Changeset 13024 for main

30 May 2015, 07:47:55 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

3 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students.rst

    r13023 r13024  
    256 Student registration starts with the first login of the student into state ``admitted``. After filling the email adress and phone number field, and also uploading a passport picture, the student immediately proceeds with the clearance sub-workflow. S/he starts clearance (**b**) either directly or by using a clearance activation code, depending on the configuration of the portal. After filling the clearance form and uploading all necessary documents, the student requests clearance (**c**) which can be either accepted (**d**) or rejected (**-c**) by a clearance officer. A cleared student can enter the 'cyclical' part of the workflow which starts after first school fee payment (**f**).
    258 A properly registering undergraduate student creates a new study level (course list) at the beginning of each academic session, adds the necessary course tickets and finally registers the list (**g**). The student's course adviser subsequently validates the list (**i**). At the end of the session, when all exams have been taken, course results (scores) are either entered by lecturers or imported by an import officer, a verdict is announced and the student is finally enabled to return (**k**). In Kofa the last two steps are automatically performed by the Verdict Batch Processor. The student is now in state ``returning`` but still in the same session. Also the current level has not changed. The new academic year starts only if the student the pays school fee for the subsequent session (**l**). `current_session` increases by one, `current_level` is set according to the verdict obtained, the old verdict is copied into `previous_verdict` and `current_verdict` is cleared. The student has arrived in the new academic session in state ``school_fee_paid``. This ccle is repeatedly passed through till the student is ready for graduation.
     256Student registration starts with the first login of the student into state ``admitted``. After filling the email adress and phone number field, and also uploading a passport picture, the student immediately proceeds with the clearance sub-workflow. S/he starts clearance **(b)** either directly or by using a clearance activation code, depending on the configuration of the portal. After filling the clearance form and uploading all necessary documents, the student requests clearance **(c)** which can be either accepted **(d)** or rejected **(-c)** by a clearance officer. A cleared student can enter the 'cyclical' part of the workflow which starts after first school fee payment **(f)**.
     258A properly registering undergraduate student creates a new study level (course list) at the beginning of each academic session, adds the necessary course tickets and finally registers the list **(g)**. The student's course adviser subsequently validates the list **(i)**, or rejects the course registration request **(-g)** so that the student has to register again. Even after validation there is an option to annul the already validated course list **(-m)** so that the student can revise the list. At the end of the session, when all exams have been taken, course results (scores) are either entered by lecturers or imported by an import officer, a verdict is announced and the student is finally enabled to return **(k)**. In Kofa the last two steps are automatically performed by the Verdict Batch Processor. In some cases, course validators are not available or course validation is not necessary. Then validation can be skipped **(j)** by setting `bypass_validation` in the processor's import file to ``True``. In both cases the student arrives in state ``returning`` but is still in the same session. Also the current level has not changed. The new session starts only if the student pays school fee for the subsequent session **(l)**. Then `current_session` increases by one, `current_level` is set according to the verdict obtained, the old verdict is copied into `previous_verdict` and `current_verdict` is cleared. The student has arrived in the new academic session in state ``school_fee_paid``. The **gikl** cycle is repeatedly passed through till the student is ready for graduation.
     260So far we have spoken about undergraduate students. The same sequence of transitions also applies to postgraduate students if they have to pass several levels (e.g. 700 and 800). Very often the level model does not apply to postgraduates. The students remain in the same (999) level but pay for each year of studying. In this case the gikl cycle collapses to the **h** cycle. Students may add course tickets whenever they like, but cannot register their course list.
     262.. _workflow_batch_processing:
     264Workflow Batch Processing
     267The :py:class:`StudentProcessor <waeup.kofa.students.batching.StudentProcessor>` allows to import either workflow states or transitions. As already emphasized in the description of the processor class, we refer to them as unsafe and safe respectively. Transitions are only possible between allowed workflow states. Only transitions ensure that the registration workflow is maintained. Setting the workflow state by import is considered brute and must be avoided.
     269.. _student_history:
     271Student History
     274All transitions are automatically logged in ``students.log``. And also the import of workflow states is recorded in the logfile. However, these logfiles can only be accessed by some officers and are hidden from students. Since Kofa takes up the cause of transparancy, we were of the opinion, that also students must know, when and by whom the state of their record was changed. Therefore we store all workflow-relevant changes additionally in the student history which is attached to the student object. The history is a list of messages. Each message contains the local time, the workflow transition message and the public name of the user who triggered the transition, either online or by import::
     276  2015-05-16 05:11:34 UTC - Record created by System Admin
     277  2015-05-30 07:34:09 UTC - Admitted by System Admin
     278  2015-05-30 08:34:11 UTC - Clearance started by John Doe
     279  2015-05-30 09:34:15 UTC - Clearance requested by John Doe
     280  2015-05-30 10:37:27 UTC - Cleared by Clearance Officer
     282If the workflow state is set by import, the following message would have been added instead::
     284  2015-05-30 10:37:27 UTC - State 'cleared' set by Import Officer
     286Student histories are exportable but cannot be imported.
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/

    r13001 r13024  
    6666    by the batch processor.
    68     There are two ways to change the registration state of the student,
     68    There are two ways to change the workflow state of the student,
    6969    an unsafe and a safe way. The safe way makes use of workflow transitions.
    7070    Transitions are only possible between allowed workflow states. Only
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/

    r13012 r13024  
    15511551        elif self.context.student.state == REGISTERED:
    15521552            IWorkflowInfo(self.context.student).fireTransition('reset7')
    1553             message = _('Course list request has been rejected:')
     1553            message = _('Course list request has been rejected.')
    15541554            self.flash(message)
    15551555        else:
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