'],
     1808            self.app['mandates'][mandate.mandate_id].params['redirect_path2'],
    17881809            redirect_path2)
    17891810        # Managers can delete referee reports
    18311852        self.browser.getControl(name="confirm_passport").value = True
    18321853        self.browser.getControl("Finally Submit").click()
    1833         mandate_id_0 = self.app['mandates'].keys()[0]
    1834         mandate_id_1 = self.app['mandates'].keys()[1]
    18351854        if self.app['mandates'].values()[0].params['name'] == 'Linda Tree':
    18361855            mandate_id_0 = self.app['mandates'].keys()[0]
    19201939            'invitation emails were sent.' in self.browser.contents)
    19211940        return
     1942    def test_remind_referees(self):
     1943        self.applicant.lastname = u'Mitchell'
     1944        IWorkflowState(self.applicant).setState('submitted')
     1945        # Add two referees
     1946        referee1 = RefereeEntry()
     1947        referee2 = RefereeEntry()
     1948        referee1.name = u'Linda Tree'
     1949        referee1.email = 'linda@forest.de'
     1950        referee2.name = u'Otis Stone'
     1951        referee2.email = 'otis@stones.de'
     1952        referee1.email_sent = True
     1953        referee2.email_sent = True
     1954        self.applicant.referees = [referee1, referee2]
     1955        # Managers can remind referees
     1956        self.browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw')
     1957        self.browser.open(self.manage_path)
     1958        self.browser.getLink("Remind referees").click()
     1959        self.assertTrue('2 referee(s) have been reminded by email.'
     1960            in self.browser.contents)
     1961        logfile = os.path.join(
     1962            self.app['datacenter'].storage, 'logs', 'applicants.log')
     1963        logcontent = open(logfile).read()
     1964        self.assertTrue(
     1965            'zope.mgr - applicants.browser.RefereesRemindPage - %s - '
     1966            'email sent: otis@stones.de' % self.applicant.applicant_id
     1967            in logcontent)
     1968        if self.app['mandates'].values()[0].params['name'] == 'Linda Tree':
     1969            mandate_id_0 = self.app['mandates'].keys()[0]
     1970            mandate_id_1 = self.app['mandates'].keys()[1]
     1971        else:
     1972            mandate_id_0 = self.app['mandates'].keys()[1]
     1973            mandate_id_1 = self.app['mandates'].keys()[0]
     1974        self.assertMatches(
     1975            'Sending email from no-reply@waeup.org to linda@forest.de:'
     1976            '\nMessage:'
     1977            '\nmsg: MIME-Version: 1.0\nmsg: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"'
     1978            '\nmsg: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit'
     1979            '\nmsg: From: Administrator <no-reply@waeup.org>'
     1980            '\nmsg: To: Linda Tree <linda@forest.de>'
     1981            '\nmsg: Reply-To: Administrator <contact@waeup.org>'
     1982            '\nmsg: Subject: Request for referee report from Sample University'
     1983            '\nmsg: '
     1984            '\nmsg: Dear Linda Tree,'
     1985            '\nmsg: '
     1986            '\nmsg: The candidate with Id app%s_372052 and name Joan Mitchell applied to'
     1987            '\nmsg: the Sample University to study Unnamed Certificate for the %s/%s session.'
     1988            '\nmsg: The candidate has listed you as referee. You are thus required to kindly use'
     1989            '\nmsg: the link below to provide your referral remarks on or before'
     1990            '\nmsg: 2016-08-12 08:32:41.619671+00:00.'
     1991            '\nmsg: '
     1992            '\nmsg: Report link: http://localhost/app/mandate?mandate_id=%s'
     1993            '\nmsg: '
     1994            '\nmsg: Thank You'
     1995            '\nmsg: '
     1996            '\nmsg: The Secretary'
     1997            '\nmsg: Post Graduate School'
     1998            '\nmsg: Sample University'
     1999            '\nmsg: '
     2000            '\nSending email from no-reply@waeup.org to otis@stones.de:'
     2001            '\nMessage:'
     2002            '\nmsg: MIME-Version: 1.0'
     2003            '\nmsg: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"'
     2004            '\nmsg: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit'
     2005            '\nmsg: From: Administrator <no-reply@waeup.org>'
     2006            '\nmsg: To: Otis Stone <otis@stones.de>'
     2007            '\nmsg: Reply-To: Administrator <contact@waeup.org>'
     2008            '\nmsg: Subject: Request for referee report from Sample University'
     2009            '\nmsg: '
     2010            '\nmsg: Dear Otis Stone,'
     2011            '\nmsg: '
     2012            '\nmsg: The candidate with Id app%s_<6-DIGITS> and name Joan Mitchell applied to'
     2013            '\nmsg: the Sample University to study Unnamed Certificate for the %s/%s session.'
     2014            '\nmsg: The candidate has listed you as referee. You are thus required to kindly use'
     2015            '\nmsg: the link below to provide your referral remarks on or before'
     2016            '\nmsg: <YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss>.<6-DIGITS>+00:00.'
     2017            '\nmsg: '
     2018            '\nmsg: Report link: http://localhost/app/mandate?mandate_id=%s'
     2019            '\nmsg: '
     2020            '\nmsg: Thank You'
     2021            '\nmsg: '
     2022            '\nmsg: The Secretary'
     2023            '\nmsg: Post Graduate School'
     2024            '\nmsg: Sample University'
     2025            '\nmsg: '
     2026            % (session_1, session_1, session_2, mandate_id_0,
     2027               session_1, session_1, session_2, mandate_id_1,),
     2028            self.get_fake_smtp_output()
     2029            )
     2030        # If a report exists, only one email is being sent to Otis Stone.
     2031        report = createObject(u'waeup.ApplicantRefereeReport')
     2032        report.r_id = 'any_id'
     2033        report.name = u'Linda Tree'
     2034        self.applicant[report.r_id] = report
     2035        self.browser.open(self.manage_path)
     2036        self.browser.getLink("Remind referees").click()
     2037        self.assertTrue('1 referee(s) have been reminded by email.'
     2038            in self.browser.contents)
     2039        return
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/applicants/viewlets.py

    r16059 r16214  
    271271        return self.view.url(self.view.context, self.target)
     273class RemindRefereesActionButton(ManageActionButton):
     274    grok.order(5)
     275    grok.context(IApplicant)
     276    grok.require('waeup.manageApplication')
     277    icon = 'actionicon_alarm.png'
     278    text = _('Remind referees')
     279    target ='remind_referees'
     281    @property
     282    def onclick(self):
     283        return "return window.confirm(%s);" % _(
     284            "'Those referees, who have not yet submitted their report, will be reminded by email. Are you sure?'")
     286    @property
     287    def target_url(self):
     288        """Get a URL to the target...
     289        """
     290        if self.context.state != 'submitted':
     291            return
     292        if not self.context.referees:
     293            return
     294        return self.view.url(self.view.context, self.target)
    273296class PaymentReceiptActionButton(ManageActionButton):
    274297    grok.order(9) # This button should always be the last one.
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