23 Nov 2014, 16:54:27 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Implement customer self-registration.

1 edited


  • main/waeup.ikoba/trunk/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/loginpage.pt

    r11952 r12039  
    1111    <div class="col-sm-10">
    1212      <input name="form.password" type="password" class="form-control" id="password">
    13       <font  i18n:translate="" color="red"> Notice: User names, Ids and passwords are case sensitive.</font>
     13      <font  i18n:translate="" color="red"> Notice: User names, ids and passwords are case sensitive.</font>
    1414    </div>
    1515  </div>
    2222  </p>
    2323  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble2" tal:condition="python:False">
    24     You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created?
     24    You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has been created for you?
    2525    Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account
    2626    <strong><a href ="setpassword"> here</a></strong>.
    2727  </p>
    2828  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble4">
    29     You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created?
     29    You don't have an account because you are a new customer?
     30    Create your customer account <strong><a href="createaccount"> here</a></strong>.
     31  </p>
     32  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble5">
     33    You don't have an account because you are a new customer and your customer record has been created for you?
    3034    Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href="requestpw"> here</a></strong>.
    3135  </p>
    32   <p i18n:translate="login_trouble3"> Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password
     36  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble3"> Or simply forgot your id or password? Then request a new password
    3337    <strong><a href="changepw"> here</a></strong>.
    3438  </p>
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