Changeset 13101 for main

25 Jun 2015, 17:55:31 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

3 added
4 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/browser.rst

    r13100 r13101  
     104As brought up in the :ref:`application_workflow` chapter, the final
     105step of the application process is the creation of the student
     106record on the basis of the application data. Only applicants in
     107state ``admitted`` can be turned into students. This is possible at
     108various application section levels:
     1101. Officers can create student records from single applicant
     111   records. A link button appears on the display page of each admitted
     112   applicants which directly triggers the creation process:
     114  |create_student_button|
     1162. The `ApplicantsContainerManageFormPage` provides a form button
     117   which allows to create student records from above selected
     118   applicants:
     120  |create_selected_students_button|
     122  Only admitted applicants will be processed. Other selected
     123  applicants will be skipped without further notice
     1253. Last but not least, the portal manager with user id ``admin``
     126   does see a link buttons:
     128  |create_students_button|
     130  on the `ApplicantsContainerPage` and on the `ApplicantsRootPage`
     131  which creates student records from applicants inside a single
     132  applicants container or even portal-wide respectively.
     134  The reader may wonder: Why only user ``admin``?
     136  Batch creation of thousands or even tenthousands of student records
     137  is very computation intensive and takes quite a long time, even on
     138  powerful computers. Experience has shown that the portal must be
     139  disconnected from the Internet in order to avoid database write
     140  conflict errors, which cannot be resolved if also students access
     141  the portal. Usually conflict errrors are not serious. Unresolved
     142  conflicts just lead to an error message and the database remains
     143  unchanged. Unfortunataly, student creation does not only affect the
     144  object database. As we will see below, also folders and files in the
     145  filesystem are added. These filesystem changes are not being
     146  reverted after unresolved conflicts. This may cause serious problems.
     148  So the answer to the question is trivial: We expect that the admin
     149  user knows what s/he is doing and is careful enough to start the
     150  creation process in maintenance mode, which means when the portal is
     151  set offline.
     155.. |create_student_button| image:: create_student_button.png
     156   :scale: 50 %
     158.. |create_students_button| image:: create_students_button.png
     159   :scale: 50 %
     161.. |create_selected_students_button| image:: create_selected_students_button.png
     162   :scale: 50 %
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students/browser.rst

    r13099 r13101  
     74.. _clearance_form_locking:
     76Clearance Form Locking
    7484.. _transferring_students:
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/applicants/

    r13100 r13101  
    581581    """Create all student objects from applicant data
    582582    in the root container or in a specific  applicants container only.
    584583    Only PortalManagers can do this.
    585584    """
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/applicants/

    r13076 r13101  
    166166class ApplicantsContainerCreateStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton):
    167     grok.order(1)
    168     grok.context(IApplicantsContainer)
    169     grok.view(ApplicantsStatisticsPage)
     167    grok.order(5)
     168    grok.context(IApplicantsContainer)
     169    grok.view(ApplicantsContainerPage)
    170170    grok.require('waeup.managePortal')
    171171    icon = 'actionicon_entrance.png'
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