10 Feb 2015, 15:39:09 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Only valid (active) products are selectable in UI.

2 edited


  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/customers/tests/test_browser.py

    r12580 r12585  
    113113        self.product.title = u'Our Sample Product'
    114114        self.product.contract_category = self._contract_category
    115         self.product.valid_from = date(2015, 12, 4)
     115        self.product.valid_from = date(2014, 12, 4)
    116116        self.product.tc_dict = {'en': u'Hello world'}
    117117        prodoption = ProductOption()
    12651265        self.assertEqual(
    12661266            self.browser.url, self.contracts_path + '/%s/selectproduct' % conid)
    1267         # SAM is in the correct contract_category ...
     1267        # SAM is in the correct contract_category
    12681268        self.assertTrue('<option value="SAM">' in self.browser.contents)
    1269         # ... but NOTSAM not.
    1270         self.assertFalse('<option value="LIC">' in self.browser.contents)
    12711269        # So far last_product_id is None.
    12721270        self.assertTrue(self.customer['contracts'][conid].last_product_id is None)
    13311329        product.title = u'Our License Product'
    13321330        product.contract_category = u'license'
     1331        product.valid_from = date(2014, 12, 4)
    13331332        self.app['products'].addProduct(product)
    13341333        # Customers can manage contracts under certain conditions
    13571356        # SAM is in the correct contract_category ...
    13581357        self.assertTrue('<option value="SAM">' in self.browser.contents)
    1359         # ... but NOTSAM not.
     1358        # ... but LIC not.
    13601359        self.assertFalse('<option value="LIC">' in self.browser.contents)
    13611360        # So far last_product_id is None.
  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/customers/tests/test_interfaces.py

    r12351 r12585  
    2323import tempfile
    2424import shutil
     25from datetime import date
    2526from zope.component.hooks import setSite
    2627from zope.component import queryUtility, createObject
    2930from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import SUBMITTED
    3031from waeup.ikoba.customers.vocabularies import (
    31     ConCatProductSource, CustomerDocumentSource)
     32    ConCatProductSource, ConCatActiveProductSource, CustomerDocumentSource)
    3233from waeup.ikoba.testing import FunctionalLayer, FunctionalTestCase
    9697        self.assertEqual(result, u'SAM - Our Sample Product')
     99    def test_getValues_ConCatActiveProductSource(self):
     100        source = ConCatActiveProductSource()
     101        self.product.valid_from = date(2030, 12, 4)
     102        self.product.valid_to = None
     103        self.product.contract_category = u'sample'
     104        result = source.factory.getValues(self.contract)
     105        self.assertFalse(self.product in result)
     106        self.product.valid_from = None
     107        self.product.valid_to = date(2030, 12, 4)
     108        self.product.contract_category = u'sample'
     109        result = source.factory.getValues(self.contract)
     110        self.assertTrue(self.product in result)
     111        self.product.valid_from = None
     112        self.product.valid_to = date(2010, 12, 4)
     113        self.product.contract_category = u'sample'
     114        result = source.factory.getValues(self.contract)
     115        self.assertFalse(self.product in result)
     116        self.product.valid_from = date(2010, 12, 4)
     117        self.product.valid_to = None
     118        self.product.contract_category = u'sample'
     119        result = source.factory.getValues(self.contract)
     120        self.assertTrue(self.product in result)
    98122    def test_getValues_CustomerDocumentSource(self):
    99123        source = CustomerDocumentSource()
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