Changeset 13170 for main

15 Jul 2015, 11:26:22 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

7 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/interfaces.rst

    r13168 r13170  
    3737The applicants root contains the various `ApplicantsContainer`
    38 objects.
     38objects and is also a configuration object.
    4040.. literalinclude:: ../../../../src/waeup/kofa/applicants/
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/hostels.rst

    r13168 r13170  
    26 The unique hostels container serves also as a configuration object. It defines for which academic session booking is enabled. The student's `current_session` must match `accommodation_session`. It also defines the booking period and the registration workflow states for which booking is allowed, see :ref:`bed_tickets`. The only property attribute is `expired` which returns True if the current datetime is within the booking period.
     26The unique hostels container serves also as a configuration object. It defines for which academic session booking is enabled. The student's `current_session` must match the `accommodation_session`. It also defines the booking period and the registration workflow states for which booking is allowed, see :ref:`bed_tickets`. The only property attribute is `expired` which returns True if the current datetime is within the booking period.
    2828.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/hostels/
    5757   :pyobject: IBed
    59 The `bed_id` contains the 'coordinates' of the bed. It tells us precisely in which hostel, in which block, on which floor and in which room the bed can be found. The bed id is composed as follows: ``[hostel id]_[block letter]_[room number]_[bed letter]``. The room number contains the floor level: :code:`room_nr = floor*100 + room`. Example: ``hall-1_A_101_C`` means, the bed is located in Hostel 1, block A, 1st floor, room 101 (or 1) and labelled with 'C'.
     59The `bed_id` contains the 'coordinates' of the bed. It tells us precisely in which hostel, in which block, on which floor and in which room the bed can be found. The bed id is composed as follows: ``[hostel id]_[block letter]_[room number]_[bed letter]``. The room number contains the floor level: :code:`room_nr = floor*100 + room`. Example: ``hall-1_A_101_C`` means that the bed is located in Hostel 1, block A, 1st floor, room 101 (or 1) and labelled with 'C'.
    61 The `bed_type` attribute is similarly being constructed. It describes which kind of student can be allocated: ``[special handling code]_[sex]_[stage]``. Example: ``regular_female_re`` means, this bed can be booked by regular female returning students. Other stages are: ``fr`` (fresh), ``pr`` (pre-study), ``fi`` (final-year) and ``all`` (all students).
     61The `bed_type` attribute is similarly being constructed. It describes which kind of student can be allocated: ``[special handling code]_[sex]_[stage]``. Example: ``regular_female_re`` means that this bed can be booked by regular female returning students. Other stages are: ``fr`` (fresh), ``pr`` (pre-study), ``fi`` (final-year) and ``all`` (all students).
     63Beds of each hostel are consecutively numbered (`bed_number`).
     65Except for `owner`, all attributes of bed objects are being determined by the system, no matter if they are property or schema field attrributes. They can neither be edited nor imported (there is no batch processor for beds). The `owner` attribute contains the student id, if the bed is occupied. This attribute is either set by Kofa when the student creates a bed ticket (see :ref:`bed_tickets`), or can be set via the `BedManageFormPage`, see below. The `allowed_owners` schema invariant ensures (1) that the selected user exists, (2) that the student's current session corresponds with the accommodation session and (3) that the student doesn't reside in another bed.
     67Browser Pages
     70Update Beds
     73Hostels are empty after creation and configuration. They do not contain any bed. The hostel's :py:meth:`Hostel.updateBeds<waeup.kofa.hostels.hostel.Hostel.updateBeds>` method must be called to fill the hostel with beds according to the hostel's configuration parameters. This is done by the same-named action of the `HostelManageFormPage`. `Hostel.updateBeds` iterates over all block letters, floor levels, room numbers and bed letters set on the `HostelManageFormPage`, adds a bed and determines `bed_id`, `bed type` as well as the consecutive `bed_number` which are stored with the bed. This is quite straight.
     75As the method's name already promises, it does not only add beds to an empty hostel container, but also updates existing beds after re-configuration. It does this by removing all empty beds before the iteration starts. Occupied beds remain in hostel but get the bed number ``9999``. When iterating over the newly configured blocks, floors, rooms and bed letters, Kofa checks first, if the bed belongs to the remaining beds which could not be removed because they are occupied. If so, the bed type is adjusted and the bed number changed. The bed remains occupied by the same student, no matter if the student meets the newly configured conditions or not.
     77It might happen that a room for male students is converted into a room for female students, but a male student still resides in this room. This has to be checked and the student has to be relocated manually, see :ref:`student_relocation`. Moreover, due to the reconfiguration of the hostel, an occupied bed may no longer exist or offered for booking. This is then indicated by the bed number ``9999``. Also these students must be relocated manually.
     80Switch Reservations
     83Release Beds
     86Manage Bed
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students/browser.rst

    r13168 r13170  
    310 Allocation
    311 ----------
     310.. _bed_allocation:
     312Bed Allocation
    313315Students can obtain a bed ticket if a series of conditions is met:
    356 Relocation
    357 ----------
     358.. _student_relocation:
     360Student Relocation
    359363Officers with `ManageHostels` permission do see a 'Relocate student'
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/hostels/

    r13166 r13170  
    141141            for id in child_id:
    142142                deleted.append(id)
    143             self.context.writeLogMessage(self, 'deleted: % s' % ', '.join(deleted))
     143            self.context.writeLogMessage(
     144                self, 'deleted: % s' % ', '.join(deleted))
    144145        delSubobjects(self, redirect='@@manage', tab='2')
    145146        return
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/hostels/

    r13168 r13170  
    118118                        if uid in self:
    119119                            bed = self[uid]
    120                             # Renumber remaining beds
     120                            # Renumber remaining bed
    121121                            bed.bed_number = len(self) + 1 - remaining
    122122                            remaining -= 1
    158158    # The following property attributes are only needed
    159     # for the exporter to ease evaluation with  Excel.
     159    # for the exporter to ease evaluation with Excel.
    161161    @property
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/hostels/

    r13167 r13170  
    215215    """
    217     coordinates = Attribute('The coordinates of the bed from bed_id')
     217    coordinates = Attribute('Coordinates tuple derived from bed_id')
     218    hall = Attribute('Hall id, for exporter only')
     219    block = Attribute('Block letter, for exporter only')
     220    room = Attribute('Room number, for exporter only')
     221    bed = Attribute('Bed letter, for exporter only')
     222    special_handling = Attribute('Special handling code, for exporter only')
     223    sex = Attribute('Sex, for exporter only')
     224    bt = Attribute('Last part of bed type, for exporter only')
    219226    def bookBed(student_id):
    267274            allocated_bed = [bed.bed_id for bed in beds][0]
    268275            raise Invalid(_(
    269                 "This student resides in bed ${a}.", mapping = {'a':allocated_bed}))
     276                "This student resides in bed ${a}.",
     277                mapping = {'a':allocated_bed}))
    271279    def writeLogMessage(view, message):
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/hostels/

    r13165 r13170  
    7777                IBed, Bed)
    7878            )
     79        bed = Bed()
     80        bed.bed_id = u'a_b_c_d'
     81        bed.bed_type = u'a_b_c'
    7982        self.assertTrue(
    8083            verifyObject(
    81                 IBed, Bed())
     84                IBed, bed)
    8285            )
    8386        return
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