Changeset 1427 for WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins
- Timestamp:
- 16 Feb 2007, 12:39:56 (18 years ago)
- Location:
- WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins
- Files:
- 2 added
- 2 deleted
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1338 r1427 13 13 """ 14 14 import logging 15 logger = logging.getLogger('EPayment. ')15 logger = logging.getLogger('EPayment.Info') 16 16 import DateTime 17 17 request = context.REQUEST … … 23 23 #student = getattr(students,student_id) 24 24 s_brain = context.students_catalog(id = student_id)[0] 25 25 26 payments = [] 26 27 #from Products.zdb import set_trace;set_trace() 27 for o_id in context.objectIds(): 28 d = {} 29 d['id'] = o_id 30 res = context.portal_catalog(id=o_id) 31 if res: 32 title = res[0].Title 33 d['title'] = title or o_id 34 else: 35 d['title'] = "no Title" 36 payments.append(d) 28 37 29 info = {} 38 30 is_so = info['is_so'] = context.isSectionOfficer() 31 32 res = context.portal_catalog(portal_type='Student',id = student_id) 33 if res: 34 info['review_state'] = res[0].review_state 35 39 36 info['student_name'] = 37 payments_path = "%s/campus/students/%s/payments" % (context.portal_url.getPortalPath(),student_id) 38 sos = context.portal_catalog(container_path=payments_path) 39 info['is_so'] = is_so 40 41 for so in sos: 42 43 row = {} 44 row['id'] = so.getId 45 row['title'] = so.Title 46 url = row['url'] = "%s/%s" % (payments_path,so.getId) 47 so_object = context.restrictedTraverse(url,default=None).getContent() 48 row['type'] = so.portal_type 49 review_state = row['review_state'] = so.review_state 50 if so_object.type_description.startswith('School Fee'): 51 row['is_approvable'] = is_so and (review_state == "opened") and info['review_state'] == 'cleared_and_validated' 52 else: 53 row['is_approvable'] = is_so and (review_state == "opened") 54 if (review_state == "closed") and so_object.resp_code in ('SC','00','AP',): 55 row['confirmed'] = 'active' 56 else: 57 row['confirmed'] = '' 58 payments.append(row) 59 60 40 61 info['payments'] = payments 41 62 return info -
r1392 r1427 8 8 <span tal:condition="info"> 9 9 10 <metal:block tal:condition="python:info_doc['doc'].resp_code =='00'">10 <metal:block tal:condition="python:info_doc['doc'].resp_code in ('00','AP',)"> 11 11 <h3>Online Payment Receipt</h3> 12 12 <br /> … … 106 106 </metal:block> 107 107 108 <metal:block tal:condition="python:info_doc['doc'].resp_code not in ('SC','00',' ')">108 <metal:block tal:condition="python:info_doc['doc'].resp_code not in ('SC','00','AP','')"> 109 109 <h3>Response from Bank: "<span tal:content="python:info_doc['doc'].resp_desc" />"</h3> 110 110 <br /> -
r1368 r1427 24 24 review_state context/getStudentReviewState"> 25 25 26 <table class=" contentListing" width="100%">26 <table class="registration" width="100%"> 27 27 <tr tal:repeat="row rows" 28 28 tal:attributes="class python:test(repeat['row'].even(), 'even ajaxtd', 'odd ajaxtd')"> 29 <td> 29 30 <td tal:attributes="class string:${row/confirmed}"> 30 31 <a target="slip" href="" tal:attributes="href string:${context/absolute_url}/${row/id}/payment_receipt" 31 32 onclick="'','slip','width=600, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')"> 32 33 <strong tal:content="row/title" /></a> 33 34 </td> 35 <td tal:attributes="class string:${row/confirmed}"> 36 <a tal:condition="python:row['is_approvable']" 37 tal:attributes="href string:${context/absolute_url}/${row/id}/approve_epayment; 38 onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %(cpsmcat('Are you sure? You will not be able to undo the approval.'), ); 39 "> 40 [approve payment] 41 </a> 42 </td> 43 34 44 </tr> 35 45 </table> -
r1425 r1427 8 8 current = DateTime.DateTime() 9 9 pr = context.portal_registration 10 logger = logging.getLogger(' Returning')10 logger = logging.getLogger('EPayment.Simulate') 11 11 validate = REQUEST.has_key("cpsdocument_edit_button") 12 12 -
r1304 r1427 33 33 'courses_validated', 34 34 ) 35 35 info['tr'] = review_state in ('returning',) 36 36 return info
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