Changeset 13108 for main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source
- Timestamp:
- 26 Jun 2015, 14:42:37 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs
- Files:
- 1 added
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants.rst ¶
r13078 r13108 84 84 85 85 86 Student Record Creation 87 ======================= 86 88 89 .. toctree:: 90 :maxdepth: 3 91 92 applicants/create_students 93 -
TabularUnified main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/browser.rst ¶
r13104 r13108 96 96 manually. 97 97 98 99 .. _creating_students:100 101 Creating Student Records102 ========================103 104 As brought up in the :ref:`application_workflow` chapter, the final105 step of the application process is the creation of the student106 record on the basis of the application data. Only applicants in107 state ``admitted`` can be turned into students. This is possible at108 various application section levels:109 110 1. Officers can create student records from single applicant111 records. A link button appears on the display page of each admitted112 applicants which directly triggers the creation process:113 114 |create_student_button|115 116 2. The `ApplicantsContainerManageFormPage` provides a form button117 which allows to create student records from above selected118 applicants:119 120 |create_selected_students_button|121 122 Only admitted applicants will be processed. Other selected123 applicants will be skipped without further notice124 125 3. Last but not least, the portal manager with user id ``admin``126 does see a link buttons:127 128 |create_students_button|129 130 on the `ApplicantsContainerPage` and on the `ApplicantsRootPage`131 which creates student records from applicants inside a single132 applicants container or even portal-wide respectively.133 134 The reader may wonder: Why only user ``admin``?135 136 Batch creation of thousands or even tenthousands of student records137 is very computation intensive and takes quite a long time, even with138 powerful computers. Experience has shown that the portal must be139 disconnected from the Internet in order to avoid database write140 conflict errors, which cannot be resolved if also students access141 the portal. Usually conflict errrors are not serious. Unresolved142 conflicts just lead to an error message and the database remains143 unchanged. Unfortunataly, student creation does not only alter the144 object database. As we will see below, also folders and files in the145 filesystem are added. These filesystem changes are not being146 reverted after unresolved conflicts, a fact which can cause serious147 problems.148 149 So the answer to the question is trivial: We expect that the admin150 user knows what s/he is doing and is careful enough to start the151 creation process in maintenance mode, which means when the portal is152 disconnected from a public network.153 154 155 156 .. |create_student_button| image:: create_student_button.png157 :scale: 50 %158 159 .. |create_students_button| image:: create_students_button.png160 :scale: 50 %161 162 .. |create_selected_students_button| image:: create_selected_students_button.png163 :scale: 50 %164 165 `Applicant.createStudent`166 -------------------------167 168 The `createStudent` method is called for each admitted applicant.169 The method performs a series of checks before it creates a new170 student record:171 172 1. Is the applicant really in the correct state?173 174 2. Has the registration number not been assigned to another student?175 176 3. Is a certificate (`course_admitted`) provided?177 178 4. Can all required student attributes be copied and set? The179 following attributes are copied:180 181 .. autoattribute:: waeup.kofa.applicants.applicant.Applicant.applicant_student_mapping182 :noindex:183 184 5. Can the application slip can be created? Defective images may185 cause the adapter method to raise an exception (``IOError``).186 187 If all these checks are passed, a new student record is created, a188 password is set, the transitions ``create`` and ``admit`` are fired189 and all student study course attributes are set. These are the190 changes which affect the database.191 192 Furthermore, `createStudent` also produces an application slip pdf193 file, creates a new folder for the student in the filesystem and194 copies the pdf file together with the passport jpeg image file into195 the newly created folder. The copied application slip ensures, that196 the original application data do not get lost, when the application197 section is being purged.198 199 As mentioned above, folder creation and file copying are not being200 rolled back if the database transactions fails, e.g. due to write201 conflict errors. Therefore, batch student creation should only be202 performed if the portal is offline. -
TabularUnified main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/browsing.rst ¶
r13104 r13108 34 34 The navigation bar for an anonymous user: 35 35 36 .. image:: navbar_anon.png36 .. image:: images/navbar_anon.png 37 37 38 38 The navigation bar for a student with drop-down menue: 39 39 40 .. image:: navbar_student.png40 .. image:: images/navbar_student.png 41 41 42 42 The navigation bar for an officer with lots of permissions: 43 43 44 .. image:: navbar_officer.png44 .. image:: images/navbar_officer.png 45 45 46 46 Officers see a double-column theme after logging in. The left column … … 54 54 pages of an applicant or student record respectively. 55 55 56 .. image:: multicolumn.png56 .. image:: images/multicolumn.png 57 57 58 58 … … 135 135 page and are sending GET requests to open the page. Example: 136 136 137 .. image:: link_button.png137 .. image:: images/link_button.png 138 138 :scale: 50 % 139 139 … … 144 144 another Kofa page. Example: 145 145 146 .. image:: form_buttons.png146 .. image:: images/form_buttons.png 147 147 :scale: 50 % 148 148 -
TabularUnified main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/users.rst ¶
r12968 r13108 86 86 to manage the database and also access the Kofa user interface. 87 87 88 .. image:: Grok_UI.png88 .. image:: images/Grok_UI.png 89 89 90 90 Although the manager automatically gains all permissions the system
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