11 Feb 2015, 21:38:41 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add 'Issuance of Patent and Proprietary Medicines Vendors License' contract.

6 edited


  • main/ikobacustom.pcn/trunk/src/ikobacustom/pcn/customers/batching.py

    r12591 r12601  
    2929    IROPContract,
    3030    IRPRContract,
    31     IRPCContract)
     31    IRPCContract,
     32    IIPPMVLContract)
    3233from ikobacustom.pcn.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
    9596    iface = IRPCContract
    9697    factory_name = 'waeup.RPCContract'
     99class IPPMVLContractProcessor(ContractProcessorBase):
     100    """A batch processor for IIPPMVLContract objects.
     101    """
     102    util_name = 'ippmvlcontractprocessor'
     103    grok.name(util_name)
     104    name = _('Issuance of Patent and Proprietary Medicines Vendors License (Contract) Processor')
     105    iface = IIPPMVLContract
     106    factory_name = 'waeup.IPPMVLContract'
  • main/ikobacustom.pcn/trunk/src/ikobacustom/pcn/customers/contracts.py

    r12591 r12601  
    4444    IRPCContractProcess,
    4545    IRPCContractOfficialUse,
     46    IIPPMVLContract,
     47    IIPPMVLContractEdit,
     48    IIPPMVLContractProcess,
     49    IIPPMVLContractOfficialUse,
    4650    )
    198202        return implementedBy(RPCContract)
     205class IPPMVLContract(ContractBase):
     206    """Issuance of Patent and Proprietary Medicines Vendors License contract.
     207    """
     209    grok.implements(
     210        IIPPMVLContractProcess,
     211        IIPPMVLContract,
     212        IIPPMVLContractEdit,
     213        ICustomerNavigation)
     215    contract_category = 'ippmvl'
     217    form_fields_interface = IIPPMVLContract
     219    edit_form_fields_interface = IIPPMVLContractEdit
     221    ou_form_fields_interface = IIPPMVLContractOfficialUse
     223    check_docs_interface = IIPPMVLContract
     225IPPMVLContract = attrs_to_fields(IPPMVLContract)
     228class IPPMVLContractFactory(grok.GlobalUtility):
     229    """A factory for contracts.
     230    """
     231    grok.implements(IFactory)
     232    grok.name(u'waeup.IPPMVLContract')
     233    title = u"Create a new license contract.",
     234    description = u"This factory instantiates new contract instances."
     236    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
     237        return IPPMVLContract(*args, **kw)
     239    def getInterfaces(self):
     240        return implementedBy(IPPMVLContract)
  • main/ikobacustom.pcn/trunk/src/ikobacustom/pcn/customers/export.py

    r12591 r12601  
    2727    IROPContractProcess,
    2828    IRPRContractProcess,
    29     IRPCContractProcess)
     29    IRPCContractProcess,
     30    IIPPMVLContractProcess)
    3031from ikobacustom.pcn.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
    8687    title = _(u'Registration as Pharmaceutical Chemist Contracts')
    8788    class_name = 'RPCContract'
     90class IPPMVLContractExporter(ContractExporterBase):
     91    """Exporter for Contract instances.
     92    """
     93    grok.name('ippmvlcontracts')
     94    iface = IIPPMVLContractProcess
     95    title = _(u'Issuance of Patent and Proprietary Medicines Vendors Licenses')
     96    class_name = 'IPPMVLContract'
  • main/ikobacustom.pcn/trunk/src/ikobacustom/pcn/customers/interfaces.py

    r12600 r12601  
    417417class IRPCContract(IContract):
    418     """A Registration as Pharmaceutical Chemist.
     418    """A Registration as Pharmaceutical Chemist contract.
    420420    """
    552552IRPCContractEdit['certificates_object'].order = IRPCContract[
    553553    'certificates_object'].order
     555class IIPPMVLContract(IContract):
     556    """A Issuance of Patent and Proprietary Medicines Vendors License.
     558    """
     560    res_address = schema.Text(
     561        title = _(u'Residential Address'),
     562        required = False,
     563        )
     565    qualifications = schema.Text(
     566        title = _(u'Educational Qualifications'),
     567        description = u'Enter a list of certificates obtained.',
     568        required = False,
     569        readonly = False,
     570        )
     572    certificates_object = schema.Choice(
     573        title = _(u'Certificates/Credentials'),
     574        description = u'Select the pdf document which contains scanned copies '
     575                      u'of your certificates. You must create such a '
     576                      u'document first.',
     577        source = CustomerDocumentSource(),
     578        required = False,
     579        )
     581    incometax_object = schema.Choice(
     582        title = _(u'Income Tax Clearance'),
     583        description = u'Select the pdf document which contains scanned copies '
     584                      u'of your income tax clearance for the past three years. '
     585                      u'You must create such a document first.',
     586        source = CustomerDocumentSource(),
     587        required = False,
     588        )
     590    shop_address = schema.Text(
     591        title = _(u'Patent Vendor\'s Shop'),
     592        description = u'Enter name and address of patent vendor\'s shop.',
     593        required = False,
     594        )
     596    shop_lga = schema.Choice(
     597        source = LGASource(),
     598        title = _(u'State / LGA'),
     599        required = True,
     600        )
     602    shop_email = schema.ASCIILine(
     603        title = _(u'Shop Email Address'),
     604        required = False,
     605        constraint=validate_email,
     606        )
     608    shop_phone = PhoneNumber(
     609        title = _(u'Shop Phone'),
     610        description = u'',
     611        required = False,
     612        )
     614    old_or_new = schema.Choice(
     615        values=[_(u'old'), _(u'new')],
     616        title = _(u'Old or New Shop'),
     617        required = False,
     618        )
     620    PPMVL_number = schema.TextLine(
     621        title = _(u'PPMVL Data'),
     622        description = u'If an old store, state PPMVL number and date of issue.',
     623        required = False,
     624        readonly = False,
     625        )
     627    referee1_name = schema.TextLine(
     628        title = _(u'First Referee Name'),
     629        required = False,
     630        readonly = False,
     631        )
     633    referee1_address = schema.Text(
     634        title = _(u'First Referee Address'),
     635        required = False,
     636        readonly = False,
     637        )
     639    referee1_license = schema.TextLine(
     640        title = _(u'First Referee License Number'),
     641        required = False,
     642        readonly = False,
     643        )
     645    referee1_occupation = schema.Text(
     646        title = _(u'First Referee Occupation'),
     647        required = False,
     648        readonly = False,
     649        )
     651    referee2_name = schema.TextLine(
     652        title = _(u'Second Referee Name'),
     653        required = False,
     654        readonly = False,
     655        )
     657    referee2_address = schema.Text(
     658        title = _(u'Second Referee Address'),
     659        required = False,
     660        readonly = False,
     661        )
     663    referee2_license = schema.TextLine(
     664        title = _(u'Second Referee License Number'),
     665        required = False,
     666        readonly = False,
     667        )
     669    referee2_occupation = schema.Text(
     670        title = _(u'Second Referee Occupation'),
     671        required = False,
     672        readonly = False,
     673        )
     676class IIPPMVLContractOfficialUse(IIkobaObject):
     677    """Interface for editing IPPMVL official use data.
     679    """
     681    comment = schema.Text(
     682        title= _('Reason for rejection'),
     683        required = False,
     684        )
     687class IIPPMVLContractProcess(IIPPMVLContract, IIPPMVLContractOfficialUse):
     688    """Interface for processing IPPMVL data.
     689    """
     691    product_options = schema.List(
     692        title = _(u'Options/Fees'),
     693        value_type = ProductOptionField(),
     694        required = False,
     695        readonly = False,
     696        default = [],
     697        )
     699class IIPPMVLContractEdit(IIPPMVLContract):
     700    """Interface for editing IPPMVL data by customers.
     702    """
     704    certificates_object = schema.Choice(
     705        title = _(u'Certificates'),
     706        description = u'Select the document which contains scanned copies '
     707                      u'of your certificates. You must create such a '
     708                      u'document first.',
     709        source = CustomerDocumentSource(),
     710        required = True,
     711        )
     713IIPPMVLContractEdit['certificates_object'].order = IIPPMVLContract[
     714    'certificates_object'].order
  • main/ikobacustom.pcn/trunk/src/ikobacustom/pcn/customers/tests/test_contract.py

    r12591 r12601  
    3434    RPRContract,
    3535    RPCContract,
     36    IPPMVLContract,
    3637    )
    3738from ikobacustom.pcn.customers.interfaces import (
    4041    IRPRContract,
    4142    IRPCContract,
     43    IIPPMVLContract,
    4244    )
    5860        verify.verifyObject(IRPCContract, RPCContract())
    5961        verify.verifyObject(ICustomerNavigation, RPCContract())
     62        verify.verifyObject(IIPPMVLContract, IPPMVLContract())
     63        verify.verifyObject(ICustomerNavigation, IPPMVLContract())
    6064        return
    8690        self.assertEqual(container[id4], contract4)
    8791        self.assertEqual(contract4.class_name, 'RPCContract')
     93        contract5 = createObject(u'waeup.IPPMVLContract')
     94        id5 = contract5.contract_id
     95        container.addContract(contract5)
     96        self.assertEqual(container[id5], contract5)
     97        self.assertEqual(contract5.class_name, 'IPPMVLContract')
    8898        return
  • main/ikobacustom.pcn/trunk/src/ikobacustom/pcn/customers/utils.py

    r12591 r12601  
    5858        'RPRContract': _('Registration in the Provisional Register'),
    5959        'RPCContract': _('Registration as Pharmaceutical Chemist'),
     60        'IPPMVLContract': _(
     61            'Issuance of Patent and Proprietary Medicines Vendors License'),
    6062        }
    7173        'ropcontracts',
    7274        'rprcontracts',
    73         'rpccontracts')
     75        'rpccontracts',
     76        'ippmvlcontracts')
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