19 Dec 2018, 22:50:36 (6 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add AccommodationPaymentsExporter which can be used by accommodation officers.

10 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/CHANGES.txt

    r15250 r15277  
    441.6.1.dev0 (unreleased)
     7* Add `AccommodationPaymentsExporter` which can be used by
     8  accommodation officers.
    710* Add ReleaseExpiredAllocationsActionButton which has previously
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/datacenter/export.rst

    r15163 r15277  
    265265  .. automethod:: waeup.kofa.students.export.DataForBursaryExporter.mangle_value()
     267Accommodation Payments Exporter
     270.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.students.export.AccommodationPaymentsExporter()
     272  .. autoattribute:: waeup.kofa.students.export.AccommodationPaymentsExporter.fields
     273  .. autoattribute:: waeup.kofa.students.export.AccommodationPaymentsExporter.title
     274  .. automethod:: waeup.kofa.students.export.AccommodationPaymentsExporter.mangle_value()
    267276School Fee Payments Overview Exporter
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/security.rst

    r15163 r15277  
    8383   :noindex:
     85.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.permissions.ExportPaymentsOverview()
     86   :noindex:
     88.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.permissions.ExportBursaryData()
     89   :noindex:
    8591.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.reports.HandleReports()
    8692   :noindex:
    8894.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.reports.ManageReports()
     95   :noindex:
     97Accommodation Section Permissions
     100.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.hostels.permissions.ViewHostels()
     101   :noindex:
     103.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.hostels.permissions.ManageHostels()
     104   :noindex:
     106.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.hostels.permissions.ExportAccommodationData()
    89107   :noindex:
    184202   :noindex:
     204.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.permissions.BursaryOfficer()
     205   :noindex:
    186207.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.reports.ReportsOfficer()
    187208   :noindex:
    198219.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.permissions.CCOfficer()
     220   :noindex:
     222Global Accommodation Section Roles
     225.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.hostels.permissions.AccommodationOfficer()
    199226   :noindex:
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/hostels/permissions.py

    r7195 r15277  
    2525class ViewHostels(grok.Permission):
     26    """The ViewHostels permission is applied to all views of the
     27    Accommodation Section. Users with this permission can view but not edit
     28    data in the Accommodation Section.
     29    """
    2630    grok.name('waeup.viewHostels')
    2832class ManageHostels(grok.Permission):
     33    """The ManageHostels permission is applied to manage pages in the
     34    Accommodation Section.
     35    """
    2936    grok.name('waeup.manageHostels')
     38class ExportAccommodationData(grok.Permission):
     39    """Accommodation Officers don't have the general exportData
     40    permission and are only allowed to export accommodation data
     41    (accommodation payment tickets and bed tickets).
     42    The ExportAccommodationData permission is only used to filter the
     43    respective exporters in the ExportJobContainerJobConfig view.
     44    """
     45    grok.name('waeup.exportAccommodationData')
    3147# Site Roles
    3248class AccommodationOfficer(grok.Role):
     49    """Accommodation Officers can view and manage hostels. They can also export
     50    accommodation data (filtered payment tickets and beds).
     51    They can't access the Data Center but see student data export buttons
     52    in the Academic Section.
     53    """
    3354    grok.name('waeup.AccommodationOfficer')
    3455    grok.title(u'Accommodation Officer')
    35     grok.permissions('waeup.viewHostels', 'waeup.manageHostels')
     56    grok.permissions('waeup.viewHostels',
     57                     'waeup.manageHostels',
     58                     'waeup.showStudents',
     59                     'waeup.viewAcademics',
     60                     'waeup.exportAccommodationData')
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/permissions.py

    r15163 r15277  
    149149class ExportPaymentsOverview(grok.Permission):
     150    """Department Officers don't have the general exportData
     151    permission and are only allowed to export payments overviews.
     152    The ExportPaymentsOverview permission is only used to filter the
     153    respective exporters in the ExportJobContainerJobConfig view.
     154    """
    150155    grok.name('waeup.exportPaymentsOverview')
    153158class ExportBursaryData(grok.Permission):
     159    """Bursary Officers don't have the general exportData
     160    permission and are only allowed to export bursary data.
     161    The ExportBursaryData permission is only used to filter the
     162    respective exporter in the ExportJobContainerJobConfig view.
     163    """
    154164    grok.name('waeup.exportBursaryData')
    204214    """The local DepartmentOfficer role can be assigned at faculty or
    205215    department level. The role allows to list all student data within the
    206     faculty/department the local role is assigned.
     216    faculty/department the local role is assigned. And it allows to export
     217    payment data overviews.
    207218    """
    208219    grok.name('waeup.local.DepartmentOfficer')
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/browser.py

    r15254 r15277  
    35673567    def _set_exporter_values(self):
    35683568        # We provide all student exporters, nothing else, yet.
    3569         # Bursary or Department Officers don't have the general exportData
    3570         # permission and are only allowed to export bursary or payments
    3571         # overview data respectively. This is the only place where
     3569        # Bursary, Department or Accommodation Officers don't
     3570        # have the general exportData
     3571        # permission and are only allowed to export bursary, payments
     3572        # overview or accommodation data respectively.
     3573        # This is the only place where waeup.exportAccommodationData,
    35723574        # waeup.exportBursaryData and waeup.exportPaymentsOverview
    35733575        # are used.
    35813583                              ('Session Payments Overview',
    35823584                               'sessionpaymentsoverview')]
     3585            if checkPermission('waeup.exportAccommodationData', self.context):
     3586                exporters += [('Bed Tickets', 'bedtickets'),
     3587                              ('Accommodation Payments',
     3588                               'accommodationpayments')]
    35833589            self.exporters = exporters
    35843590            return
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/export.py

    r15062 r15277  
    508508            value, name, context=context)
     510class AccommodationPaymentsExporter(DataForBursaryExporter):
     511    """The AccommodationPayments Exporter works just like the Student
     512    Payment Exporter but it exports much more information about the student.
     513    It combines     payment and student data in one table in order to spare
     514    postprocessing of     two seperate export files. The exporter is primarily
     515    used by bursary officers who have exclusively access to this exporter.
     516    The exporter exports ``paid`` and ``waived`` payment tickets with category
     517    ``bed_allocation`` or ``hostel_maintenance``.
     518    """
     519    grok.name('accommodationpayments')
     521    def filter_func(self, x, **kw):
     522        kw['paycat'] = 'bed_allocation'
     523        payments = get_payments(x, p_states=('paid', 'waived'), **kw)
     524        kw['paycat'] = 'hostel_maintenance'
     525        payments += get_payments(x, p_states=('paid', 'waived'), **kw)
     526        return payments
     528    title = _(u'Accommodation Payments')
    510530class BedTicketExporter(grok.GlobalUtility, StudentExporterBase):
    511531    """The Bed Ticket Exporter first filters the set of students
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/test_browser.py

    r15250 r15277  
    41814181        self.assertEqual(len(self.app['datacenter'].running_exports), 0)
     4183    def test_export_accommodation_officers(self):
     4184        # Create bursary officer
     4185        self.app['users'].addUser('mracco', 'mraccosecret')
     4186        self.app['users']['mracco'].email = 'mracco@foo.ng'
     4187        self.app['users']['mracco'].title = 'Carlo Pitter'
     4188        prmglobal = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.app)
     4189        prmglobal.assignRoleToPrincipal('waeup.AccommodationOfficer', 'mracco')
     4190        # Login as bursary officer
     4191        self.browser.open(self.login_path)
     4192        self.browser.getControl(name="form.login").value = 'mracco'
     4193        self.browser.getControl(name="form.password").value = 'mraccosecret'
     4194        self.browser.getControl("Login").click()
     4195        self.assertMatches('...You logged in...', self.browser.contents)
     4196        self.browser.getLink("Academics").click()
     4197        self.browser.getLink("Export student data").click()
     4198        self.browser.getControl("Configure new export").click()
     4199        # accommodationpayments and beds exporters are available
     4200        # not only at facultiescontainer level ...
     4201        self.assertFalse('<option value="students">' in self.browser.contents)
     4202        self.assertTrue('<option value="accommodationpayments">'
     4203            in self.browser.contents)
     4204        self.assertTrue('<option value="bedtickets">' in self.browser.contents)
     4205        self.browser.getControl(
     4206            name="exporter").value = ['accommodationpayments']
     4207        self.browser.getControl(name="session").value = ['2004']
     4208        self.browser.getControl(name="level").value = ['100']
     4209        self.browser.getControl("Create CSV file").click()
     4210        self.assertTrue('Export started' in self.browser.contents)
     4211        # ... but also at other levels
     4212        self.browser.open('http://localhost/app/faculties/fac1/dep1')
     4213        self.browser.getLink("Export student data").click()
     4214        self.browser.getControl("Configure new export").click()
     4215        self.assertFalse('<option value="students">' in self.browser.contents)
     4216        self.assertTrue('<option value="accommodationpayments">'
     4217            in self.browser.contents)
     4218        self.assertTrue('<option value="bedtickets">' in self.browser.contents)
     4219        # Thew job can be discarded
     4220        self.assertEqual(len(self.app['datacenter'].running_exports), 1)
     4221        self.wait_for_export_job_completed()
     4222        self.browser.open('http://localhost/app/faculties/exports')
     4223        self.browser.getControl("Discard").click()
     4224        self.assertEqual(len(self.app['datacenter'].running_exports), 0)
    41844227UPLOAD_CSV_TEMPLATE = (
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/test_export.py

    r15203 r15277  
    3333    ComboCardDataExporter, DataForBursaryExporter,
    3434    StudentUnpaidPaymentExporter, SessionPaymentsOverviewExporter,
    35     get_students,)
     35    AccommodationPaymentsExporter, get_students,)
    3636from waeup.kofa.students.accommodation import BedTicket
    3737from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import ICSVStudentExporter
    10431043            'Anna,M.,Tester,created,2012,2010,ug_ft,NA,NA,CERT1\r\n'
    10441044            % (curr_year-6, curr_year-6, curr_year-6)
     1045            )
     1046        return
     1048class AccommodationPaymentsExporterTest(StudentImportExportSetup):
     1050    layer = FunctionalLayer
     1052    def setUp(self):
     1053        super(AccommodationPaymentsExporterTest, self).setUp()
     1054        self.setup_for_export()
     1055        return
     1057    def test_export_all(self):
     1058        self.setup_student(self.student)
     1059        # add accommodation payments
     1060        payment = StudentOnlinePayment()
     1061        payment.creation_date = datetime.datetime(curr_year-6, 4, 1, 13, 12, 1)
     1062        payment.p_id = 'id1'
     1063        payment.p_category = u'bed_allocation'
     1064        payment.p_state = 'paid'
     1065        payment.ac = u'abc'
     1066        payment.p_item = u'xyz'
     1067        payment.p_level = 100
     1068        payment.p_session = curr_year - 6
     1069        payment.payment_date = datetime.datetime(curr_year-6, 4, 1, 14, 12, 1)
     1070        payment.amount_auth = 12.12
     1071        payment.r_amount_approved = 12.12
     1072        payment.r_code = u'cde'
     1073        payment2 = StudentOnlinePayment()
     1074        payment2.creation_date = datetime.datetime(curr_year-6, 4, 1, 13, 12, 1)
     1075        payment2.p_id = 'id2'
     1076        payment2.p_category = u'hostel_maintenance'
     1077        payment2.p_state = 'paid'
     1078        payment2.ac = u'abc'
     1079        payment2.p_item = u'xyz'
     1080        payment2.p_level = 100
     1081        payment2.p_session = curr_year - 6
     1082        payment2.payment_date = datetime.datetime(curr_year-6, 4, 1, 14, 12, 1)
     1083        payment2.amount_auth = 12.12
     1084        payment2.r_amount_approved = 12.12
     1085        payment2.r_code = u'cde'
     1086        # XXX: there is no addPayment method to give predictable names
     1087        self.payment = self.student['payments']['id1'] = payment
     1088        self.payment = self.student['payments']['id2'] = payment2
     1089        exporter = AccommodationPaymentsExporter()
     1090        exporter.export_all(self.app, self.outfile)
     1091        result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read()
     1092        # only accommodation payments are exported
     1093        self.assertEqual(
     1094            result,
     1095            'ac,amount_auth,creation_date,p_category,p_current,p_id,p_item,'
     1096            'p_level,p_session,p_state,payment_date,r_amount_approved,r_code,'
     1097            'r_desc,student_id,matric_number,reg_number,firstname,middlename,lastname,'
     1098            'state,current_session,entry_session,entry_mode,faccode,depcode,certcode\r\n'
     1099            'abc,12.12,%s-04-01 13:12:01#,bed_allocation,1,id1,xyz,100,%s,'
     1100            'paid,%s-04-01 14:12:01#,12.12,cde,,A111111,234,123,'
     1101            'Anna,M.,Tester,created,2012,2010,ug_ft,NA,NA,CERT1\r\n'
     1102            'abc,12.12,%s-04-01 13:12:01#,hostel_maintenance,1,id2,xyz,100,%s,'
     1103            'paid,%s-04-01 14:12:01#,12.12,cde,,A111111,234,123,'
     1104            'Anna,M.,Tester,created,2012,2010,ug_ft,NA,NA,CERT1\r\n'
     1105            % (curr_year-6, curr_year-6, curr_year-6,
     1106               curr_year-6, curr_year-6, curr_year-6)
    10451107            )
    10461108        return
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/utils.py

    r15246 r15277  
    11141114            'studentpayments', 'studentunpaidpayments',
    11151115            'bedtickets', 'sfpaymentsoverview', 'sessionpaymentsoverview',
    1116             'studylevelsoverview', 'combocard', 'bursary')
     1116            'studylevelsoverview', 'combocard', 'bursary',
     1117            'accommodationpayments')
    11181119    #: A tuple containing all exporter names needed for backing
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.