28 May 2014, 13:19:03 (10 years ago)

Provide xmlrpc service for uploading .fpm files.

2 edited


  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/tests/test_webservices.py

    r11670 r11674  
    384384        return
     386    def test_put_student_fingerprints_no_stud(self):
     387        # invalid student ids will result in `False`
     388        server = ServerProxy('http://mgr:mgrpw@localhost/app')
     389        self.assertRaises(
     390            xmlrpclib.Fault, server.put_student_fingerprints,
     391            'invalid id', {})
     393    def test_put_student_fingerprints_non_dict(self):
     394        # fingerprints must be passed in in a dict
     395        server = ServerProxy('http://mgr:mgrpw@localhost/app')
     396        self.setup_student(self.student)
     397        self.assertRaises(
     398            xmlrpclib.Fault, server.put_student_fingerprints,
     399            self.student.student_id, 'not-a-dict')
     401    def test_put_student_fingerprints_non_num_keys_ignored(self):
     402        # non-numeric keys in fingerprint dict are ignored
     403        server = ServerProxy('http://mgr:mgrpw@localhost/app')
     404        self.setup_student(self.student)
     405        result = server.put_student_fingerprints(
     406            self.student.student_id, {'not-a-num': 'foo',
     407                                      '12.2': 'bar',
     408                                      '123': 'baz'})
     409        self.assertEqual(result, False)
     411    def test_put_student_fingerprints_non_fpm_data(self):
     412        # we cannot pass non-.fpm files as values
     413        server = ServerProxy('http://mgr:mgrpw@localhost/app')
     414        self.setup_student(self.student)
     415        self.assertRaises(
     416            xmlrpclib.Fault, server.put_student_fingerprints,
     417            self.student.student_id, {'1': 'not-a-fingerprint'})
     419    def test_put_student_fingerprints_invalid_file_format(self):
     420        # invalid files will result in `False`
     421        server = ServerProxy('http://mgr:mgrpw@localhost/app')
     422        self.setup_student(self.student)
     423        invalid_fpm = xmlrpclib.Binary('invalid file')
     424        self.assertRaises(
     425            xmlrpclib.Fault, server.put_student_fingerprints,
     426            self.student.student_id, {'1': invalid_fpm})
     428    def test_put_student_fingerprints(self):
     429        # we can store fingerprints
     430        server = ServerProxy('http://mgr:mgrpw@localhost/app')
     431        self.setup_student(self.student)
     432        fpm = xmlrpclib.Binary('FP1faked_fpm')
     433        result = server.put_student_fingerprints(
     434            self.student.student_id, {'1': fpm})
     435        self.assertEqual(result, True)
     436        stored_file = getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext(
     437            self.student, attr="1.fpm")
     438        self.assertEqual(stored_file.read(), 'FP1faked_fpm')
    386440    def test_get_student_fingerprints_no_stud(self):
    387441        # invalid student ids result in empty dict
  • main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/webservices.py

    r11671 r11674  
    1919import os
    2020import xmlrpclib
     21from cStringIO import StringIO
    2122from zope.component import getUtility, queryUtility
    2223from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
    23 from waeup.kofa.interfaces import IUniversity, IExtFileStore
     24from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (
     25    IUniversity, IExtFileStore, IFileStoreNameChooser,
     26    )
     27from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import get_fileformat
    230234                    )
     236    @grok.require('waeup.putBiometricData')
     237    def put_student_fingerprints(self, identifier=None, fingerprints={}):
     238        """Store fingerprint files for student identified by `identifier`.
     240        `fingerprints` is expected to be a dict with strings
     241        ``1``..``10`` as keys and binary data as values.
     243        The keys ``1``..``10`` represent respective fingers: ``1`` is
     244        the left thumb, ``10`` the little finger of right hand.
     246        The binary data values are expected to be fingerprint minutiae
     247        files as created by the libfprint library. With the std python
     248        `xmlrpclib` client you can create such values with
     249        `xmlrpclib.Binary(<BINARY_DATA_HERE>)`.
     251        The following problems will raise errors:
     253        - Invalid student identifiers (student does not exist or
     254          unknown format of identifier)
     256        - Fingerprint files that are not put into a dict.
     258        - Fingerprint dicts that contain non-FPM files (or otherwise
     259          invalid .fpm data).
     261        Returns `True` in case of successful operation (at least one
     262        fingerprint was stored), `False` otherwise.
     263        """
     264        result = False
     265        students = self.context['students']
     266        student = get_student(students, identifier)
     267        if student is None:
     268            raise xmlrpclib.Fault(
     269                xmlrpclib.INVALID_METHOD_PARAMS,
     270                "No such student: '%s'" % identifier)
     271        if not isinstance(fingerprints, dict):
     272            raise xmlrpclib.Fault(
     273                xmlrpclib.INVALID_METHOD_PARAMS,
     274                "Invalid fingerprint data: must be in dict")
     275        for str_key, val in fingerprints.items():
     276            num = 0
     277            try:
     278                num = int(str_key)
     279            except ValueError:
     280                pass
     281            if num < 1 or num > 10:
     282                continue
     283            if not isinstance(val, xmlrpclib.Binary):
     284                raise xmlrpclib.Fault(
     285                    xmlrpclib.INVALID_METHOD_PARAMS,
     286                    "Invalid data for finger %s" % num)
     287            fmt = get_fileformat(None, val.data)
     288            if fmt != 'fpm':
     289                raise xmlrpclib.Fault(
     290                    xmlrpclib.INVALID_METHOD_PARAMS,
     291                    "Invalid file format for finger %s" % num)
     292            file_store = getUtility(IExtFileStore)
     293            file_id = IFileStoreNameChooser(student).chooseName(
     294                attr='%s.fpm' % num)
     295            file_store.createFile(file_id, StringIO(val.data))
     296            result = True
     297        return result
    232299    @grok.require('waeup.getBiometricData')
    233300    def get_student_fingerprints(self, identifier=None):
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