25 Jun 2015, 12:41:57 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

4 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/browser.rst

    r13099 r13100  
    6 The `ApplicantRegistrationPage` allows two register in create or in
     6The `ApplicantRegistrationPage` allows to register in create or in
    77update mode, depending on the
    88:ref:`mode of its context<application_mode>`, i.e. the applicants
    1717yield a result, the flash message: 'No application record found' is
    1818returned. The anonymous user will not know, if the registration
    19 number does not exist, or the provided lastname does not match. A
    20 third ``if`` statement checks whether the password has already been
    21 set and used, i.e. the the application has already been started. If
    22 so, the anonymous user is being requested to proceed to the login
    23 page.
     19number does not exist or the provided lastname does not match.
     20Another ``if`` statement checks whether the password has already
     21been set and used, i.e. the the application has already been
     22started. If so, the anonymous user can't register again and is being
     23requested to proceed to the login page.
    2525In both registration modes a randomly generated password is set and
     40.. _form_locking:
     42Form Locking
     45We already mentioned regular :ref:`page_locking` mechanisms. The
     46`ApplicantEditFormPage` has two additional locks. One is the same
     47named applicant attribute `locked`. Applicants can only enter the
     48edit page if their record is 'unlocked'. Locking and unlocking is
     49automatically done by workflow event handlers. By default, the
     50record is unlocked. Only when the applicant submits the record, it
     51is being locked, which means the attribute is set ``True`` and the
     52data can no longer be edited.
     54The reader may wonder why Kofa is not using the workflow state
     55instead. The additional locking mechanism allows officers to unlock
     56and lock forms without triggering workflow transitions. A transition
     57is always a major, and sometimes inappropriate intervention which is
     58also recorded in the application history.
     60Use case: An applicant has made a mistake and requests a change of
     61submitted data. An officer accepts the change, temporarily unlocks
     62the form to allow editing the data. Unlocking and re-locking is
     63logged in ``applicants.log`` but not shown on pages or the
     64application slip.
     66The second lock is induced by the application deadline. If the
     67application period has expired and the applicants container's
     68`strict_deadline` attribute is set, the applicant is also not
     69allowed to edit or even submit the form.
     71.. note::
     73  A locked-out applicant can still login and access the display pages
     74  of the recod and also download payment and application slips. To
     75  expell an applicant from the portal, the account has to be suspended
     76  by setting the same-named attribute.
    4079.. _applicant_payment_tickets:
     84In contrast to the students section, there is no
     85`PaymentsManageFormPage` to handle payment tickets separately.
     86Payment tickets can be viewed, added and removed directly on the
     87applicant manage and edit form pages. Officers can remove all
     88payment tickets, applicants only those without a response code
     89(`r_code`) and, if the form is unlocked, so that they are allowed to
     90edit their data.
     92As already mentioned in the workflow chapter, making a payment and
     93redeeming a payment is done in one step. When the payment was
     94successful or has been approved, also the applicant is automatically
     95set to state ``paid``. There is no need to redeem the ticket
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/browsing.rst

    r13098 r13100  
    9999permission and a `ManageFormPage` requires the
     106.. _page_locking:
     108Page Locking
     111As mentiond above, the right to use a form depends on the
     112permissions the user gained. But this is not sufficient. Applicants
     113and students always have the permission to handle their data
     114although they are not allowed to edit the data all the time. The
     115access to forms has to be further restricted. This is always done in
     116the `update` method of a page. If an applicant or student doesn't
     117meet the additional conditions defined in this method, s/he is
     118immediately thrown out and redirected to another page. In most cases,
     119the allowance to modify data depends on the workflow state of an
     120applicant or student.
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/applicants/browser.py

    r13099 r13100  
    995995    def display_actions(self):
    996996        state = IWorkflowState(self.context).getState()
    997         actions = [[],[]]
     997        # If the form is unlocked, applicants are allowed to save the form
     998        # and remove unused tickets.
     999        actions = [[_('Save')], [_('Remove selected tickets')]]
     1000        # Only in state started they can also add tickets.
    9981001        if state == STARTED:
    9991002            actions = [[_('Save')],
    10001003                [_('Add online payment ticket'),_('Remove selected tickets')]]
     1004        # In state paid, they can submit the data and further add tickets
     1005        # if the application is special.
    10011006        elif self.context.special and state == PAID:
    10021007            actions = [[_('Save'), _('Finally Submit')],
    10091014    def unremovable(self, ticket):
    1010         state = IWorkflowState(self.context).getState()
    1011         return ticket.r_code or state in (INITIALIZED, SUBMITTED)
     1015        return ticket.r_code
    10131017    def emit_lock_message(self):
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/sample_student_data.csv

    r12811 r13100  
    2 X666666,Aaren,Pieri,1,1990-01-02,100000,aa@aa.ng,1234,M,courses validated
     2X666666,Aaren,Pieri,1,1990-01-02,100000,,1234,M,courses validated
    33Y777777,Claus,Finau,2,1990-01-03,100001,aa@aa.ng,1234,m,courses validated
    44,Susann,Berson,3,1990-01-04,100002,aa@aa.ng,1234,F,courses validated
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