Changeset 14058 for main

8 Aug 2016, 08:24:34 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add note on application slip.

3 edited


  • main/waeup.kwarapoly/trunk/src/waeup/kwarapoly/applicants/

    r13187 r14058  
    103103    @property
     104    def note(self):
     105        note = getattr(self.context.__parent__, 'application_slip_notice', None)
     106        if note:
     107            return '<br /><br />' + note
     108        pronoun = 'S/he'
     109        if == 'm':
     110            pronoun = 'He'
     111        else:
     112            pronoun = 'She'
     113        return '''<br /><br />
     114The applicant has declared that:
     116a) %s is not a member of any secret cult and will not join any.
     117b) %s will not engage in any cult activities.
     118c) %s will not be involved in any acts of terrorism, rape, robbery, fighting, illegal gathering and
     119any activities that could disrupt peace on campus.
     120d) %s does not have and will not acquire any form of weapon, fire arms, gun knife or any weapon
     121that can cause damage to life and property.
     122e) %s will strive to be worthy in character and learning at all times.
     124The applicant has acknowledged that offences will automatically lead to the expulsion from the
     125Polytechnic and also be dealt with in accordance with the law of the land.
     127The applicant promises to abide by all the Rules and Regulations of the Polytechnic if offered
     129''' % (
     130    pronoun, pronoun, pronoun, pronoun, pronoun)
     132    @property
    104133    def form_fields(self):
    105134        form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ICustomUGApplicant)
  • main/waeup.kwarapoly/trunk/src/waeup/kwarapoly/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/waeup.kofa.po

    r13543 r14058  
    101101"The portal is in maintenance mode. The contact form is temporarily disabled."
     104msgid ""
     105"I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true "
     106"picture of me."
     107msgstr ""
     108"I declare that: a) I am not a member of any secret cult and will not join "
     109"any. b) I will not engage in any cult activities. c) I will not be involved "
     110"in any acts of terrorism, rape, robbery, fighting, illegal gatheringand any "
     111"activities that could disrupt peace on campus. d) I do not have and will not "
     112"acquire any form of weapon, fire arms, gun knife or anyweapon that can cause "
     113"damage to life and property. e) I will strive to be worthy in character and "
     114"learning at all times. If I should engage in any of these practices, I WILL "
     115"be automatically expelled from the Polytechnic and also be dealt with in "
     116"accordance with the law of the land. f) I promise to abide by all the Rules "
     117"and Regulations of the Polytechnic if offered admission."
     119msgid "Passport picture confirmation box not ticked."
     120msgstr "Declaration confirmation box not ticked."
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