Changeset 13099 for main

24 Jun 2015, 10:46:58 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

5 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/browser.rst

    r13078 r13099  
    1 .. _applicants_browser:
     1.. _applicant_registration:
    3 Browsing the Applicants Section :sup:`in progress`
    4 ==================================================
     6The `ApplicantRegistrationPage` allows two register in create or in
     7update mode, depending on the
     8:ref:`mode of its context<application_mode>`, i.e. the applicants
     11In create mode, `firstname`, `middlename`, `lastname`, `email` and
     12`phone` are requested. A new record is being created.
     14In update mode, only `reg_number`, `lastname` and `email` have to be
     15entered. Kofa searches for an applicant record with matching
     16registration number and lowercased lastname. If the search does not
     17yield a result, the flash message: 'No application record found' is
     18returned. The anonymous user will not know, if the registration
     19number does not exist, or the provided lastname does not match. A
     20third ``if`` statement checks whether the password has already been
     21set and used, i.e. the the application has already been started. If
     22so, the anonymous user is being requested to proceed to the login
     25In both registration modes a randomly generated password is set and
     26the email address is saved. An email with login credentials is sent
     27to this address. Finally, the browser is redirected to a landing
     28page. Depending on the portals configuration, the landing page tells
     29the user that an email has been send to her/his mailbox, or even
     30discloses additionally the login credentials. The disclosure of
     31credentials has two substantial drawbacks: (1) The login credentials
     32can be misused by web crawlers for bulk account creation, which may
     33cause the system to crash. (2) The email address provided by the
     34user is not being verified and there is no guarantee that the
     35address belongs to the user or that a mailbox with such an address
     36exists. Therefore, we strongly recommend to only send credentials to
     37email addresses.
     40.. _applicant_payment_tickets:
     47.. _creating_students:
     49Creating Student Records
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/interfaces.rst

    r13088 r13099  
    6161into 'General Studies 2015/2016'. Consequently, **applicants cannot
    6262be moved from one container to another.**
     64.. _application_mode:
    6466The application mode is either ``create`` or ``update``. In create
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/applicants/workflow.rst

    r13098 r13099  
    5252**(c)**. Submitted records can be either sent back for editing and
    5353resubmission **(-c)**, accepted with admission confirmed **(d)** or
    54 accepted with admission refused **(e)**. Only application records
     54accepted with admission refused **(e)**. Only applicant records
    5555with confirmed admission into the university can be transormed into
    5656student records. This final and **irreversible step** is accompanied
    65 All transitions are automatically logged in applicants.log and the applicant's history. And also the import of workflow states is recorded in the logfile and the history, see :ref:`student_history` for further information. This is a sample history of an applicant which passes through the application process without any complications::
     65All transitions are automatically logged in applicants.log and the
     66applicant's history. And also the import of workflow states is
     67recorded in the logfile and the history, see :ref:`student_history`
     68for further information. This is a sample history of an applicant
     69which passes through the application process without any
    6772  2015-06-23 08:56:23 UTC - Application initialized by Anonymous
    7277  2015-06-23 09:02:36 UTC - Student record created (K1000003) by Benny Goodman
    74 Benny Goodman is the name of an applications manager. If the workflow state is set by import, the following message would
     79Benny Goodman is the name of an applications manager. If the
     80workflow state is set by him by import, the following message would
    7581have been added instead::
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students/browser.rst

    r13086 r13099  
    133 .. _payment_tickets:
     133.. _student_payment_tickets:
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/applicants/

    r13076 r13099  
    11721172                    # know that a record was found and only the lastname
    11731173                    # verification failed.
    1174                     self.flash(_('No application record found.'), type='warning')
     1174                    self.flash(
     1175                        _('No application record found.'), type='warning')
    11751176                    return
    11761177                elif applicant.password is not None and \
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