26 Apr 2015, 19:45:46 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More fields and declarations.

6 edited


  • main/kofacustom.wdu/trunk/src/kofacustom/wdu/applicants/browser.py

    r12887 r12888  
    157157    @property
     158    def note(self):
     159        if self.context.sex == 'm':
     160            pronoun = ('he', 'his', 'him')
     161        else:
     162            pronoun = ('she', 'her', 'her')
     163        return ("<br /><br />The applicant has confirmed "
     164                "that the passport photograph uploaded on this form is a true "
     165                "picture of %s. The applicant also declared that, by submitting this form, %s wish to enter "
     166                "Wester Delta University, Oghara, that the particulars given in this form are "
     167                "to the best of %s knowledge and belief correct and that if admitted to the "
     168                "university, %s shall regard %sself bound by the Ordinance Statutes and "
     169                "Regulations of the University in so far as they affect %s. The applicant understands that "
     170                "withholding any information requested or giving information may make %s "
     171                "ineligable for admission, regsitration or matriculation, or compel %s "
     172                "expulsion from the institution."
     173                % (pronoun[2],
     174                   pronoun[0],
     175                   pronoun[1],
     176                   pronoun[0],
     177                   pronoun[2],
     178                   pronoun[2],
     179                   pronoun[2],
     180                   pronoun[1])
     181                )
     183    @property
    158184    def form_fields(self):
    159185        if self.target is not None and self.target.startswith('putme'):
  • main/kofacustom.wdu/trunk/src/kofacustom/wdu/applicants/interfaces.py

    r12887 r12888  
    234234        show_year = True,
    235235        )
     236    body_responsible_address = schema.Text(
     237        title = _(u'Name and Adress of Body'),
     238        description = _(
     239         'Name and address of body who will be responsible for the fees. '
     240         'If admission to the university is offered '
     241         'a guarantor\'s form that all the fees will be paid will be sworn to '
     242         'by the person or body named. The student will not be allowed into the '
     243         'university until the guarantor\'s form is signed and returned '
     244         'to the institution.'),
     245        required = False,
     246       )
    236247    jamb_subjects = schema.Text(
    237248        title = _(u'Subjects and Scores'),
    245256    jamb_reg_number = schema.TextLine(
    246257        title = _(u'JAMB Registration Number'),
    247         required = False,
    248         )
    249     jamb_age = schema.Int(
    250         title = _(u'Age (provided by JAMB)'),
    251258        required = False,
    252259        )
  • main/kofacustom.wdu/trunk/src/kofacustom/wdu/applicants/tests/test_browser.py

    r12086 r12888  
    8383            'emp_position,emp_reason,emp_start,employer,employer2,'
    8484            'firstname,history,hq_degree,hq_disc,hq_matric_no,hq_school,'
    85             'hq_session,hq_type,jamb_age,jamb_score,jamb_subjects,lastname,lga,'
    86             'locked,middlename,nationality,notice,nysc_lga,nysc_year,'
     85            'hq_session,hq_type,jamb_age,jamb_reg_number,jamb_score,'
     86            'jamb_subjects,lastname,lga,locked,marit_stat,middlename,'
     87            'nationality,next_kin_address,notice,nysc_lga,nysc_year,'
     88            'olevel_exam_date,olevel_exam_date2,olevel_exam_number,'
     89            'olevel_exam_number2,olevel_results,olevel_results2,'
     90            'olevel_school,olevel_school2,olevel_type,olevel_type2,'
    8791            'password,phone,pp_school,presently_inst,reg_number,'
    88             'result_uploaded,screening_date,screening_score,'
    89             'screening_venue,sex,special_application,'
    90             'state,student_id,suspended,container_code\r\n'
     92            'religion,result_uploaded,screening_date,screening_score,'
     93            'screening_venue,sex,special_application,state,student_id,'
     94            'suspended,container_code\r\n'
    9195            ',dp2011_654321,,654321,CERT1,CERT1,CERT1,1981-02-04#,'
    9296            'Anna M. Tester,anna@sample.com,,,,,,,,,,,Anna,'
    93             '[u\'2012-10-28 21:27:52 WAT - Application initialized by system\']'
    94             ',,,,,,,,,,Tester,,0,M.,NG,"Some notice\nin lines.",,,'
    95             'any password,+234-123-12345#,,,123456,,'
    96             '"Saturday, 16th June 2012 2:00:00 PM",98,Exam Room,f,,initialized,,'
    97             '0,dp2011\r\n')
     97            '[u\'2015-04-26 13:44:05 WAT - Application initialized by system\']'
     98            ',,,,,,,,,,,Tester,,0,,M.,NG,,"Some notice\nin lines.",,,,,,,,,,,,,'
     99            'any password,+234-123-12345#,,,123456,,,'
     100            '"Saturday, 16th June 2012 2:00:00 PM",98,Exam Room,'
     101            'f,,initialized,,0,dp2011\r\n')
    98102        # We can import the same file if we ignore some columns.
    99103        # Since the applicants_catalog hasn't been notified, the same
  • main/kofacustom.wdu/trunk/src/kofacustom/wdu/applicants/utils.py

    r12887 r12888  
    3737        'form.hq_type': _(u'Higher Education Record'),
    3838        'form.presently': _(u'Course or Programme Presently Attending'),
    39         'form.nysc_year': _(u'NYSC Information'),
     39        'form.body_responsible': _(u'Fee Responsibility'),
    4040        'form.employer': _(u'Employment History'),
    4141        'form.jamb_subjects': _(u'JAMB Data'),
  • main/kofacustom.wdu/trunk/src/kofacustom/wdu/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/waeup.kofa.po

    r12887 r12888  
    2020"picture of me."
    2121msgstr ""
    22 "I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true "
    23 "picture of me. I also declare that I wish to to enter Wester Delta "
    24 "University, Oghara, that the particulars given in this form are to the best "
    25 "of my knowledge ..."
     22"I confirm that the passport photograph uploaded on this form is a true "
     23"picture of me. I also declare that, by submitting this form, I wish to enter "
     24"Wester Delta University, Oghara, that the particulars given in this form are "
     25"to the best of my knowledge and belief correct and that if admitted to the "
     26"university, I shall regard myself bound by the Ordinance Statutes and "
     27"Regulations of the University in so far as they affect me. I understand that "
     28"withholding any information requested or giving information may make me "
     29"ineligable for admission, regsitration or matriculation, or compel my "
     30"expulsion from the institution."
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