Changeset 12523 for main

30 Jan 2015, 11:09:08 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Customers can use their email address for authentication.

5 edited


  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/README.txt

    r12520 r12523  
    8585Only approved customers can conclude contracts (see below).
    87 Customers can register themselves. They need a valid email address fo self-registration.
     87Customers can register themselves. They need a valid email address for self-registration.
    1151155. submitting the documents for verification,
    1161166. linking the submitted documents on the contract form,
    117 7. submitting the contract form for approval.
     1177. paying the contract fees,
     1188. submitting the contract form for approval.
    119120A customer has to register first but must not wait for approval before s/he can add contracts. Only after registration the customer can proceed to the contracts section and add, pay and submit contracts. If documents have to be uploaded and attached to the contract, these documents must be at least submitted for verification. Otherwise they cannot be attached. This ensures that documents can't be modified after application (= submission of contracts). Thus, a new customer can register, add and submit documents and then add, pay and submit contracts in just one single session.
  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/

    r12039 r12523  
    22  <br />
    33  <div class="form-group">
    4     <label i18n:translate="" class="col-sm-2 control-label">User Name or Id</label>
     4    <label i18n:translate="" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Identifier</label>
    55    <div class="col-sm-10">
    66      <input name="form.login" type="text" class="form-control" id="login">
     7      <div class="hint" i18n:translate="identifier_hint">Customers can enter
     8      either their customer id, registration number or email address.
     9      Officers must enter their user name.</div>
    710    </div>
    811  </div>
    1114    <div class="col-sm-10">
    1215      <input name="form.password" type="password" class="form-control" id="password">
    13       <font  i18n:translate="" color="red"> Notice: User names, ids and passwords are case sensitive.</font>
    1416    </div>
    1517  </div>
     18  <br />
    1619  <input type="hidden" name="camefrom"   tal:attributes="value view/camefrom" />
    1720  <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="SUBMIT"
    1821    tal:attributes="value view/login_button" />
    1922  <br /><br /><br />
     23  <p>
     24  All identifiers and passwords are case sensitive.
     25  </p>
    2026  <p  i18n:translate="login_trouble1">Don't forget to logout or exit your browser when you're done.
    2127    If you are having trouble logging in, make sure to enable  cookies in your web browser.
  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/customers/

    r11997 r12523  
    1 ## $Id: 10055 2013-04-04 15:12:43Z uli $
     1## $Id$
    33## Copyright (C) 2014 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann
    2222import time
    2323from zope.component import getUtility
     24from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
    2425from zope.password.interfaces import IPasswordManager
    2526from zope.pluggableauth.interfaces import (
    187188        customer = customerscontainer.get(login, None)
    188189        if customer is None:
    189             return None
     190            cat = getUtility(ICatalog, name='customers_catalog')
     191            results = list(
     192                cat.searchResults(email=(login, login)))
     193            if len(results) != 1:
     194                return None
     195            customer = results[0]
    190196        return IUserAccount(customer)
  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/customers/

    r12521 r12523  
    227227    email = TextLineChoice(
    228228        title = _(u'Email'),
    229         required = False,
     229        required = True,
    230230        constraint=validate_email,
    231231        source = contextual_email_source,
  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/customers/tests/

    r12521 r12523  
    550550    # Tests for Customer class views and pages
     552    def test_customer_login_with_email(self):
     553        self.assertEqual(self.customer.state, 'created')
     555        self.browser.getControl(name="form.login").value =
     556        self.browser.getControl(name="form.password").value = 'cpwd'
     557        self.browser.getControl("Login").click()
     558        self.assertEqual(self.browser.url, self.customer_path)
     559        self.assertTrue('You logged in' in self.browser.contents)
     560        # Status has changed
     561        self.assertEqual(self.customer.state, 'started')
     562        return
    552564    def test_customer_change_password(self):
    553565        # Customers can change the password
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