16 Jun 2013, 08:39:43 (11 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Start customization of application forms.

1 added
1 edited


  • main/waeup.aaue/trunk/src/waeup/aaue/applicants/interfaces.py

    r9060 r10298  
    2121from zope import schema
     22from zope.interface import Attribute, invariant, Invalid
    2223from waeup.kofa.applicants.interfaces import (
    2324    IApplicantBaseData,
    2829from waeup.kofa.schema import FormattedDate, TextLineChoice
    2930from waeup.kofa.students.vocabularies import nats_vocab, GenderSource
    30 from waeup.kofa.applicants.interfaces import contextual_reg_num_source
     31from waeup.kofa.applicants.interfaces import (
     32    contextual_reg_num_source,
     33    IApplicantBaseData)
    3134from kofacustom.nigeria.applicants.interfaces import (
    3235    LGASource, high_qual, high_grade, exam_types,
    4043from waeup.aaue.payments.interfaces import ICustomOnlinePayment
    42 class ICustomUGApplicant(INigeriaUGApplicant):
     45class ICustomUGApplicant(IApplicantBaseData):
    4346    """An undergraduate applicant.
    4750    adding them to the UG_OMIT* tuples.
    4851    """
     53    nationality = schema.Choice(
     54        source = nats_vocab,
     55        title = _(u'Nationality'),
     56        required = True,
     57        )
     58    lga = schema.Choice(
     59        source = LGASource(),
     60        title = _(u'State/LGA (Nigerians only)'),
     61        required = False,
     62        )
     63    perm_address = schema.Text(
     64        title = _(u'Permanent Address'),
     65        required = False,
     66        )
     67    course1 = schema.Choice(
     68        title = _(u'1st Choice Course of Study'),
     69        source = AppCatCertificateSource(),
     70        required = True,
     71        )
     72    course2 = schema.Choice(
     73        title = _(u'2nd Choice Course of Study'),
     74        source = AppCatCertificateSource(),
     75        required = False,
     76        )
     77    fst_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
     78        title = _(u'Full Name'),
     79        required = False,
     80        readonly = False,
     81        )
     82    fst_sit_no = schema.TextLine(
     83        title = _(u'Exam Number'),
     84        required = False,
     85        readonly = False,
     86        )
     87    fst_sit_date = FormattedDate(
     88        title = _(u'Exam Date'),
     89        required = False,
     90        readonly = False,
     91        show_year = True,
     92        )
     93    fst_sit_type = schema.Choice(
     94        title = _(u'Exam Type'),
     95        required = False,
     96        readonly = False,
     97        vocabulary = exam_types,
     98        )
     99    fst_sit_results = schema.List(
     100        title = _(u'Exam Results'),
     101        value_type = ResultEntryField(),
     102        required = False,
     103        readonly = False,
     104        default = [],
     105        )
     106    scd_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
     107        title = _(u'Full Name'),
     108        required = False,
     109        readonly = False,
     110        )
     111    scd_sit_no = schema.TextLine(
     112        title = _(u'Exam Number'),
     113        required = False,
     114        readonly = False,
     115        )
     116    scd_sit_date = FormattedDate(
     117        title = _(u'Exam Date'),
     118        required = False,
     119        readonly = False,
     120        show_year = True,
     121        )
     122    scd_sit_type = schema.Choice(
     123        title = _(u'Exam Type'),
     124        required = False,
     125        readonly = False,
     126        vocabulary = exam_types,
     127        )
     128    scd_sit_results = schema.List(
     129        title = _(u'Exam Results'),
     130        value_type = ResultEntryField(),
     131        required = False,
     132        readonly = False,
     133        default = [],
     134        )
     135    alr_fname = schema.TextLine(
     136        title = _(u'Full Name'),
     137        required = False,
     138        readonly = False,
     139        )
     140    alr_no = schema.TextLine(
     141        title = _(u'Exam Number'),
     142        required = False,
     143        readonly = False,
     144        )
     145    alr_date = FormattedDate(
     146        title = _(u'Exam Date'),
     147        required = False,
     148        readonly = False,
     149        show_year = True,
     150        )
     151    alr_results = schema.List(
     152        title = _(u'Exam Results'),
     153        value_type = ResultEntryField(),
     154        required = False,
     155        readonly = False,
     156        default = [],
     157        )
     158    jamb_subjects = schema.Text(
     159        title = _(u'Subjects and Scores'),
     160        required = False,
     161        )
     162    jamb_score = schema.Int(
     163        title = _(u'Total JAMB Score'),
     164        required = False,
     165        )
     166    notice = schema.Text(
     167        title = _(u'Notice'),
     168        required = False,
     169        )
     170    screening_venue = schema.TextLine(
     171        title = _(u'Screening Venue'),
     172        required = False,
     173        )
     174    screening_date = schema.TextLine(
     175        title = _(u'Screening Date'),
     176        required = False,
     177        )
     178    screening_score = schema.Int(
     179        title = _(u'Screening Score (%)'),
     180        required = False,
     181        )
     182    aggregate = schema.Int(
     183        title = _(u'Aggregate Score (%)'),
     184        description = _(u'(average of relative JAMB and PUTME scores)'),
     185        required = False,
     186        )
     187    result_uploaded = schema.Bool(
     188        title = _(u'Result uploaded'),
     189        default = False,
     190        )
     191    student_id = schema.TextLine(
     192        title = _(u'Student Id'),
     193        required = False,
     194        readonly = False,
     195        )
     196    course_admitted = schema.Choice(
     197        title = _(u'Admitted Course of Study'),
     198        source = CertificateSource(),
     199        required = False,
     200        )
     201    locked = schema.Bool(
     202        title = _(u'Form locked'),
     203        default = False,
     204        )
     206    @invariant
     207    def second_choice(applicant):
     208        if applicant.course1 == applicant.course2:
     209            raise Invalid(_("2nd choice course must differ from 1st choice course."))
    50211class ICustomPGApplicant(INigeriaPGApplicant):
    75236        """
    77 class ICustomUGApplicantEdit(INigeriaUGApplicantEdit):
     238class ICustomUGApplicantEdit(ICustomUGApplicant):
    78239    """An undergraduate applicant interface for edit forms.
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