Changeset 12
- Timestamp:
- 24 Sep 2005, 06:50:21 (20 years ago)
- Location:
- waeup_cms/trunk
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7 r12 42 42 , visible=1) 43 43 mt.addAction('login' 44 ,' Login'44 ,'Secure Login' 45 45 ,'python:portal_url.replace("http:","https:")+"/login_form"' 46 ,'not: member' 47 ,'View' 48 ,'user' 49 , visible=1) 50 mt.addAction('login' 51 ,'Unsecure Login' 52 ,'python:portal_url.replace("https:","http:")+"/login_form"' 46 53 ,'not: member' 47 54 ,'View' -
r11 r12 17 17 18 18 <div 19 tal:define="results python:here.portal_membership.searchForMembers(request); 20 Batch python:modules['Products.CMFPlone'].Batch; 21 DateTime python:modules['DateTime'].DateTime; 22 default_page_size python:1000; 23 page_size default_page_size;page_size request/psize | page_size; 24 b_size page_size; b_start python:0;b_start request/b_start | b_start;"> 19 tal:define="results python:here.portal_membership.searchForMembers(request)"> 25 20 26 21 <h1 i18n:translate="member_list">WAeUP Member List</h1> 27 22 28 <div tal:condition="results" 29 tal:define="batch python:Batch(results, b_size, int(b_start), orphan=1)"> 23 <div tal:condition="results"> 30 24 31 < br/>25 <table align="left" width=100%> 32 26 33 <table align='left' width=100%>34 27 <tbody> 35 28 36 <metal:block tal:repeat="result batch"> 29 <tal:repeat tal:define="Groups python:(('Nigeria','Nigerian Group'), ('Germany','German Group'), ('Ghana','Ghanaian Group'))" 30 tal:repeat="Group Groups"> 37 31 32 <tr><td colspan="5"> 33 <h2 style="padding-top: 0.5em" tal:content="python:Group[1]" /> 34 </td></tr> 35 36 37 <tal:block tal:repeat="result results"> 38 38 <tr tal:define="id result/getUserName; 39 39 author python:mtool.getMemberInfo(id); 40 40 portrait python: mtool.getPersonalPortrait(id); 41 home_base python:container.portal_membership.getHomeUrl(id, verifyPermission=1)"> 41 home_base python:container.portal_membership.getHomeUrl(id, verifyPermission=1)" 42 tal:condition="python:Group[0] in result.getGroupNames()"> 42 43 43 44 <td> 44 45 <a href="#" tal:attributes="href portrait/absolute_url"> 45 <img src="" 46 alt="" 47 class="portraitPhoto" 48 width="25" 49 height="33" 50 style="float: left; margin: 0em;" 51 tal:attributes="src portrait/absolute_url" /> 46 <img src="" alt="" class="portraitPhoto" width="25" height="33" 47 style="float: left; margin: 0em;" 48 tal:attributes="src portrait/absolute_url" /> 52 49 </a> 53 50 </td> … … 77 74 78 75 <td> 79 80 <span tal:condition="python: author['location']"> 81 <span tal:content="python: author['location']" /> 82 </span> 83 76 <span tal:content="author/location|nothing" >Location</span> 84 77 </td> 85 78 … … 88 81 </td> 89 82 83 <td> 84 <span tal:condition="python: id == and not is_manager"> 85 <a href="#" tal:attributes="href string:${portal_url}/personalize_form"> 86 Personal Preferences 87 </a> 88 </span> 89 </td> 90 90 91 </tr> 91 92 92 </ metal:block>93 </tal:block> 93 94 95 </tal:repeat> 94 96 </tbody> 95 97 </table> 96 97 <br/>98 99 <!-- Navigation -->100 <div metal:use-macro="here/batch_macros/macros/navigation" />101 98 102 99 </div>
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