28 Jun 2020, 20:42:53 (4 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Compulsory payments before tution fee can be made.

2 edited


  • main/kofacustom.iuokada/trunk/src/kofacustom/iuokada/students/tests/test_utils.py

    r15870 r16136  
    3939        self.assertEqual(msg, None)
    4040        return
     42    def test_set_payment_details(self):
     43        self.app['configuration']['2004'].book = 150.0
     44        self.app['configuration']['2004'].develop = 90.0
     45        self.app['configuration']['2004'].registration = 180.0
     46        self.app['configuration']['2004'].municipal_fresh = 280.0
     47        self.app['configuration']['2004'].pcf = 380.0
     48        self.student['studycourse'].certificate.school_fee_2 = 6666.0
     49        IWorkflowState(self.student).setState('cleared')
     50        utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils)
     51        error, payment = utils.setPaymentDetails('schoolfee',self.student)
     52        self.assertEqual(error,
     53            'Registration Fee, Book Deposit, Development Fee, Municipal Fee, '
     54            'Parents Consultative Forum (PCF) Fee must be paid before Tution Fee.')
     55        reg_payment = createObject('waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
     56        reg_payment.p_category = u'registration'
     57        reg_payment.p_id = u'anyid'
     58        reg_payment.p_state = u'paid'
     59        reg_payment.p_session = 2004
     60        self.student['payments']['anykey'] = reg_payment
     61        error, payment = utils.setPaymentDetails('schoolfee',self.student)
     62        self.assertEqual(error,
     63            'Book Deposit, Development Fee, Municipal Fee, Parents Consultative '
     64            'Forum (PCF) Fee must be paid before Tution Fee.')
     65        IWorkflowState(self.student).setState('returning')
     66        configuration = createObject('waeup.SessionConfiguration')
     67        configuration.academic_session = 2005
     68        self.app['configuration'].addSessionConfiguration(configuration)
     69        self.app['configuration']['2005'].registration = 170.0
     70        error, payment = utils.setPaymentDetails('schoolfee',self.student)
     71        self.assertEqual(error,
     72            'Registration Fee, Book Deposit, Development Fee, Municipal Fee, '
     73            'Parents Consultative Forum (PCF) Fee must be paid before Tution Fee.')
     74        reg_payment.p_session = 2005
     75        error, payment = utils.setPaymentDetails('schoolfee',self.student)
     76        self.assertEqual(error,
     77            'Book Deposit, Development Fee, Municipal Fee, Parents Consultative '
     78            'Forum (PCF) Fee must be paid before Tution Fee.')
     79        pcf_payment = createObject('waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
     80        pcf_payment.p_category = u'parentsconsult'
     81        pcf_payment.p_id = u'anyid'
     82        pcf_payment.p_state = u'paid'
     83        pcf_payment.p_session = 2005
     84        self.student['payments']['anykey2'] = pcf_payment
     85        error, payment = utils.setPaymentDetails('schoolfee',self.student)
     86        self.assertEqual(error,
     87            'Book Deposit, Development Fee, Municipal Fee must be paid before Tution Fee.')
     88        munic_payment = createObject('waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
     89        munic_payment.p_category = u'municipal_fresh'
     90        munic_payment.p_id = u'anyid'
     91        munic_payment.p_state = u'paid'
     92        munic_payment.p_session = 2005
     93        self.student['payments']['anykey3'] = munic_payment
     94        error, payment = utils.setPaymentDetails('schoolfee',self.student)
     95        self.assertEqual(error,
     96            'Book Deposit, Development Fee must be paid before Tution Fee.')
     97        book_payment = createObject('waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
     98        book_payment.p_category = u'book'
     99        book_payment.p_id = u'anyid'
     100        book_payment.p_state = u'paid'
     101        book_payment.p_session = 2005
     102        self.student['payments']['anykey4'] = book_payment
     103        develop_payment = createObject('waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
     104        develop_payment.p_category = u'develop'
     105        develop_payment.p_id = u'anyid'
     106        develop_payment.p_state = u'paid'
     107        develop_payment.p_session = 2005
     108        self.student['payments']['anykey5'] = develop_payment
     109        error, payment = utils.setPaymentDetails('schoolfee',self.student)
     110        self.assertEqual(error, None)
     111        self.assertEqual(payment.p_level, 200)
     112        self.assertEqual(payment.p_session, 2005)
     113        self.assertEqual(payment.amount_auth, 6666.0)
     114        return
  • main/kofacustom.iuokada/trunk/src/kofacustom/iuokada/students/utils.py

    r16091 r16136  
    1818import grok
    1919from time import time
     20from copy import deepcopy
    2021from zope.component import createObject, getUtility
    2122from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (IKofaUtils,
    3031    """
    32     # refix
     33    # prefix
    3334    STUDENT_ID_PREFIX = u'I'
    4142    #: A tuple containing the names of registration states in which changing of
    4243    #: passport pictures is allowed.
     47    REQUIRED_PAYMENTS = {
     48        'registration': 'Registration Fee',
     49        'book': 'Book Deposit',
     50        'develop': 'Development Fee',
     51        'parentsconsult': 'Parents Consultative Forum (PCF) Fee',
     52        'municipal': 'Municipal Fee',
     53        }
    4555    def warnCreditsOOR(self, studylevel, course=None):
    5363        return
     65    def _requiredPaymentsMissing(self, student, session):
     66        cats_missing = deepcopy(self.REQUIRED_PAYMENTS)
     67        if len(student['payments']):
     68            for category in self.REQUIRED_PAYMENTS.keys():
     69                for ticket in student['payments'].values():
     70                    if ticket.p_state == 'paid' and \
     71                        ticket.p_category.startswith(category) and \
     72                        ticket.p_session == session:
     73                        del cats_missing[category]
     74        if cats_missing:
     75            return "%s must be paid before Tution Fee." % ', '.join(
     76                cats_missing.values())
     77        return
    5579    def setPaymentDetails(self, category, student,
    56             previous_session, previous_level, combi=[]):
     80            previous_session=None, previous_level=None, combi=[]):
    5781        """Create a payment ticket and set the payment data of a
    5882        student for the payment category specified.
    78102            p_level = student['studycourse'].current_level
    79103            p_current = True
     104            if category in self.REQUIRED_PAYMENTS.keys() + [
     105                'schoolfee','schoolfee40','secondinstal'] \
     106                and student.state == RETURNING:
     107                # In case of school fee or required sundry fee payments the
     108                # payment session is always next session if students are in
     109                # state returning.
     110                p_session, p_level = self.getReturningData(student)
    80111        academic_session = self._getSessionConfiguration(p_session)
    81112        if academic_session == None:
    84115        if category in ('schoolfee', 'schoolfee40',
    85116                        'secondinstal'):
     117            rpm = self._requiredPaymentsMissing(student, p_session)
     118            if rpm:
     119                return rpm, None
    86120            try:
    87121                certificate = student['studycourse'].certificate
    111145                        amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_1', 0.0)
    112146                    elif student.state == RETURNING:
    113                         # In case of returning school fee payment the
    114                         # payment session and level contain the values of
    115                         # the session the student has paid for. Payment
    116                         # session is always next session.
    117                         p_session, p_level = self.getReturningData(student)
    118                         academic_session = self._getSessionConfiguration(p_session)
    119                         if academic_session == None:
    120                             return _(
    121                                 u'Session configuration object is not available.'
    122                                 ), None
    123147                        amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_2', 0.0)
    124148                    elif student.is_postgrad and student.state == PAID:
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