26 Sep 2019, 11:39:09 (6 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add docs.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students/browser.rst

    r15416 r15610  
    1515the student credentials, have to logout from their own account and
    1616manually login as student via the regular login page. After 10
    17 minutes the officer is automatically thrown out and the student is
    18 able to login again (if the officer hasn't changed the password).
    19 Attention: When logging in as student, the officer really
    20 impersonates the student. All actions are logged with the student id
    21 and not with the officer's user id. However, start of student
    22 impersonation is also logged, so that officers can be identified and
    23 fraudulent use can be discovered.
     17minutes (default value) the officer is automatically thrown out and
     18the student is able to login again (if the officer hasn't changed
     19the password). Attention: When logging in as student, the officer
     20really impersonates the student. All actions are logged with the
     21student id and not with the officer's user id. However, start of
     22student impersonation is also logged, so that officers can be
     23identified and fraudulent use can be discovered.
     26.. _parents_access:
     28Parents Access
     31Parents may gain access to monitor study progress and view all
     32payments made by their children. They won't be able to edit data,
     33register courses or make payments. Prerequisite for getting access
     34is that they have a valid email address and that this address has
     35been entered by the student into the parents' email address field.
     36If so, parents can request a password on the
     38The student record will be looked up and temporary login
     39credentials will be sent to the parents' email address. If they
     40click on the confirmation (mandate) link in this email, the
     41temporary password will be activated so that they can login. Access
     42will be granted for 10 minutes (default value). Parents don't have
     43their own account in Kofa. They are logging into the student's
     44account instead. The student's password is inactive during this
     45period. After 10 minutes parents are automatically thrown out and
     46the student is able to login again with the original password.
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