Changeset 13178 for main/waeup.kofa

20 Jul 2015, 06:33:59 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Restructure index page and modify README.txt again.

3 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/README.txt

    r13175 r13178  
    4 Kofa, which means 'entrance' or 'portal' in Hausa language, is a
    5 multifunctional, open source, web based student management system to
    6 provide transparent and comprehensive information about application
    7 and study progress. Kofa is the flagship of the West African
    8 eUniversity Project (WAeUP). See to learn more
    9 about WAeUP. The system controls all kinds of application and
    10 student registration processes at large schools and universities in
    11 Nigeria. It is a generic system which can be deployed by, and is
    12 useful to most universities, colleges or schools wordlwide.
     4Kofa means 'entrance' or 'portal' in Hausa language.
    14 Kofa is really an allrounder. The best way to briefly describe its functionality, is to explain what the software can *not* do for you, rather than trying to describe all its features in just a few words. Kofa is primarily not an e-learning system, although, it has some basic content management features which can be used by lecturers to disseminate course material. Kofa is also not a scheduler which generates lesson plans or timetables for lecturers or students. Although students register their courses with Kofa and can see or print course lists for each academic session, so far, courses do not contain information, when or where they take place. However, due to the modular design of Kofa, a scheduler or room planner could be easily added.
     6WAeUP.Kofa is a multifunctional, open source, web based student
     7management system to provide transparent and comprehensive
     8information about application and study progress. The system
     9controls all kinds of application and student registration processes
     10at large schools and universities in Nigeria. It is a generic system
     11which can be deployed by, and is useful to most universities,
     12colleges or schools wordlwide.
    16 Kofa is divided into sections. Each section has its own folder in
    17 Kofa's :ref:`object database <object_database>`. When starting Kofa
    18 in debug mode::
     14WAeUP.Kofa is the flagship of the West African eUniversity Project
     15(WAeUP). See to learn more about WAeUP.
     17WAeUP.Kofa is really an allrounder. The best way to briefly describe
     18its functionality, is to explain what the software can *not* do for
     19you, rather than trying to describe all its features in just a few
     20words. Kofa is primarily not an e-learning system, although, it has
     21some basic content management features which can be used by
     22lecturers to disseminate course material. Kofa is also not a
     23scheduler which generates lesson plans or timetables for lecturers
     24or students. Although students register their courses with Kofa and
     25can see or print course lists for each academic session, so far,
     26courses do not contain information, when or where they take place.
     27However, due to the modular design of Kofa, a scheduler or room
     28planner could be easily added.
     30WAeUP.Kofa is divided into sections. Each section has its own folder
     31in Kofa's :ref:`object database <object_database>`. When starting
     32Kofa in debug mode::
    2034  $ ./bin/kofactl debug
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/_templates/mainpage.template

    r12863 r13178  
    11 <p><strong>Sections</strong></p>
    12 <table class="contentstable" align="center"><tr>
    13   <td width="50%">
    14     <p class="biglink">
    15       <a class="biglink"
    16          href="{{ pathto("intro") }}">Introduction</a><br />
    17       <span class="linkdescr">Get started with waeup.kofa.</span>
    18     </p>
     11<table class="contentstable" align="center">
     12  <tr>
     13    <td width="50%">
     14      <p class="biglink">
     15        <a class="biglink"
     16           href="{{ pathto("intro") }}">Introduction</a><br />
     17        <span class="linkdescr"></span>
     18      </p>
     19    </td>
     20    <td width="50%">
     21      <p class="biglink">
     22        <a class="biglink"
     23           href="{{ pathto("contents") }}">Table of Contents</a><br />
     24        <span class="linkdescr"></span>
     25      </p>
     26    </td>
     27  </tr>
    20     <p class="biglink">
    21       <a class="biglink"
    22          href="{{ pathto("userdocs/index") }}">User Handbook</a><br />
    23     <span class="linkdescr">
    24       Documentation for users and admins using waeup.kofa.
    25     </span></p>
     29  <tr>
     30    <td width="50%">
     31      <p class="biglink">
     32        <a class="biglink"
     33             href="{{ pathto("userdocs/index") }}">User Handbook</a><br />
     34        <span class="linkdescr">
     35          Documentation for officers and admins
     36        </span>
     37      </p>
     38    </td>
     39    <td width="50%">
     40      <p class="biglink">
     41        <a class="biglink"
     42           href="{{ pathto("developerdocs/index") }}">Developer Handbook</a><br />
     43        <span class="linkdescr">
     44          <a href="{{ pathto("developerdocs/api/index") }}">API</a> and other pieces
     45          relevant for developers
     46        </span>
     47      </p>
     48    </td>
     49  </tr>
    27     </td><td width="50%">
    28     <p class="biglink">
    29       <a class="biglink"
    30          href="{{ pathto("changes") }}">What's new?</a><br />
    31       <span class="linkdescr">Changes made in each release.</span>
    32     </p>
    34     <p class="biglink">
    35       <a class="biglink"
    36          href="{{ pathto("developerdocs/index") }}">Developer Handbook</a><br />
    37       <span class="linkdescr">
    38         <a href="{{ pathto("developerdocs/api/index") }}">API</a> and other pieces
    39         relevant for developers.
    40       </span>
    41     </p>
    43   </td></tr>
    44 </table>
    46 <p><strong>Indices and tables</strong></p>
    47 <table class="contentstable" align="center"><tr>
    48   <td width="50%">
    49     <p class="biglink">
    50       <a class="biglink"
    51          href="{{ pathto("contents") }}">Table of Contents</a><br />
    52       <span class="linkdescr">Lists all sections and subsections.</span>
    53     </p>
    54     </td><td width="50%">
    56     <p class="biglink">
    57       <a class="biglink"
    58          href="{{ pathto("genindex") }}">Index</a><br />
    59       <span class="linkdescr">All functions, classes, terms.</span>
    60     </p>
    61   </td></tr>
    62 </table>
    64 <p><strong>Further information</strong></p>
    65 <table class="contentstable" align="center"><tr>
    66   <td width="50%">
    68     <p class="biglink">
    69       <a class="biglink"
    70          href="{{ pathto("bugs") }}">Reporting Bugs</a><br />
    71     </p>
    73     <p class="biglink">
    74       <a class="biglink"
    75          href="{{ pathto("documentation") }}">About the Documentation</a><br />
    76     </p>
    78     </td><td width="50%">
    80     <p class="biglink">
    81       <a class="biglink"
    82          href="{{ pathto("license") }}">License</a><br />
    83     </p>
    85     <p class="biglink">
    86       <a class="biglink"
    87          href="{{ pathto("copyright") }}">Copyright</a><br />
    88     </p>
    90     </td></tr>
     51  <tr>
     52    <td width="50%">
     53      <p class="biglink">
     54        <a class="biglink"
     55           href="{{ pathto("changes") }}">What's new?</a><br />
     56        <span class="linkdescr">Changes made in each release</span>
     57      </p>
     58    </td>
     59    <td width="50%">
     60      <p class="biglink">
     61        <a class="biglink"
     62           href="{{ pathto("genindex") }}">Index</a><br />
     63        <span class="linkdescr">All Python functions and classes</span>
     64      </p>
     65    </td>
     66  </tr>
     67  <tr>
     68    <td width="50%">
     69      <p class="biglink">
     70        <a class="biglink"
     71           href="{{ pathto("bugs") }}">Reporting Bugs</a><br />
     72        <span class="linkdescr"></span>
     73      </p>
     74    </td>
     75    <td width="50%">
     76      <p class="biglink">
     77        <a class="biglink"
     78           href="{{ pathto("license") }}">License</a><br />
     79        <span class="linkdescr"></span>
     80      </p>
     81    </td>
     82  </tr>
     83  <tr>
     84    <td width="50%">
     85      <p class="biglink">
     86        <a class="biglink"
     87           href="{{ pathto("documentation") }}">About the Documentation</a><br />
     88        <span class="linkdescr"></span>
     89      </p>
     90    </td>
     91    <td width="50%">
     92      <p class="biglink">
     93        <a class="biglink"
     94           href="{{ pathto("copyright") }}">Copyright</a><br />
     95        <span class="linkdescr"></span>
     96      </p>
     97    </td>
     98  </tr>
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/documents.rst

    r13167 r13178  
    2222The first can be used to provide pdf files for download. The second
    23 and third can be used to create multilingual static html pages on
     23and third can be used to create multi-lingual static html pages on
    2424the portal. HTML documents expect html coded text as input, REST
    2525documents expect `reStructuredText <>`_
    1041041. Click *Documents > Manage > Add document*.
    1051052. Select *HTML Document*, fill fields and press *Add document*.
    106 3. Enter multilingual content in HTML format and press *Save*.
     1063. Enter multi-lingual content in HTML format and press *Save*.
    1071074. Click *View > Transition*.
    1081085. Select *Publish document* and press *Save*.
    1121126. Mark and copy the HTML Element provided on the page:
    113113   ``<a href= ... /a>``.
    114 7. Open another HTML document or a page with multilingual content
     1147. Open another HTML document or a page with multi-lingual content
    115115   and paste the element where needed.
    1321327. Mark and copy the HTML element found:
    133133   ``<a target="image" href= ... /a>``.
    134 8. Open another HTML document or a page with multilingual content
     1348. Open another HTML document or a page with multi-lingual content
    135135   and paste the element where needed.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.