31 Mar 2015, 14:50:49 (9 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add some docstrings.

2 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/browser/pages.py

    r12586 r12835  
    11061106                         )
    11071107                    )
    1108             available_fields = sorted(available_fields, key=lambda k: k['f_name'])
     1108            available_fields = sorted(available_fields, key=lambda k: k[
     1109                'f_name'])
    11091110            importer_props.append(
    11101111                dict(title=x.name, name=x.util_name, fields=available_fields))
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/permissions.py

    r12440 r12835  
    2424class Public(grok.Permission):
    25     """Everyone-can-do-this-permission.
    27     This permission is meant to be applied to objects/views/pages
    28     etc., that should be usable/readable by everyone.
    30     We need this to be able to tune default permissions more
    31     restrictive and open up some dedicated objects like the front
    32     page.
     25    """The everyone-can-do-this-permission is being applied to views/pages
     26    that are used by everyone.
    3327    """
    3428    grok.name('waeup.Public')
    3630class Anonymous(grok.Permission):
    37     """Only-anonymous-can-do-this-permission.
     31    """The waeup.Anonymous permission is applied to
     32    views/pages which are dedicated to anonymous users only. Logged-in users
     33    can't access these views.
    3834    """
    3935    grok.name('waeup.Anonymous')
    4137class Authenticated(grok.Permission):
    42     """Only-logged-in-users-can-do-this-permission.
     38    """The waeup.Authenticated permission is applied to pages
     39    which can only be used by logged-in users and not by anonymous users.
    4340    """
    4441    grok.name('waeup.Authenticated')
    46 class ViewAcademicsPermission(grok.Permission):
     43class ViewAcademics(grok.Permission):
     44    """The waeup.viewAcademics permission is applied to all
     45    views of the Academic Section. Users with this permission can view but
     46    not edit content in the Academic Section.
     47    """
    4748    grok.name('waeup.viewAcademics')
    49 class ManageAcademicsPermission(grok.Permission):
     50class ManageAcademics(grok.Permission):
     51    """The waeup.manageAcademics permission is applied to all edit
     52    pages in the Academic Section. Users who have this permission
     53    can change/edit context objects.
     54    """
    5055    grok.name('waeup.manageAcademics')
    5257class ManagePortal(grok.Permission):
     58    """The waeup.managePortal permission is used for very few pages
     59    (e.g. the DatacenterSettings page) and is dedicated to portal managers.
     60    It is furthermore used to control delete methods of container
     61    pages in the Academic Section. The waeup.manageAcademics permission,
     62    described above, does enable users to edit content but not to
     63    remove sub-containers, like faculties, departments or certificates.
     64    Users must have the waeup.managePorta permission too to remove
     65    entire containers.
     66    """
    5367    grok.name('waeup.managePortal')
    5569class ManageUsers(grok.Permission):
     70    """The waeup.manageUsers permission is a real superuser permission
     71    and therefore very 'dangerous'. It allows to add, remove or edit
     72    user accounts. Editing a user account includes the option to assign
     73    or remove roles. That means that a user with this permission can lock out
     74    other users by either removing their account or by removing all
     75    permsissions. Only the system administrator will be able to revert this.
     76    """
    5677    grok.name('waeup.manageUsers')
    5879class ShowStudents(grok.Permission):
     80    """Users with this permission can see the 'Students' tab and
     81    search and browse all students. If they also have the waeup.exportData
     82    permission they can export all student data too.
     84    Bursary or Department Officers don't have the general waeup.exportData
     85    permission (see Roles section) and are only allowed to export bursary
     86    or payments overview data respectively.
     87    """
    5988    grok.name('waeup.showStudents')
    6190class ClearAllStudents(grok.Permission):
     91    """The waeup.clearAllStudents permission allows to clear all students
     92    in a department.
     93    """
    6294    grok.name('waeup.clearAllStudents')
    6496class EditScores(grok.Permission):
     97    """The waeup.editScores permission allows to edit scores in course tickets.
     98    """
    6599    grok.name('waeup.editScores')
    67101class EditUser(grok.Permission):
     102    """The waeup.editUser permission is required for editing
     103    single user accounts.
     104    """
    68105    grok.name('waeup.editUser')
    70107class ManageDataCenter(grok.Permission):
     108    """The waeup.manageDataCenter permission allows to access all pages
     109    in the data center. It does not automatically allow to process data.
     110    """
    71111    grok.name('waeup.manageDataCenter')
    73113class ImportData(grok.Permission):
     114    """The waeup.importData permission allows to import any kind of portal
     115    data.
     116    """
    74117    grok.name('waeup.importData')
    76119class ExportData(grok.Permission):
     120    """The waeup.exportData permission allows to export any kind of portal
     121    data.
     122    """
    77123    grok.name('waeup.exportData')
    88134class ManagePortalConfiguration(grok.Permission):
     135    """The waeup.managePortalConfiguration permission allows to
     136    edit global and sessional portal configuration data.
     137    """
    89138    grok.name('waeup.managePortalConfiguration')
    91140class ManageACBatches(grok.Permission):
     141    """The waeup.manageACBatches permission allows to view and
     142    manage accesscodes.
     143    """
    92144    grok.name('waeup.manageACBatches')
    94146class PutBiometricDataPermission(grok.Permission):
    95     """Permission to upload/change biometric data.
     147    """This permission allows to upload/change biometric data.
    96148    """
    97149    grok.name('waeup.putBiometricData')
    99151class GetBiometricDataPermission(grok.Permission):
    100     """Permission to read biometric data.
     152    """This permission allows to read biometric data.
    101153    """
    102154    grok.name('waeup.getBiometricData')
    281333    grok.name('waeup.AcademicsManager')
    282334    grok.title(u'Academics Manager')
     335    title = u'Academics Manager'
    283336    grok.permissions('waeup.viewAcademics',
    284337                     'waeup.manageAcademics')
    326379class PortalManager(grok.Role):
     380    """The portal manager role is the maximum set of Kofa permissions
     381    which are needed to manage the entire portal. This set must not
     382    be changed or customized. It is recommended to assign this role only
     383    to only a few portal administrators. A less dangerous manager role is the
     384    CCOfficer role described below. For the most tasks the CCOfficer role
     385    is sufficient.
     386    """
    327387    grok.name('waeup.PortalManager')
    328388    grok.title(u'Portal Manager')
    357417class CCOfficer(grok.Role):
    358     """This is basically a copy of the the PortalManager class. We exclude some
    359     'dangerous' permissions by commenting them out.
     418    """The Computer Center Officer role is basically a copy
     419    of the the PortalManager role. Some 'dangerous' permissions are excluded
     420    by commenting them out (see source code). If officers need to gain more
     421    access rights than defined in this role, do not hastily switch to the
     422    PortalManager role but add further manager roles instead. These additional
     423    roles could be: UsersManager, ACManager, ImportManager, WorkflowManager
     424    or StudentImpersonator.
    360425    """
    361426    grok.baseclass()
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