Changeset 13046 for main

14 Jun 2015, 11:33:07 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

5 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students/browser.rst

    r13045 r13046  
    7373  All messages sent via Kofa contact forms are private. They are neither stored in the database nor in any logfile. The emails are also not forwarded to any other email address. Thus senders and recipients can be sure that nobody else is eavesdropping and the correspondence is kept secret.
     75.. seealso::
     77  :ref:`Clearance Handling Doctests <test_handle_clearance>`
    7680.. _transferring_students:
    8993The old study course container(s) can still be accessed via links on the current study course display page. But, they can neither be edited, removed, exported or reimported.
    9196Batch Transferring Students
    9499Sometimes students of an entire study programme have to be transferred to another programme. This can be done with the :py:class:`StudentStudyCourseProcessor<waeup.kofa.students.batching.StudentStudyCourseProcessor>`. The import file must contain the following columns: `student_id` (or any other locator), `certificate`, `current_session`, `current_level` and `entry_mode`. Do not import `entry_session`. A transfer is automatically initialized if the `entry_mode` value is ``transfer``.
    96102Reverting Previous Transfers
    99105Previous transfers can be reverted by opening the previous study course and clicking the 'Reactivate this study course (revert previous transfer)' button. This is a complete rollback of the last transfer. The current study mode will be irrevocably deleted and replaced by the previous study course. The second last study course will become the previous study course.
    101108.. _payment_tickets:
    108115There are three different add form pages to add `StudentOnlinePayment` instances (= payment tickets). They all create objects of the same type, only their attributes are set differently.
    110118Current Session Payment Tickets
    117125  Kofa always determines the total amount, including any fees charged by the school and its service providers. This is the amount which is authorized by students and finally submitted to one of the payment gateways. No fees can be added once the payment ticket is created. Payment tickets do not store any information about charged fees.
    119128Ticket Redemption
    125134Until May 2015 also school fee payments had produced access codes, which enabled students to start the next session. Since software revision 12889, Kofa bypasses SFE access code creation and starts the next session automatically.
    127137Previous Session Payment Tickets
    130140Previous session payments are additional payments which do not induce further actions in Kofa. Their sole purpose is to enable students to pay for services in previous sessions which they missed to pay. The add form for previous session payments allows the student to select the payment category, session and level by him/herself.
    132143Balance Payment Tickets
    135146Balance payments have been introduced to correct previously made payments. In some cases, students select the wrong payment category, or other things may have happened which led students pay less than expected. This can be balanced by paying a differential amount. Therefore, the add form for balance payments allows to freely choose the total amount to be paid. It also asks for the category, the session and the level the payment is meant for. Like previous session payments, balance payments do not induce further actions in Kofa. Both can be omitted in customized versions of Kofa if these features are not needed.
     148.. _course_registration:
    137150Course Registration
    1421551. :py:meth:`StudentStudyLevel.addCertCourseTickets<waeup.kofa.students.studylevel.StudentStudyLevel.addCertCourseTickets>` is called which iterates over the certificate courses of the certificate container object in the academic section and creates course tickets if the `level` attribute matches. `title`, `fcode`, `dcode`, `credits`, `passmark` and `semester` are copied from the course object which is attached to the certificate course; `mandatory` is taken from the certificate course itself. Finally, `automatic` is set to ``True`` and `carry_over` to ``False.``
    144 2. The portal can be configured such that failed courses are automatically carried over from one session to the next. Failed course tickets from the previous level, i.e. tickets with a score below the passmark, are collected and 'copied' into the current study level container. The attributes `automatic` and `carry_over` are set to ``True``.
    146 In most cases, such an automatically created course list is not perfect or even ready for submission to the course adviser. The list has to be edited according to the student's needs. Students can select further courses, which they desire to attend, and can create additional course tickets, as long as total credits do not exceed 50 (value customizable). Course tickets can also be removed. Whereas officers can remove any ticket from the list, students can remove only optional (non-mandatory) course tickets (condition customizable).
     1572. The portal can be configured (`IConfigurationContainer.carry_over`) such that failed courses are automatically carried over from one session to the next. Failed course tickets from the previous level, i.e. tickets with a score below the passmark, are collected and 'copied' into the current study level container. The attributes `automatic` and `carry_over` are set to ``True``.
     159In most cases such an automatically created course list is not perfect or even ready for submission to the course adviser. The list must be edited according to the student's needs. Students can select further courses, which they desire to attend, and can create additional course tickets, as long as total credits do not exceed 50 (value customizable). Course tickets can also be removed. Whereas officers can remove any ticket from the list, students can remove only optional (non-mandatory) course tickets (condition customizable).
    148161The edit form page provides a 'Register course list' button which submits the course list to the course adviser for validation. Course advisers can't edit the registered/submitted course list, but they can validate or reject it by pressing the same-named link buttons. After pressing the 'Reject courses' button, Kofa redirects to the ContactStudentForm which can be used to inform the student about the reason of rejection. In contrast to clearance rejection, the message, which is being sent to the student by email, is neither stored in the database nor in the logfiles.
    150 Editing Scores by Lecturers
    151 ===========================
     163.. seealso::
     165  :ref:`Course List Validation Doctests <test_handle_courses>`
     168.. _batch_editing_scores:
     170Batch Editing Scores by Lecturers
     173Lecturer cannot access student data directly. They don't have access to the student section. Instead, lecturers go to their course in the academic section and view or export lists of students who attended the course, either in a previous or in the current session. They do also see an 'Update scores' link button which opens the `EditScoresPage` if score editing is enabled for that department (`IDepartment.score_editing_disabled`) and `IConfigurationContainer.current_academic_session` has been set on the portal's configuration page. The page lists all students, who are attending the course in the current academic session. If score editing is allowed, the score can be entered at the end of the student line. Score editing is allowed if the student's current session corresponds with the current academic session and the student is in state 'courses validated', see method :py:meth:`CourseTicket.editable_by_lecturer<waeup.kofa.students.studylevel.CourseTicket.editable_by_lecturer>`
     175.. seealso::
     177  :ref:`Batch Editing Scores Doctests <test_batch_editing_scores>`
     180.. _requesting_new_password:
    153182Requesting New Password
     186.. bed_tickets:
    156188Bed Tickets
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/testing.rst

    r12964 r13046  
    171171`browser.contents` (is the HTML content of the opened page).
    173174.. _test_suspended_officer:
    190 Further tests will follow soon.
     192.. _test_handle_clearance:
     194Handle Clearance by Clearance Officer
     197This test can be found in
     200.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/
     201   :pyobject: test_handle_clearance_by_co
     204.. _test_handle_courses:
     206Handle Course List Validation by Course Adviser
     209This test can be found in
     212.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/
     213   :pyobject: test_handle_courses_by_ca
     216.. _test_batch_editing_scores:
     218Batch Editing Scores by Lecturers
     221This test can be found in
     224.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/
     225   :pyobject: test_handle_courses_by_lecturer
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/

    r12900 r13046  
    355355    """The local Lecturer role can be assigned at course level.
    356356    The role allows to view all data and to list or export all student
    357     ata within course the local role is assigned. Lecturers can't access
     357    data within the course the local role is assigned. Lecturers can't access
    358358    student data directly but they can edit the scores in course tickets.
    359359    """
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/

    r13031 r13046  
    309309    @property
    310310    def removable_by_student(self):
     311        """True if student is allowed to remove the ticket.
     312        """
    311313        return not self.mandatory
    313315    @property
    314316    def editable_by_lecturer(self):
     317        """True if lecturer is allowed to edit the ticket.
     318        """
    315319        try:
    316320            cas = grok.getSite()[
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/

    r13031 r13046  
    16241624    def test_handle_courses_by_ca(self):
    1625         # Create course adviser
    16261625['users'].addUser('mrsadvise', 'mrsadvisesecret')
    16271626['users']['mrsadvise'].email = ''
    17521751    def test_handle_courses_by_lecturer(self):
    1753         # Create course lecturer
    17541752['users'].addUser('mrslecturer', 'mrslecturersecret')
    17551753['users']['mrslecturer'].email = ''
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