Changeset 13229

26 Aug 2015, 06:42:31 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Update documentation.

2 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/browser.rst

    r13108 r13229  
    1111In create mode, `firstname`, `middlename`, `lastname`, `email` and
    12 `phone` are requested. A new record is being created.
     12`phone` are requested. An unused record is taken, or a new
     13record is being created if no unused record is found (see
     14:ref:`description of application modes <application_mode>`).
    1416In update mode, only `reg_number`, `lastname` and `email` have to be
    1921number does not exist or the provided lastname does not match.
    2022Another ``if`` statement checks whether the password has already
    21 been set and used, i.e. the the application has already been
     23been set and used, i.e. the application has already been
    2224started. If so, the anonymous user can't register again and is being
    2325requested to proceed to the login page.
    3638exists. Therefore, we strongly recommend to only send credentials to
    3739email addresses.
     42.. _container_maintenance:
     44Preparation and Maintenance of Applicants Containers
     47As described in the :ref:`interfaces chapter <application_mode>`,
     48applicants containers are aware of their application mode. In update
     49mode, containers must be pre-filled by import with application
     50records from an external board. In create mode, the container can
     51remain empty. Each time an applicant registers, a new record is
     52being created and a corresponding user account set up. This is the
     53method of choice, if the number of expected applicants is not very
     54high (e.g. less than 500). Since each single account creation causes
     55a significant growth of Kofa's database, we strongly recommend to
     56pre-fill applicants containers with empty application records, if
     57the number of expected applicants is higher. Pre-filling is done in
     58a single transaction and does thus save database volume when
     59application is running.
     61During application, many records are being initialized but not used.
     62For various reasons, many applicants do create one or more
     63application records with corresponding user accounts but fail to log
     64in. These records remain in state ``initialized`` and are never
     65turned to state ``started``. After a while, these records can be
     66safely removed. When purging an applicants container, also all
     67unused pre-filled application records are being removed. If
     68necessary, the container must be pre-filled with empty records again.
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/interfaces.rst

    r13170 r13229  
    6464.. _application_mode:
    66 The application mode is either ``create`` or ``update``. In create
    67 mode, no record exists, the applicants container is empty. The records
    68 are being created after submission of the first form. Applicants are
    69 requested to provide all data needed, including their name details.
    70 In update mode, the applicants container must have been prefilled by
    71 import, e.g. with records provided by an external board. Applicants
    72 can't create new records, they can only open and take possession of
    73 existing records. Both methods have pros and cons. This is further
    74 discussed below.
     66The application mode is either ``create`` or ``update``. In **create
     67mode** the container can be either left empty or it can be
     68pre-filled with fresh and 'unused' records. In the first case,
     69records are being created after submission of the first form. In the
     70second case, unused record are fetched and filled with the form
     71data. In both 'create mode' cases, applicants are requested to
     72provide all data needed, including their name details. In **update
     73mode**, the applicants container must have been pre-filled by import,
     74e.g. with records provided by an external board. These records are
     75called 'used' since they already contain data. Applicants can't
     76create new records in update mode, they can only open and take
     77possession of existing records.
    7679The application category is supplied by the
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