Changeset 13118 for main

30 Jun 2015, 07:14:17 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

5 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/create_students.rst

    r13108 r13118  
    7474      :noindex:
    76 5. Can the application slip can be created? Defective images may
     765. Can the application slip be created? Defective images may
    7777   cause the adapter method to raise an exception (``IOError``).
    7979If all these checks are passed, a new student record is created, a
    8080password is set, the transitions ``create`` and ``admit`` are fired
    81 and all student study course attributes are set. These are the
    82 changes which affect the database.
     81and all student study course attributes are set. All this is done
     82in one database transaction.
    8484Furthermore, `createStudent` also produces an application slip pdf
    8989section is being purged.
    91 As mentioned above, folder creation and file copying are not being
    92 rolled back if the database transactions fails, e.g. due to write
    93 conflict errors. Therefore, batch student creation should only be
    94 performed if the portal is offline.
     91As mentioned above, folder creation and file copying are not part of
     92the transaction and are not being rolled back if the database
     93transactions fails, for example due to write conflict errors.
     94Therefore, batch student creation should only be performed if the
     95portal is offline.
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/browsing.rst

    r13108 r13118  
    4646Officers see a double-column theme after logging in. The left column
    47 contains a box which contains links to the user's preferences (My
    48 Preferences) and roles (My Roles). It also contains links to the
    49 various sections of Kofa depending on the permissions the officer
    50 has has obtained. Possible sections are: 'Portal Configuration',
    51 'Officers', 'Data Center', 'Reports' and 'Access Codes'. A second
    52 box shows up in the left column when the officer accesses an
    53 applicant or student record. This box gives direct access to the
     47contains a box (side box) which contains links to the user's
     48preferences (My Preferences) and roles (My Roles). It also contains
     49links to the various sections of Kofa depending on the permissions
     50the officer has has obtained. Possible sections are: 'Portal
     51Configuration', 'Officers', 'Data Center', 'Reports' and 'Access
     52Codes'. The side box expands when the officer accesses an
     53applicant or student record. The box gives direct access to the
    5454pages of an applicant or student record respectively.
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/configuration.rst

    r13047 r13118  
     1Configuration and Customization
    14.. _configuration:
    3 Portal Configuration and Customization :sup:`in progress`
    4 *********************************************************
     6Portal Configuration
     9There are many places in Kofa where portal parameters can be set or
     10page descriptions can be added. These parameters are attributes of
     11either dedicated configuration objects or of containers in the
     12academics and applicants section. The latter have been described
     13elsewehere. Here we explain the interfaces of the configuration
     16Technically speaking, the portal configuration section is a
     17container of type `ConfigurationContainer` with id ``configuration``
     18which contains session configuration subcontainers::
     21  Portal Configuration (ConfigurationContainer)
     22  |
     23  +--->SessionConfiguration
     25Much like ``academics``, ``students``, ``applicants``, ``hostels``
     26and ``documents``, also ``configuration`` is a unique container
     27which is located in the `IUniversity` instance.
     29Site Settings
     32The site setting parameters are the attributes of the configuration
     33container to be set via the `ConfigurationContainerManageFormPage`.
     34The page opens, if an officer with
     36permission clicks the 'Portal Configuration' link in the side box.
     38.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/
     39   :pyobject: IConfigurationContainer
     41The page alows furthermore to add or access the containing session
     42configuration objects.
     44Session Settings
     49.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/
     50   :pyobject: ISessionConfiguration
     55.. _customization:
     57Portal Customization
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/

    r11477 r13118  
    5656    def getSessionString(self):
     57        """Return the session string from the vocabulary.
     58        """
    5759        return academic_sessions_vocab.getTerm(self.academic_session).title
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/

    r13034 r13118  
    714714        )
     716    def addSessionConfiguration(sessionconfiguration):
     717        """Add a session configuration object.
     718        """
    716720class ISessionConfiguration(IKofaObject):
    717721    """A session configuration object.
    784788    def getSessionString():
    785         """Returns the session string from the vocabulary.
     789        """Return the session string from the vocabulary.
    786790        """
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