7 Nov 2015, 05:24:45 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Change fee titles.

2 edited


  • main/waeup.aaue/trunk/src/waeup/aaue/interswitch/tests.py

    r13400 r13402  
    139139            in self.browser.contents)
    140140        self.assertTrue(
    141             'item_name="School Fee plus Student Union Dues and Welfare Ass." '
     141            'item_name="School Fee plus Students\' Union and Welfare Assurance Fees" '
    142142            'item_amt="4600000" bank_id="7" '
    143143            'acct_num="1014847058"' in self.browser.contents)
    213213            in self.browser.contents)
    214214        self.assertTrue(
    215             'item_name="Acceptance Fee plus Matric Gown Fee and Lapel Fee" '
     215            'item_name="Acceptance Fee plus Matric Gown and Lapel/File Fees" '
    216216            'item_amt="4000000" bank_id="117" '
    217217            'acct_num="1014066976"' in self.browser.contents)
    274274            in self.browser.contents)
    275275        self.assertTrue(
    276             'item_name="AAU Student Welfare Assurance Fee" item_amt="131700" '
     276            'item_name="Student Welfare Assurance Fee" item_amt="131700" '
    277277            'bank_id="123" acct_num="1006407792"'
    278278            in self.browser.contents)
  • main/waeup.aaue/trunk/src/waeup/aaue/utils/utils.py

    r13400 r13402  
    3131        'schoolfee_1': 'School Fee 1st instalment',
    3232        'schoolfee_2': 'School Fee 2nd instalment',
    33         'schoolfee_incl': 'School Fee plus Student Union Dues and Welfare Ass.',
     33        'schoolfee_incl': 'School Fee plus Students\' Union and Welfare Assurance Fees',
    3434        'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee',
    35         'clearance_incl': 'Acceptance Fee plus Matric Gown Fee and Lapel Fee',
     35        'clearance_incl': 'Acceptance Fee plus Matric Gown and Lapel/File Fees',
    3636        'hostel_maintenance': 'Hostel Maintenance Fee',
    3737        'application': 'Application Fee',
    4141        'transcript': 'Transcript Fee',
    4242        'late_registration': 'Late Course Registration Fee',
    43         'welfare': 'AAU Student Welfare Assurance Fee',
    44         'union': 'Students\' Union Due',
    45         'lapel': 'AAU Lapel/File Fee',
     43        'welfare': 'Student Welfare Assurance Fee',
     44        'union': 'Students\' Union Dues',
     45        'lapel': 'Lapel/File Fee',
    4646        'matric_gown': 'Matriculation Gown Fee',
    4747        'concessional': 'Concessional Fee',
    5353        #'schoolfee_1': 'School Fee 1st instalment',
    5454        #'schoolfee_2': 'School Fee 2nd instalment',
    55         'schoolfee_incl': 'School Fee plus Students Union Due and Welfare Ass.',
     55        'schoolfee_incl': 'School Fee plus Students\' Union and Welfare Assurance Fees',
    5656        'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee',
    57         'clearance_incl': 'Acceptance Fee plus Matric Gown Fee and Lapel Fee',
     57        'clearance_incl': 'Acceptance Fee plus Matric Gown and Lapel/File Fees',
    5858        'hostel_maintenance': 'Hostel Maintenance Fee',
    5959        'application': 'Application Fee',
    6363        'transcript': 'Transcript Fee',
    6464        'late_registration': 'Late Course Registration Fee',
    65         'welfare': 'AAU Student Welfare Assurance Fee',
    66         'union': 'Students\' Union Due',
    67         'lapel': 'AAU Lapel/File Fee',
     65        'welfare': 'Student Welfare Assurance Fee',
     66        'union': 'Students\' Union Dues',
     67        'lapel': 'Lapel/File Fee',
    6868        'matric_gown': 'Matriculation Gown Fee',
    6969        'concessional': 'Concessional Fee',
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