19 Sep 2018, 16:44:51 (6 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Describe transcript processing workflow.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-transcript-workflow/docs/source/userdocs/students/workflow.rst

    r15128 r15152  
    4747                           |              | n                |
    4848                           | j            |                  |
    49                            |          graduated              |
    50                            |              |                  |
    51                            |              | o                |
    52                            |              |                  |
    53                            |          transcript requested   |
    54      a: admit              |              |                  |
    55     -a: reset1             |              | p                |
    56      b: start_clearance    |              |                  |
    57     -b: reset2             |          transcript validated   |
    58      c: request_clearance  |              |                  |
    59     -c: reset3             |              | q                |
    60         (= reject request) |              |                  |
    61      d: clear              |          transcript released    |
     49                           |      +-- graduated              |
     50                           |      |       |                  |
     51                           |      |       | o                |
     52                           |      |       |                  |
     53                           |      |   transcript requested   |
     54     a: admit              |      |       |                  |
     55    -a: reset1             |    r |       | p                |
     56     b: start_clearance    |      |       |                  |
     57    -b: reset2             |      |   transcript validated   |
     58     c: request_clearance  |      |       |                  |
     59    -c: reset3             |      |       | q                |
     60        (= reject request) |      |       |                  |
     61     d: clear              |      +-- transcript released    |
    6262    -d: N/A                +---------------------------------+
    6363     e: N/A
    8787     q: release_transcript
    8888    -q: N/A
     89     r: N/A
     90    -r: reset11
    9092Student registration starts with the first login of the student into
     139After graduation, former students (alumni) can apply for an official
     140transcript. The transcript processing workflow (**opqr**) is a
     141subset of the registration workflow which starts in state
     142``graduated``. Many people are involved in transcript processing.
     143Therefore, Kofa provides two additional roles, the Transcript
     144Officer and Transcript Signee roles. Both are available globally and
     145locally (at faculty level). First of all, the graduated student has
     146to request a transcript **(o)** by filling a request form. The
     147Transcript Officer will see the new request and can either reject
     148the request **(-o)** or validate the request **(p)**. Before
     149validation course results can be edited or added. After validation
     150the entire studycourse including its content is locked. Nobody will
     151be able to modify the course lists, neither through the UI nor by
     152import. Transcripts can now be electronically signed by Transcript
     153Signees. Once all signees have done their job, the Transcript
     154Officer can release the transcript **(q)**. A pdf file is created
     155and stored in the file system. The transcript pdf slip contains all
     156signatures. The dynamic transcript generation is disabled. Nothing
     157can be changed now, unless the entire transcript process is reset
     158**(-r)** by a Students Manager. Then comments and signatures will be
     159removed and the pdf file deleted. The student can start afresh.
    138162.. _registration_workflow_batch_processing:
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