7 Jul 2015, 05:21:14 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs and adjustments in Python code.

4 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/workflow.rst

    r13099 r13144  
    65 All transitions are automatically logged in applicants.log and the
     65All transitions are automatically logged in ``applicants.log`` and the
    6666applicant's history. And also the import of workflow states is
    6767recorded in the logfile and the history, see :ref:`student_history`
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/datacenter/export.rst

    r13104 r13144  
    125125  .. autoattribute:: waeup.kofa.hostels.export.BedExporter.title
     127Document Exporter
     130.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.documents.export.DocumentExporterBase()
     132  .. automethod:: waeup.kofa.documents.export.DocumentExporterBase.mangle_value()
    127134Application Data Exporters
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/datacenter/import_processors.rst

    r13003 r13144  
    8888  :noindex:
     90Document Processor
     93.. autoclass:: waeup.kofa.documents.batching.DocumentProcessorBase()
     94  :noindex:
    9096Application Data Processors
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/documents.rst

    r13136 r13144  
    6 The documents section of Kofa is a tiny built-in content management system (CMS), which has been developed mainly for publishing announcements, adverts, instructions or general information provided by the university to inform prospective students about application and registration procedures.
     6The documents section of Kofa is a tiny built-in content management
     7system (CMS), which has been developed mainly for publishing
     8announcements, adverts, instructions or general information provided
     9by the university to inform prospective students about application
     10and registration procedures.
    8 Technically speaking, the documents section is a container of type `DocumentsContainer` with id ``documents``, which is located in the `IUniversity` instance and which contains documents. There are three types of public documents::
     12Technically speaking, the documents section is a container of type
     13`DocumentsContainer` with id ``documents``, which is located in the
     14`IUniversity` instance and which contains documents. There are three
     15types of public documents::
    1017  Public Documents (DocumentsContainer)
    1623  +---> RESTDocument
    18 The first can be used to provide pdf files for download. The second and third can be used to create multilingual static html pages on the portal. HTML documents expect html coded text as input, REST documents expect reStructuredText which is transformed into html. Public documents have a publication workflow with two states: created and published. Only published documents can be seen by anonymous users.
     25The first can be used to provide pdf files for download. The second
     26and third can be used to create multilingual static html pages on
     27the portal. HTML documents expect html coded text as input, REST
     28documents expect reStructuredText which is transformed into html.
    23 The base for all three document interfaces is `IPublicDocument` which inherits from `IDocument`. All attributes are read-only properties, i.e. attributes with a getter method only. These properties are computed dynamically and can't be set. Only the document id and the title can be entered on form pages or imported.
     33The base for all three document interfaces is `IPublicDocument`
     34which inherits from `IDocument`. All attributes are read-only
     35properties, i.e. attributes with a getter method only. These
     36properties are computed dynamically and can't be set. Only the
     37document id and the title can be entered on form pages or can be
    2540.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/documents/interfaces.py
    2944   :pyobject: IPublicDocument
    31 A PDF Document further specifies which pdf files are connected to the object. Usually, only one filename is in the `filenames` tuple.
     46A PDF Document further specifies which pdf files are connected to
     47the object. Usually, only one filename is in the `filenames` tuple.
    3349.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/documents/interfaces.py
    3450   :pyobject: IPDFDocument
    36 HTML and REST documents have schema field for multi-lingual content in HTML or in REST format respectively, see :ref:`note <multilingual>`. The hidden `html_dict` attributes contain the same information, but the sequence of language translations has been split up and copied into a dictionary for faster processing.
     52HTML and REST documents have a schema field for multi-lingual
     53content in HTML or in REST format respectively, see :ref:`note
     54<multilingual>`. The hidden `html_dict` attributes contain the same
     55information after saving the form, but the sequence of language
     56translations has been split up and copied into a dictionary for
     57faster processing.
    3859.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/documents/interfaces.py
    45 Workflow & History
    46 ==================
    48 Browser Pages
    49 =============
     69Public documents have a publication workflow with two states:
     70created and published. Only the content or attached files of
     71published documents can be seen by anonymous users::
    51 Data Export
     73                 a
     74    created ----------- published
     76    a: publish
     77   -a: retract
     79History & Logging
     82All transitions are automatically logged in ``main.log`` and the
     83document's history. This is a sample history of public document::
     85  2015-07-05 07:31:32 UTC - Document created by Admin
     86  2015-07-05 07:31:53 UTC - Document published by Admin
     87  2015-07-05 07:31:57 UTC - Document retracted by Admin
     89The corresponding logfile excerpt is as follows::
     91  2015-07-05 09:31:32,848 - INFO - admin - demodoc - Document created
     92  2015-07-05 09:31:32,850 - INFO - admin - documents.browser.DocumentAddFormPage - added: HTML Document demodoc
     93  2015-07-05 09:31:39,025 - INFO - admin - documents.browser.HTMLDocumentManageFormPage - demodoc - saved: html_multilingual
     94  2015-07-05 09:31:43,279 - INFO - admin - documents.browser.HTMLDocumentManageFormPage - added: benny|waeup.local.DocumentManager
     95  2015-07-05 09:31:53,152 - INFO - admin - demodoc - Document published
     96  2015-07-05 09:31:57,216 - INFO - admin - demodoc - Document retracted
     97  2015-07-05 09:32:46,679 - INFO - admin - documents.browser.DocumentsContainerManageFormPage - removed: demodoc
     100Quick Guide
    54 Data Import
    55 ===========
     103How to add and reference an HTML document
    57 Logging
    58 =======
     1061. Click *Documents > Manage > Add document*.
     1072. Select *HTML Document*, fill fields and press *Add document*.
     1083. Enter multilingual content in HTML format and press *Save*.
     1094. Click *View > Transition*.
     1105. Select *Publish document* and press *Save*.
     112The document is now published and available to anonymous users.
     1146. Mark and copy the HTML Element provided on the page:
     115   ``<a href= ... /a>``.
     1167. Open another HTML document or a page with multilingual content
     117   and paste the element where needed.
     120How to add and reference a PDF document
     1231. Click *Documents > Manage > Add document*.
     1242. Select *PDF Document*, fill fields and press *Add document*.
     1253. Select *Files* and upload a pdf file from your computer.
     1264. Click *View > Transition*.
     1275. Select *Publish document* and press *Save*.
     129The document and the connected pdf file are now published and
     130available to anonymous users.
     1326. Open the HTML source with your browser, search for the ``a``
     133   element
     1347. Mark and copy the HTML element found:
     135   ``<a target="image" href= ... /a>``.
     1368. Open another HTML document or a page with multilingual content
     137   and paste the element where needed.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.