Changeset 12204

12 Dec 2014, 18:28:54 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Add DocumentFileNameChooser? and DocumentFileStoreHandler? with functional tests.

2 edited


  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/documents/

    r12200 r12204  
    1919These are the document tickets.
     21import os
    2122import grok
    2223from time import time
    2829from zope.interface import implementedBy
    2930from zope.i18n import translate
    30 from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import IIkobaUtils, IObjectHistory
     32from waeup.ikoba.image import IkobaImageFile
     33from waeup.ikoba.imagestorage import DefaultFileStoreHandler
     34from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import (
     35    IIkobaUtils, IObjectHistory,
     36    IFileStoreNameChooser, IFileStoreHandler, IExtFileStore)
    3137from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
    3238from waeup.ikoba.utils.helpers import attrs_to_fields, get_current_principal
    163169        return implementedBy(HTMLDocument)
     171#: The file id marker for files
     172DOCUMENT_FILE_STORE_NAME = 'file-document'
     175class DocumentFileNameChooser(grok.Adapter):
     176    """A file id chooser for :class:`Document` objects.
     178    `context` is an :class:`Document` instance.
     180    The delivered file_id contains the file id marker for
     181    :class:`Document` objects in the central :class:`DocumentsContainer`.
     183    This chooser is registered as an adapter providing
     184    :class:`waeup.ikoba.interfaces.IFileStoreNameChooser`.
     186    File store name choosers like this one are only convenience
     187    components to ease the task of creating file ids for customer document
     188    objects. You are nevertheless encouraged to use them instead of
     189    manually setting up filenames for customer documents.
     191    .. seealso:: :mod:`waeup.ikoba.imagestorage`
     193    """
     195    grok.context(IDocument)
     196    grok.implements(IFileStoreNameChooser)
     198    def checkName(self, name=None, attr=None):
     199        """Check whether the given name is a valid file id for the context.
     201        Returns ``True`` only if `name` equals the result of
     202        :meth:`chooseName`.
     204        """
     205        return name == self.chooseName()
     207    def chooseName(self, attr, name=None):
     208        """Get a valid file id for customer document context.
     210        *Example:*
     212        For document with id 'd123'
     213        with attr ``'nice_image.jpeg'`` stored in
     214        the documents container this chooser would create:
     216          ``'__file-document__documents/nice_image_d123.jpeg'``
     218        meaning that the nice image of this document would be
     219        stored in the site-wide file storage in path:
     221          ``documents/nice_image_d123.jpeg``
     223        """
     224        basename, ext = os.path.splitext(attr)
     225        doc_id = self.context.document_id
     226        marked_filename = '__%s__documents/%s_%s%s' % (
     227            DOCUMENT_FILE_STORE_NAME,
     228            basename, doc_id, ext)
     229        return marked_filename
     232class DocumentFileStoreHandler(DefaultFileStoreHandler, grok.GlobalUtility):
     233    """ Document specific file handling.
     235    This handler knows in which path in a filestore to store document
     236    files and how to turn this kind of data into some (browsable)
     237    file object.
     239    It is called from the global file storage, when it wants to
     240    get/store a file with a file id starting with
     241    ``__file-document__`` (the marker string for customer files).
     243    Like each other file store handler it does not handle the files
     244    really (this is done by the global file store) but only computes
     245    paths and things like this.
     246    """
     247    grok.implements(IFileStoreHandler)
     250    def pathFromFileID(self, store, root, file_id):
     251        """All document files are put in directory ``documents``.
     252        """
     253        marker, filename, basename, ext = store.extractMarker(file_id)
     254        sub_root = os.path.join(root, 'documents')
     255        return super(DocumentFileStoreHandler, self).pathFromFileID(
     256            store, sub_root, basename)
     258    def createFile(self, store, root, filename, file_id, file):
     259        """Create a browsable file-like object.
     260        """
     261        # call super method to ensure that any old files with
     262        # different filename extension are deleted.
     263        file, path, file_obj = super(
     264            DocumentFileStoreHandler, self).createFile(
     265            store, root,  filename, file_id, file)
     266        return file, path, IkobaImageFile(
     267            file_obj.filename,
    166270@grok.subscribe(IDocument, grok.IObjectAddedEvent)
  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/documents/tests/

    r12203 r12204  
    1919Tests for documents.
     21import shutil
     22import tempfile
     23from StringIO import StringIO
    2124from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass, verifyObject
    22 from zope.component import createObject
     25from zope.component import createObject, queryUtility
    2326from hurry.workflow.interfaces import (
    2427    IWorkflowInfo, IWorkflowState, InvalidTransitionError)
     28from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import (
     29    IObjectHistory, IFileStoreNameChooser, IFileStoreHandler)
     30from waeup.ikoba.imagestorage import DefaultStorage
    2531from waeup.ikoba.documents.interfaces import (
    2632    IDocumentsContainer, IDocument, IPDFDocument, IHTMLDocument)
    27 from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import IObjectHistory
    2833from waeup.ikoba.documents.container import DocumentsContainer
    2934from waeup.ikoba.documents.document import (
    30     Document, PDFDocument, HTMLDocument)
     35    Document, PDFDocument, HTMLDocument,
     36    DocumentFileNameChooser, DocumentFileStoreHandler)
    3137from waeup.ikoba.testing import (FunctionalLayer, FunctionalTestCase)
    108114        self.assertTrue('Document created by system' in messages)
    109115        return
     118class DocumentFileTests(FunctionalTestCase):
     120    layer = FunctionalLayer
     122    def setUp(self):
     123        super(DocumentFileTests, self).setUp()
     124        self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     125        return
     127    def tearDown(self):
     128        super(DocumentFileTests, self).tearDown()
     129        shutil.rmtree(self.workdir)
     130        return
     132    def test_file_store_handler_util_accessible(self):
     133        # we can get an IFileStoreHandler utility for documents
     134        handler = queryUtility(IFileStoreHandler, name='file-document')
     135        self.assertTrue(
     136            isinstance(handler, DocumentFileStoreHandler))
     137        return
     139    def test_file_store_handler(self):
     140        store = DefaultStorage()
     141        handler = queryUtility(IFileStoreHandler, name='file-document')
     142        result = handler.pathFromFileID(
     143            store, '/fake-root', '__any_marker__sample.jpg')
     144        self.assertEqual(
     145            result, '/fake-root/documents/sample')
     146        return
     148    def test_file_store_handler_create(self):
     149        # we can create files in image store with the document file
     150        # store handler
     151        store = DefaultStorage(self.workdir)
     152        handler = queryUtility(IFileStoreHandler, name='file-document')
     153        file_obj, path, waeup_file = handler.createFile(
     154            store, store.root, 'sample.jpg', '__file_document__sample',
     155            StringIO('I am a JPG file'))
     156        self.assertEqual(path[-20:], 'documents/sample.jpg')
     157        return
     159    def test_iface(self):
     160        # make sure we implement promised interfaces
     161        obj = DocumentFileNameChooser(None) # needs a context normally
     162        verifyClass(IFileStoreNameChooser, DocumentFileNameChooser)
     163        verifyObject(IFileStoreNameChooser, obj)
     164        return
     166    def test_name_chooser_available(self):
     167        # we can get a name chooser for document objects as adapter
     168        doc = Document()
     169        chooser = IFileStoreNameChooser(doc)
     170        self.assertTrue(chooser is not None)
     171        return
     173    def test_name_chooser_document(self):
     174        # we can get an image filename for documents not in a container
     175        doc = Document()
     176        chooser = IFileStoreNameChooser(doc)
     177        result = chooser.chooseName('sample.jpg')
     178        # the file would be stored in a ``_default`` directory.
     179        self.assertEqual(
     180            result, '__file-document__documents/sample_d123.jpg')
     181        return
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