13 Nov 2014, 16:03:08 (10 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

More renaming: University -> Institution, Student -> Customer
Change portal title.

16 edited
3 moved


  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/batchprocessing.txt

    r11949 r11952  
    2121Create a site:
    23     >>> from waeup.ikoba.app import University
    24     >>> getRootFolder()['app'] = University()
     23    >>> from waeup.ikoba.app import Institution
     24    >>> getRootFolder()['app'] = Institution()
    2525    >>> from zope.component.hooks import setSite
    2626    >>> setSite(getRootFolder()['app'])
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/breadcrumbs.py

    r11949 r11952  
    2828from waeup.ikoba.browser.interfaces import (
    2929    IBreadcrumb, IBreadcrumbIgnorable, IBreadcrumbContainer, IIkobaObject,
    30     IUniversity, IUsersContainer, IDataCenter,
     30    IInstitution, IUsersContainer, IDataCenter,
    3131    )
    3232from waeup.ikoba.reports import IReportsContainer
    8686        return self.viewname
    88 class UniversityBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb):
    89     """A breadcrumb for university index pages.
    90     """
    91     grok.context(IUniversity)
     88class InstitutionBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb):
     89    """A breadcrumb for institution index pages.
     90    """
     91    grok.context(IInstitution)
    9292    title = _(u'Home')
    9393    parent = None
    9898    Here we need a special `parent()` implementation, because the
    99     parent object is not a real parent (the University object has no
     99    parent object is not a real parent (the Institution object has no
    100100    valid parent in terms of breadcrumbs). Instead it is the
    101101    ``administration`` view of the same context the ``manage`` page
    102102    itself is bound to.
    103103    """
    104     grok.context(IUniversity)
     104    grok.context(IInstitution)
    105105    grok.name('manage')
    106106    title = _(u'Portal Settings')
    114114class AdministrationBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb):
    115     """A breadcrumb for administration areas of University instances.
    116     """
    117     grok.context(IUniversity)
     115    """A breadcrumb for administration areas of Institution instances.
     116    """
     117    grok.context(IInstitution)
    118118    grok.name('administration')
    119119    title = _(u'Administration')
    158158    title = _(u'Reports')
    159159    parent_viewname = 'administration'
    160     target = None
    162 class ExportsBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb):
    163     """A breadcrumb for exports.
    164     """
    165     grok.context(IExportJobContainer)
    166     title = _(u'Student Data Exports')
    167160    target = None
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/breadcrumbs.txt

    r11949 r11952  
    11 We create a university to check the breadcrumb functionality.
    13     >>> from waeup.ikoba.app import University
     11We create a institution to check the breadcrumb functionality.
     13    >>> from waeup.ikoba.app import Institution
    1414    >>> root = getRootFolder()
    15     >>> root['app'] = University()
     15    >>> root['app'] = Institution()
    1616    >>> app = root['app']
    2525    >>> blist1 = getBreadcrumbList(app, 'index')
    2626    >>> blist1
    27     [<waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.UniversityBreadcrumb object at 0x...>]
     27    [<waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.InstitutionBreadcrumb object at 0x...>]
    2929A slightly more extensive list for the datacenter:
    3232    >>> from pprint import pprint
    3333    >>> pprint(blist2)
    34     [<waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.UniversityBreadcrumb object at 0x...>,
     34    [<waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.InstitutionBreadcrumb object at 0x...>,
    3535     <waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.AdministrationBreadcrumb object at 0x...>,
    3636     <waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.DataCenterBreadcrumb object at 0x...>]
    38 We get a breadcrumb for university, administration area and data
     38We get a breadcrumb for institution, administration area and data
    3939center in that order.
    4848     >>> pprint([(x.context, x.viewname) for x in blist2])
    49      [(<waeup.ikoba.app.University object at 0x...>, 'index'),
    50       (<waeup.ikoba.app.University object at 0x...>, 'administration'),
     49     [(<waeup.ikoba.app.Institution object at 0x...>, 'index'),
     50      (<waeup.ikoba.app.Institution object at 0x...>, 'administration'),
    5151      (<waeup.ikoba.datacenter.DataCenter object at 0x...>, 'index')]
    5353The administration area breadcrumb might be a surprise, as there is no
    5454equivalent object in the ZODB. In fact the administration area is only
    55 a certain view (the 'administration' view) on the university object.
     55a certain view (the 'administration' view) on the institution object.
    5757We will show below, how you can define breadcrumbs this way.
    6363This way we can make sure, that there are different breadcrumb lists
    64 generated for instance for the administration view of University
     64generated for instance for the administration view of Institution
    6565instances and the index view. While the first should look something
    119119    >>> pprint(mybccontainer.getList())
    120     [<...breadcrumbs.UniversityBreadcrumb object at 0x...>,
     120    [<...breadcrumbs.InstitutionBreadcrumb object at 0x...>,
    121121     <...breadcrumbs.AdministrationBreadcrumb object at 0x...>,
    122122     <...breadcrumbs.UsersContainerBreadcrumb object at 0x...>]
    129129Now we can get breadcrumbs for contexts and view names. For example a
    130 breadcrumb for the 'index' view of our University object:
     130breadcrumb for the 'index' view of our Institution object:
    132132    >>> from zope.component import getAdapter
    134134    >>> b1 = getAdapter(app, IBreadcrumb, 'index')
    135135    >>> b1
    136     <waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.UniversityBreadcrumb object at 0x...>
     136    <waeup.ikoba.browser.breadcrumbs.InstitutionBreadcrumb object at 0x...>
    138138Breadcrumb objects provide a title:
    169169    >>> b2.parent
    170     (<waeup.ikoba.app.University object at 0x...>, 'administration')
    172 This result denotes a new context object (the University instance we
     170    (<waeup.ikoba.app.Institution object at 0x...>, 'administration')
     172This result denotes a new context object (the Institution instance we
    173173created above) and a view name ('administration').
    188188As you can see, we get an AdministrationBreadcrumb, although the
    189189context object, for which the breadcrumb was created is also the
    190 University instance as above:
     190Institution instance as above:
    192192    >>> b3.context is b1.context
    197197    >>> context, viewname = b3.parent
    198198    >>> context, viewname
    199     (<waeup.ikoba.app.University object at 0x...>, 'index')
     199    (<waeup.ikoba.app.Institution object at 0x...>, 'index')
    201201We create last breadcrumb:
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/browser.txt

    r11949 r11952  
    44Here we visit all parts of a Ikoba portal using a browser.
    6 University
    99We can watch universities in the browser.
    11 We create an university object and put into the ZODB root::
     11We create an institution object and put into the ZODB root::
    1313  >>> root = getRootFolder()
    1515  []
    17   >>> from waeup.ikoba.app import University
    18   >>> u = University()
    19   >>> root['myuniversity'] = u
     17  >>> from waeup.ikoba.app import Institution
     18  >>> u = Institution()
     19  >>> root['myinstitution'] = u
    2020  >>> list(root)
    21   [u'myuniversity']
     21  [u'myinstitution']
    2323  >>> from zope.component.hooks import setSite
    24   >>> setSite(root['myuniversity'])
     24  >>> setSite(root['myinstitution'])
    2626To make sure, we can 'watch' pages, we first have to initialize out
    3030  >>> browser = Browser()
    32 Let's get the default view of a university::
    34   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity')
     32Let's get the default view of a institution::
     34  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution')
    3535  >>> print browser.contents
    3636  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
    5555The contact form for anonymous users is called 'Enquiries'::
    57   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity')
     57  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution')
    5858  >>> browser.getLink('Enquiries').click()
    5959  >>> browser.getControl('Send').click()
    7474Registered users with an email address can request a password change:
    76   >>> root['myuniversity']['users'].addUser('forgetful', 'secret',title='Bob Forgetful',
     76  >>> root['myinstitution']['users'].addUser('forgetful', 'secret',title='Bob Forgetful',
    7777  ...                               description='A forgetful user', email='aa@aa.ng')
    78   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/changepw')
     78  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/changepw')
    7979  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.identifier").value = 'forgetful'
    8080  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.email").value = 'aa@aa.ng'
    9191We can then get an edit view of the configuration container::
    93   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/configuration')
    94   >>> print browser.contents
    95   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
    96   ...<form action="http://localhost/myuniversity/configuration/@@index"
    97   ...
    99 The edit form contains the default value for the university name::
    101   >>> 'Sample University' in browser.contents
     93  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/configuration')
     94  >>> print browser.contents
     95  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
     96  ...<form action="http://localhost/myinstitution/configuration/@@index"
     97  ...
     99The edit form contains the default value for the institution name::
     101  >>> 'Sample Institution' in browser.contents
    102102  True
    110110  ...
    112   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/configuration')
     112  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/configuration')
    113113  >>> browser.getControl("Update plugins").click()
    114114  >>> print browser.contents
    120120and is properly rendered on the frontpage of the portal:
    122   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity')
     122  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution')
    123123  >>> print browser.contents
    124124  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
    134134If we change to German so that the German part of frontpage.rst is rendered:
    136   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity//@@change_language?lang=de')
     136  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution//@@change_language?lang=de')
    137137  >>> print browser.contents
    138138  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
    147147Switch back to English:
    149   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity//@@change_language?lang=en')
     149  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution//@@change_language?lang=en')
    155   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity')
     155  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution')
    156156  >>> browser.getLink('Portal Users').click()
    157157  >>> print browser.contents
    187187manually by setting the roles attribute:
    189   >>> print root['myuniversity']['users']['bob'].roles
     189  >>> print root['myinstitution']['users']['bob'].roles
    190190  []
    191   >>> root['myuniversity']['users']['bob'].roles = ['waeup.UsersManager']
    192   >>> print root['myuniversity']['users']['bob'].roles
     191  >>> root['myinstitution']['users']['bob'].roles = ['waeup.UsersManager']
     192  >>> print root['myinstitution']['users']['bob'].roles
    193193  ['waeup.UsersManager']
    194   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/users')
     194  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/users')
    195195  >>> print browser.contents
    196196  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
    200200Users can't be added twice:
    202   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/users/add')
     202  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/users/add')
    203203  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = 'bob'
    204204  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.title").value = 'Bob The User'
    215215Users can be deleted:
    217   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/users')
     217  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/users')
    218218  >>> browser.getControl("Remove", index=0).click()
    219219  >>> 'User account bob successfully deleted' in browser.contents
    227227Let's enter the contact form::
    229   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/contactadmin')
     229  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/contactadmin')
    230230  >>> print browser.contents
    231231  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
    238   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity/contactadmin')
     238  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution/contactadmin')
    239239  >>> browser.getControl(name='form.body').value = "test message"
    240240  >>> browser.getControl('Send').click()
    253253The data center helps us uploading files for later import or similar.
    255   >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myuniversity')
     255  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/myinstitution')
    256256  >>> browser.getLink('Data Center').click()
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/captcha.py

    r11949 r11952  
    3232    ICaptchaRequest, ICaptchaResponse, ICaptcha, ICaptchaConfig,
    3333    ICaptchaManager)
    34 from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import IUniversity
     34from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import IInstitution
    322322    # A test page to see a captcha in action
    323323    grok.name('captcha')
    324     grok.context(IUniversity)
     324    grok.context(IInstitution)
    325325    grok.require('waeup.Public')
    326326    title = 'Captcha Test'
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/exceptions.py

    r11949 r11952  
    6464    """A page rendered when an object cannot be found.
    66     XXX: This page won't work for objects above a w.k.University.
     66    XXX: This page won't work for objects above a w.k.Institution.
    6767    """
    6868    grok.context(INotFound)
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/interfaces.py

    r11949 r11952  
    2121from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
    2222from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import (
    23     IIkobaObject, IUniversity, IUsersContainer, IDataCenter, validate_email)
     23    IIkobaObject, IInstitution, IUsersContainer, IDataCenter, validate_email)
    2424from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
    162162        If no `headerline` is given, a default will be rendered (name
    163         of university).
     163        of institution).
    165165        If no `title` is given, nothing will be rendered.
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/layout.py

    r11949 r11952  
    220220    #: An instance of the default theme to use for the site layout
    221221    stafftemp = grok.PageTemplateFile('templates/staffsitelayout.pt')
    222     studenttemp = grok.PageTemplateFile('templates/studentsitelayout.pt')
     222    customertemp = grok.PageTemplateFile('templates/customersitelayout.pt')
    224224    @property
    228228    def getAppTitle(self):
    229         return getattr(grok.getSite()['configuration'], 'name', u'Sample University')
     229        return getattr(grok.getSite()['configuration'], 'name', u'Sample Institution')
    231231    def getAppAcronym(self):
    287287    def render(self):
    288288        if self.isCustomer() or not self.isAuthenticated():
    289             return self.studenttemp.render(self)
     289            return self.customertemp.render(self)
    290290        return self.stafftemp.render(self)
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/pages.py

    r11949 r11952  
    4646    IkobaDisplayFormPage, NullValidator)
    4747from waeup.ikoba.browser.interfaces import (
    48     IUniversity, ICaptchaManager, IChangePassword)
     48    IInstitution, ICaptchaManager, IChangePassword)
    4949from waeup.ikoba.browser.layout import jsaction, action, UtilityView
    5050from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
    268268                self.flash(_('You logged in.'))
    269269                if self.request.principal.user_type == 'customer':
    270                     student = grok.getSite()['customerss'][
     270                    customer = grok.getSite()['customers'][
    271271                        self.request.principal.id]
    272272                    rel_link = '/customers/%s' % self.request.principal.id
    273                     if student.personal_data_expired:
     273                    if customer.personal_data_expired:
    274274                        rel_link = '/customerss/%s/edit_personal' % (
    275275                            self.request.principal.id)
    325325class ContactAdminForm(IkobaForm):
    326326    grok.name('contactadmin')
    327     #grok.context(IUniversity)
     327    #grok.context(IInstitution)
    328328    grok.template('contactform')
    329329    grok.require('waeup.Authenticated')
    407 # University related pages...
     407# Institution related pages...
    410 class UniversityPage(IkobaDisplayFormPage):
    411     """ The main university page.
     410class InstitutionPage(IkobaDisplayFormPage):
     411    """ The main institution page.
    412412    """
    413413    grok.require('waeup.Public')
    414414    grok.name('index')
    415     grok.context(IUniversity)
     415    grok.context(IInstitution)
    416416    pnav = 0
    417417    label = ''
    434434    """
    435435    grok.name('administration')
    436     grok.context(IUniversity)
     436    grok.context(IInstitution)
    437437    grok.require('waeup.managePortal')
    438438    label = _(u'Administration')
    443443    """
    444444    grok.name('feed.rss')
    445     grok.context(IUniversity)
     445    grok.context(IInstitution)
    446446    grok.require('waeup.Public')
    447     grok.template('universityrss20feed')
     447    grok.template('institutionrss20feed')
    449449    name = 'General news feed'
    457457    @property
    458458    def title(self):
    459         return getattr(grok.getSite(), 'name', u'Sample University')
     459        return getattr(grok.getSite(), 'name', u'Sample Institution')
    461461    @property
    15681568    """Captcha'd page for all kind of users to request a password change.
    15691569    """
    1570     grok.context(IUniversity)
     1570    grok.context(IInstitution)
    15711571    grok.name('changepw')
    15721572    grok.require('waeup.Anonymous')
    15891589        #    email=(email,email))
    15901590        #for result in results:
    1591         #    if result.student_id == identifier or \
     1591        #    if result.customer_id == identifier or \
    15921592        #        result.reg_number == identifier or \
    15931593        #        result.matric_number == identifier:
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/pdf.py

    r11949 r11952  
    710710            doc, 'ikoba_headtitle', getattr(
    711711                site_config, 'name',
    712                 u'Sample University'))
     712                u'Sample Institution'))
    713713        canvas.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 18)
    714714        if self.header_logo_left_path is not None:
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/customersitelayout.pt

    r11949 r11952  
    33  <head>
    44    <title i18n:translate="">
    5       WAeUP.Ikoba - Student Management System
     5      WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System
    66    </title>
    77    <!--base href="http://localhost:8080/app/@@page"
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/datacenterexportpage.pt

    r11949 r11952  
    11<p i18n:translate="">
    2   Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data except student data.
     2  Here you can create CSV files from parts of portal data.
    33  Please pick the type of objects you want to export from the
    44  selection below. The file will be generated and then be
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/loginpage.pt

    r11949 r11952  
    2222  </p>
    2323  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble2" tal:condition="python:False">
    24     You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created?
    25     Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your student account
     24    You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created?
     25    Acquire a Password Activation Code (PWD) and inititialize your customer account
    2626    <strong><a href ="setpassword"> here</a></strong>.
    2727  </p>
    2828  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble4">
    29     You don't have an account because you are a fresh student, or your student record has just been created?
    30     Inititialize your student account <strong><a href="requestpw"> here</a></strong>.
     29    You don't have an account because you are a new customer, or your customer record has just been created?
     30    Inititialize your customer account <strong><a href="requestpw"> here</a></strong>.
    3131  </p>
    32   <p i18n:translate="login_trouble3"> Or simply forgot your student id, application id or password? Then request a new password
     32  <p i18n:translate="login_trouble3"> Or simply forgot your customer id password? Then request a new password
    3333    <strong><a href="changepw"> here</a></strong>.
    3434  </p>
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/templates/staffsitelayout.pt

    r11949 r11952  
    55    <!-- Diazo element-->
    66    <title i18n:translate="">
    7       WAeUP.Ikoba - Student Management System
     7      WAeUP.Ikoba - Application and Registration System
    88    </title> 
    99    <!-- /Diazo element-->
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/tests/test_async.py

    r11949 r11952  
    88from zope.security.interfaces import Unauthorized
    99from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
    10 from waeup.ikoba.app import University
     10from waeup.ikoba.app import Institution
    1111from waeup.ikoba.async import AsyncJob, get_job_id
    1212from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import IJobManager
    2929        self.storage = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'storage')
    3030        os.mkdir(self.storage)
    31         app = University()
     31        app = Institution()
    3232        app['datacenter'].setStoragePath(self.storage)
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/tests/test_permissions.py

    r11949 r11952  
    3131from zope.security.interfaces import Unauthorized
    3232from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
    33 from waeup.ikoba.app import University
     33from waeup.ikoba.app import Institution
    3434from waeup.ikoba.testing import (
    3535    FunctionalLayer, FunctionalTestCase, get_all_loggers, remove_new_loggers,
    5858    def setUp(self):
    5959        super(PermissionTest, self).setUp()
    60         # Set up a complete university to have every page available...
    61         app = University()
     60        # Set up a complete institution to have every page available...
     61        app = Institution()
    6262        self.getRootFolder()['app'] = app
    6363        setSite(self.getRootFolder()['app'])
  • main/waeup.kofa/branches/henrik-regista/src/waeup/ikoba/browser/viewlets.py

    r11949 r11952  
    2424from zope.traversing.browser import absoluteURL
    2525from waeup.ikoba.browser.pages import (
    26     UniversityPage, DatacenterPage,
     26    InstitutionPage, DatacenterPage,
    2727    UsersContainerPage, UserManageFormPage)
    2828from waeup.ikoba.browser.interfaces import (
    29     IBreadcrumbContainer, IUniversity, IUsersContainer)
     29    IBreadcrumbContainer, IInstitution, IUsersContainer)
    3030from waeup.ikoba.interfaces import (
    3131    IIkobaUtils, IIkobaObject, IIkobaXMLExporter,
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.