Changeset 13000 for main

26 May 2015, 06:57:26 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More docs.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/docs/source/userdocs/students.rst

    r12999 r13000  
    112 All data related to the student's course of study are stored with the ``studycourse`` object which is an instance of the `StudentStudyCourse` class. The latter implements `waeup.kofa.students.interfaces.IStudentStudyCourse`.
     112All data related to an individual course of study are stored with the ``studycourse`` object. This container object is an instance of the `StudentStudyCourse` class which implements `waeup.kofa.students.interfaces.IStudentStudyCourse`.
    118118   :pyobject: IStudentStudyCourse
    120 Student Study Levels
    121 ====================
     120The first schema field is a `Choice` field and only values from the `CertificateSource` are allowed. The source provides all certificates stored in the portal. This way, `StudentStudyCourse` objects point to exactly one `Certificate` object in the portal. If the certificate is removed, an event handler takes care of clearing also all referring `certificate` attribute. The tokens of the `CertificateSource` are the certicate codes which means, that in forms and import files the unique code must be given and the desired `Certificate` object will be stored.
     122The interface has two entry parameter fields. `entry_mode` stores the study mode of the programme and `entry_session` the academic year when the study course was started. Usually these parameters are fixed and must not be changed during course of study.
     124Very import - or even most important - are the parameters which describe the current state of the student's study course. `current_session`, `current_level`, `current_verdict`, `previous_verdict` and the student's workflow state (see below) declare precisely in which academic session and how successfully the student has reached the current study level and state in the portal. All these attributes are set automatically by the portal und must (normally) not be changed via manage form pages.
     126What is a verdict? A verdict is the individual judgement of a jury (senate in Nigeria) at the end of each academic session. The jury's verdict tells the portal, if the student has successfully completed an academic session or not. Depending on the verdict, the student will be either allowed to proceed to the next study level or forced to repeat the current level. Without a verdict, the student gets stuck and cannot even pay school fees for the next academic year. This will be further exlplained in the workflow section below.
     128`StudentStudyCourse` is a container class. Study courses contain `StudentStudyLevel` instances.
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