Changeset 10079 for main/waeup.plonetheme.ngren2/trunk
- Timestamp:
- 12 Apr 2013, 05:57:32 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- main/waeup.plonetheme.ngren2/trunk/waeup/plonetheme/ngren2/static
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
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Removes inner spacing in IE 7 without affecting normal text inputs. 339 * Known issue: inner spacing remains in IE 6. 340 */ 341 button, 342 html input[type="button"], 343 input[type="reset"], 344 input[type="submit"] { 345 -webkit-appearance: button; 346 /* 2 */ 347 cursor: pointer; 348 /* 3 */ 349 *overflow: visible; 350 /* 4 */ 351 } 352 353 /* 354 * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements. 355 */ 356 button[disabled], 357 input[disabled] { 358 cursor: default; 359 } 360 361 /* 362 * 1. Addresses box sizing set to content-box in IE 8/9. 363 * 2. Removes excess padding in IE 8/9. 364 * 3. Removes excess padding in IE 7. 365 * Known issue: excess padding remains in IE 6. 366 */ 367 input[type="checkbox"], 368 input[type="radio"] { 369 box-sizing: border-box; 370 /* 1 */ 371 padding: 0; 372 /* 2 */ 373 *height: 13px; 374 /* 3 */ 375 *width: 13px; 376 /* 3 */ 377 } 378 379 /* 380 * 1. Addresses `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome. 381 * 2. Addresses `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome 382 * (include `-moz` to future-proof). 383 */ 384 input[type="search"] { 385 -webkit-appearance: textfield; 386 /* 1 */ 387 -moz-box-sizing: content-box; 388 -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; 389 /* 2 */ 390 box-sizing: content-box; 391 } 392 393 /* 394 * Removes inner padding and search cancel button in Safari 5 and Chrome 395 * on OS X. 396 */ 397 input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, 398 input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { 399 -webkit-appearance: none; 400 } 401 402 /* 403 * Removes inner padding and border in Firefox 3+. 404 */ 405 button::-moz-focus-inner, 406 input::-moz-focus-inner { 407 border: 0; 408 padding: 0; 409 } 410 411 /* 412 * 1. Removes default vertical scrollbar in IE 6/7/8/9. 413 * 2. Improves readability and alignment in all browsers. 414 */ 415 textarea { 416 overflow: auto; 417 /* 1 */ 418 vertical-align: top; 419 /* 2 */ 420 } 421 422 /* ========================================================================== 423 Tables 424 ========================================================================== */ 425 /* 426 * Remove most spacing between table cells. 427 */ 428 table { 429 border-collapse: collapse; 430 border-spacing: 0; 431 } 432 433 /* ========================================================================== 434 Grid 435 ========================================================================== */ 436 /* The 16-column Deco Grid System for fixed width of 960px: 437 * Cells are 45.0px (4.6875%), margin will be 16px (1.66666666667%). 438 * Portal left/right margin is 0dpx (0.0%). 439 */ 440 div.row { 441 float: left; 442 width: 100%; 443 display: block; 444 position: relative; 445 } 446 447 div.cell { 448 position: relative; 449 float: left; 450 left: 100%; 451 } 452 453 /* Width classes */ 454 div.width-1 { 455 width: 4.6875%; 456 } 457 458 div.width-2 { 459 width: 11.0417%; 460 } 461 462 div.width-3 { 463 width: 17.3958%; 464 } 465 466 div.width-4 { 467 width: 23.7500%; 468 } 469 470 div.width-5 { 471 width: 30.1042%; 472 } 473 474 div.width-6 { 475 width: 36.4583%; 476 } 477 478 div.width-7 { 479 width: 42.8125%; 480 } 481 482 div.width-8 { 483 width: 49.1667%; 484 } 485 486 div.width-9 { 487 width: 55.5208%; 488 } 489 490 div.width-10 { 491 width: 61.8750%; 492 } 493 494 div.width-11 { 495 width: 68.2292%; 496 } 497 498 div.width-12 { 499 width: 74.5833%; 500 } 501 502 div.width-13 { 503 width: 80.9375%; 504 } 505 506 div.width-14 { 507 width: 87.2917%; 508 } 509 510 div.width-15 { 511 width: 93.6458%; 512 } 513 514 div.width-16 { 515 width: 100.0000%; 516 } 517 518 /* Positioning classes, these are subtracting from a rightmost position, 519 * which is why they seem the wrong way around */ 520 div.position-0 { 521 margin-left: -100.0000%; 522 } 523 524 div.position-1 { 525 margin-left: -93.6458%; 526 } 527 528 div.position-2 { 529 margin-left: -87.2917%; 530 } 531 532 div.position-3 { 533 margin-left: -80.9375%; 534 } 535 536 div.position-4 { 537 margin-left: -74.5833%; 538 } 539 540 div.position-5 { 541 margin-left: -68.2292%; 542 } 543 544 div.position-6 { 545 margin-left: -61.8750%; 546 } 547 548 div.position-7 { 549 margin-left: -55.5208%; 550 } 551 552 div.position-8 { 553 margin-left: -49.1667%; 554 } 555 556 div.position-9 { 557 margin-left: -42.8125%; 558 } 559 560 div.position-10 { 561 margin-left: -36.4583%; 562 } 563 564 div.position-11 { 565 margin-left: -30.1042%; 566 } 567 568 div.position-12 { 569 margin-left: -23.7500%; 570 } 571 572 div.position-13 { 573 margin-left: -17.3958%; 574 } 575 576 div.position-14 { 577 margin-left: -11.0417%; 578 } 579 580 div.position-15 { 581 margin-left: -4.6875%; 582 } 583 584 /* Convenience classes. Not strictly necessary. */ 585 div.width-full { 586 width: 100%; 587 } 588 589 div.position-0 { 590 margin-left: -100%; 591 } 592 593 div.width-1\3a 2 { 594 width: 49.1667%; 595 } 596 597 div.position-1\3a 2 { 598 margin-left: -49.1667%; 599 } 600 601 div.width-1\3a 3 { 602 width: 32.2222%; 603 } 604 605 div.width-2\3a 3 { 606 width: 66.1111%; 607 } 608 609 div.position-1\3a 3 { 610 margin-left: -66.1111%; 611 } 612 613 div.position-2\3a 3 { 614 margin-left: -32.2222%; 615 } 616 617 div.width-1\3a 4 { 618 width: 23.75%; 619 } 620 621 div.width-2\3a 4 { 622 width: 49.1667%; 623 } 624 625 div.width-3\3a 4 { 626 width: 74.5833%; 627 } 628 629 div.position-1\3a 4 { 630 margin-left: -74.5833%; 631 } 632 633 div.position-2\3a 4 { 634 margin-left: -49.1667%; 635 } 636 637 div.position-3\3a 4 { 638 margin-left: -23.75%; 639 } 640 641 div.width-1\3a 5 { 642 width: 18.6667%; 643 } 644 645 div.width-2\3a 5 { 646 width: 39%; 647 } 648 649 div.width-3\3a 5 { 650 width: 59.3333%; 651 } 652 653 div.width-4\3a 5 { 654 width: 79.6667%; 655 } 656 657 div.position-1\3a 5 { 658 margin-left: -79.6667%; 659 } 660 661 div.position-2\3a 5 { 662 margin-left: -59.3333%; 663 } 664 665 div.position-3\3a 5 { 666 margin-left: -39%; 667 } 668 669 div.position-4\3a 5 { 670 margin-left: -18.6667%; 671 } 672 673 div.width-1\3a 6 { 674 width: 15.2778%; 675 } 676 677 div.width-2\3a 6 { 678 width: 32.2222%; 679 } 680 681 div.width-3\3a 6 { 682 width: 49.1667%; 683 } 684 685 div.width-4\3a 6 { 686 width: 66.1111%; 687 } 688 689 div.width-5\3a 6 { 690 width: 83.0556%; 691 } 692 693 div.position-1\3a 6 { 694 margin-left: -83.0556%; 695 } 696 697 div.position-2\3a 6 { 698 margin-left: -66.1111%; 699 } 700 701 div.position-3\3a 6 { 702 margin-left: -49.1667%; 703 } 704 705 div.position-4\3a 6 { 706 margin-left: -32.2222%; 707 } 708 709 div.position-5\3a 6 { 710 margin-left: -15.2778%; 711 } 712 713 /* ========================================================================== 714 General Styles 715 ========================================================================== */ 716 body { 717 background-color: #fff; 718 color: #393939; 719 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 720 font-size: 0.81em; 721 margin: 0; 722 } 723 724 a { 725 color: #00a19a; 726 text-decoration: none; 727 } 728 729 a:visited { 730 color: #97a9a8; 731 } 732 733 a:hover { 734 color: #ff8a00; 735 } 736 737 h1 { 738 font-family: yorkvilleregular,sans-serif; 739 font-size: 2.32em; 740 font-weight: normal; 741 line-height: 1; 742 margin: 0.67em 0; 743 } 744 745 h2 { 746 font-size: 1.55em; 747 font-weight: normal; 748 margin: 0.83em 0; 749 } 750 751 h3 { 752 font-size: 1.16em; 753 font-weight: normal; 754 margin: 1em 0; 755 } 756 757 p, ul, ol, dt, dd { 758 line-height: 1.4; 759 } 760 761 img { 762 border: 0; 763 vertical-align: text-bottom; 764 } 765 766 #content img, 767 .portletStaticText img { 768 height: auto; 769 max-width: 100%; 770 width: auto; 771 /*fix to IE8*/ 772 } 773 774 menu, 775 ol, 776 ul { 777 padding: 0 0 0 27px; 778 } 779 780 li ul, 781 li ol { 782 margin-top: 0; 783 margin-bottom: 0; 784 } 785 786 dd { 787 margin: 0 0 0 27px; 788 } 789 790 pre { 791 background-color: #222; 792 color: #fff; 793 font-size: 12px; 794 font-family: monospace; 795 margin-bottom: 1em; 796 padding: 1em; 797 overflow-x: auto; 798 } 799 800 /* ========================================================================== 801 Theme styles 802 ========================================================================== */ 803 /*----- Plone Elements -----*/ 804 .documentDescription { 805 color: #00a19a; 806 font-size: 1.32em; 807 line-height: 1.4; 808 margin: 0 0 1em; 809 } 810 811 .discreet { 812 color: #666; 813 font-size: 85%; 814 } 815 816 .visualHighlight { 817 background-color: #ffb; 818 } 819 820 .pullquote { 821 border-left: 6px solid silver; 822 clear: right; 823 color: #444; 824 float: right; 825 font-size: 1.17em; 826 line-height: 1.42em; 827 margin: 0 1em 1.5em 2.5em; 828 padding-left: 10px; 829 width: 35%; 830 } 831 832 .callout { 833 background-color: #eee; 834 border-left: 1em solid #cccccc; 835 padding: 1em; 836 } 837 838 .hiddenStructure { 839 background: none; 840 border: 0; 841 display: block; 842 height: 0.1em; 843 margin: -0.1em 0 0 -0.1em; 844 overflow: hidden; 845 padding: 0; 846 position: absolute; 847 width: 1px; 848 } 849 850 .visualClear { 851 clear: both; 852 } 853 854 /* 855 * TinyMCE Styles 856 */ 857 .mceContentBody a { 858 border: 0 !important; 859 color: #00a19a !important; 860 } 861 862 /* Image alignment classes */ 863 .image-left { 864 clear: left; 865 float: left; 866 margin: 0.5em 1em 0.5em 0; 867 } 868 869 .image-right { 870 clear: right; 871 float: right; 872 margin: 0.5em 0 0.5em 1em; 873 } 874 875 .image-inline { 876 float: none; 877 } 878 879 .image-caption { 880 margin: 0; 881 } 882 883 .newsImageContainer { 884 float: right; 885 margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em; 886 } 887 888 img.tileImage { 889 float: right; 890 margin: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em; 891 } 892 893 /*----- General -----*/ 894 #portal-top { 895 background: url(../images/pat.png); 896 border-bottom: 1px solid #5ec3bf; 897 box-shadow: 0 5px 24px rgba(0, 106, 107, 0.21); 898 min-width: 960px; 899 } 900 901 #portal-header-wrapper { 902 margin: auto; 903 position: relative; 904 width: 960px; 905 } 906 907 #portal-header { 908 padding: 0 0 33px; 909 } 910 911 #portal-header:before { 912 border: 7px solid #00a19a; 913 border: 7px solid rgba(0, 161, 154, 0.75); 914 border-radius: 0 0 7px 7px; 915 box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(0, 161, 154, 0.9); 916 content: ""; 917 display: block; 918 margin: -9px 0 0; 919 } 920 921 #portal-columns-wrapper { 922 margin: auto; 923 width: 960px; 924 } 925 926 #portal-columns { 927 margin: 0 0 1.5em; 928 } 929 930 #portal-column-content { 931 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 932 -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 933 box-sizing: border-box; 934 padding-right: 24px; 935 } 936 937 #portal-column-content.position-1\3a 4 { 938 padding-left: 24px; 939 } 940 941 #portal-column-one, 942 #portal-column-two { 943 margin-top: 1.55em; 944 } 945 946 /* 947 * Search Page 948 */ 949 #search-field { 950 border: 0; 951 } 952 953 .searchPage[type="text"] { 954 border: 1px solid #8cc8be; 955 border: 1px solid rgba(4, 129, 98, 0.25); 956 border-radius: 19px; 957 padding: 5px 10px; 958 } 959 960 .searchPage[type="text"]:focus { 961 outline: none; 962 } 963 964 #search-results-bar a { 965 color: #00a19a; 966 } 967 968 #search-results-bar dd { 969 background-color: #c0c0c0; 970 } 971 972 /* ========================================================================== 973 Forms 974 ========================================================================== */ 975 button, 976 input, 977 select, 978 textarea { 979 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 980 font-size: 1em; 981 margin: 0; 982 vertical-align: baseline; 983 } 984 985 input[type="checkbox"], 986 input[type="radio"] { 987 margin-right: 3px; 988 } 989 990 .label, 991 label { 992 font-weight: bold; 993 } 994 995 .field { 996 margin: 0 0 1em; 997 } 998 999 div.field.error { 1000 background-color: #fdc; 1001 border: 1px solid red; 1002 padding: 0.5em; 1003 } 1004 1005 .formControls { 1006 margin: 1em 0; 1007 } 1008 1009 .formControls input { 1010 margin-right: 4px; 1011 } 1012 1013 .context, 1014 .standalone, 1015 .destructive { 1016 margin-right: 4px; 1017 } 1018 1019 /* ========================================================================== 1020 Viewlets 1021 ========================================================================== */ 1022 /* 1023 * Portal Globalnav 1024 */ 1025 #theme-globalnav { 1026 font-size: 1.31em; 1027 line-height: 1.18em; 1028 margin: 0 0 85px; 1029 padding: 0; 1030 text-transform: lowercase; 1031 } 1032 1033 #theme-globalnav li { 1034 display: inline-block; 1035 position: relative; 1036 z-index: 3; 1037 } 1038 1039 #theme-globalnav > li > a { 1040 margin-right: 70px; 1041 padding: 0 0 9px; 1042 position: relative; 1043 z-index: 3; 1044 } 1045 1046 #theme-globalnav > li:hover > .hasChildrens { 1047 background: url() no-repeat 100% 100%; 1048 } 1049 1050 #theme-globalnav a:visited { 1051 color: #00a19a; 1052 } 1053 1054 #theme-globalnav .selected a, 1055 #theme-globalnav a:hover { 1056 color: #018781; 1057 text-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(29, 244, 211, 0.6); 1058 } 1059 1060 #theme-globalnav ul { 1061 background-color: #fff; 1062 background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85); 1063 border-bottom: 1px solid #26afa9; 1064 border-radius: 0 10px 0 0; 1065 box-shadow: -3px 0 10px 0 rgba(3, 85, 67, 0.28); 1066 display: none; 1067 margin: 7px 0 0; 1068 padding: 14px 18px; 1069 position: absolute; 1070 width: 144px; 1071 } 1072 1073 .globalSectionsLevel1 { 1074 font-size: 0.88em; 1075 line-height: 1.14em; 1076 } 1077 1078 #theme-globalnav li:hover > ul { 1079 display: block; 1080 } 1081 1082 #theme-globalnav ul li { 1083 display: block; 1084 margin: 0 0 15px; 1085 } 1086 1087 #theme-globalnav ul .last { 1088 margin: 0; 1089 } 1090 1091 #theme-globalnav ul a, 1092 #theme-globalnav .selected ul a, 1093 #theme-globalnav ul a:visited { 1094 color: #00a19a; 1095 display: block; 1096 text-shadow: none; 1097 } 1098 1099 #theme-globalnav ul a:hover, 1100 #theme-globalnav .selected ul a:hover { 1101 color: #393939; 1102 text-decoration: underline; 1103 text-shadow: none; 1104 } 1105 1106 #theme-globalnav ul ul { 1107 margin: 0; 1108 top: -14px; 1109 left: 100%; 1110 } 1111 1112 /* 1113 * Portal Search Box 1114 */ 1115 #portal-searchbox { 1116 clear: right; 1117 float: right; 1118 } 1119 1120 .LSBox { 1121 background-color: white; 1122 background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); 1123 border-color: #8cc8be; 1124 border-color: rgba(4, 129, 98, 0.25); 1125 border-radius: 19px; 1126 border-style: solid; 1127 border-width: 1px 0 0 1px; 1128 padding: 0 0 0 10px; 1129 } 1130 1131 #portal-searchbox .searchField { 1132 background-color: transparent; 1133 border: 0; 1134 color: #3fb7b2; 1135 font-size: 1.08em; 1136 text-transform: lowercase; 1137 width: 190px; 1138 } 1139 1140 #portal-searchbox .searchField:focus { 1141 outline: none; 1142 } 1143 1144 #portal-searchbox .searchField::-webkit-input-placeholder { 1145 color: #3fb7b2; 1146 } 1147 1148 .searchButton[type="submit"] { 1149 background: url(); 1150 border: 0; 1151 height: 25px; 1152 padding: 0; 1153 width: 25px; 1154 text-indent: -119988px; 1155 overflow: hidden; 1156 text-align: left; 1157 } 1158 1159 .LSResult { 1160 position: relative; 1161 z-index: 3; 1162 } 1163 1164 .livesearchContainer { 1165 background-color: #fff; 1166 border: 1px solid #048162; 1167 border: 1px solid rgba(4, 129, 98, 0.25); 1168 border-radius: 0 19px 19px 19px; 1169 margin: 0; 1170 padding: 0; 1171 position: absolute; 1172 right: 0; 1173 top: 0; 1174 width: 325px; 1175 } 1176 1177 #livesearchLegend { 1178 background-color: #fff; 1179 border-color: #048162; 1180 border-color: rgba(4, 129, 98, 0.25); 1181 border-radius: 19px 19px 0 0; 1182 border-style: solid; 1183 border-width: 1px 1px 0; 1184 line-height: 1.18em; 1185 margin-left: -1px; 1186 padding: 7px 12px 3px; 1187 position: absolute; 1188 top: -2em; 1189 } 1190 1191 .LSIEFix { 1192 padding: 4px 8px 10px; 1193 } 1194 1195 .LSTable { 1196 list-style: none; 1197 padding: 0; 1198 } 1199 1200 .LSDescr { 1201 margin-left: 7px; 1202 } 1203 1204 /* 1205 * Portal Logo 1206 */ 1207 #portal-logo { 1208 display: inline-block; 1209 margin: 0 75px 0 0; 1210 vertical-align: top; 1211 } 1212 1213 #portal-logo img { 1214 vertical-align: top; 1215 } 1216 1217 /* 1218 * Slogan 1219 */ 1220 #slogan { 1221 color: #00a19a; 1222 display: inline-block; 1223 font: 2.23em/1em yorkvilleregular, sans-serif; 1224 max-width: 50%; 1225 vertical-align: top; 1226 } 1227 1228 /* 1229 * Bread Crumbs & Language Selecto 1230 */ 1231 #portal-path { 1232 clear: both; 1233 margin: 0 auto 1.4em; 1234 width: 960px; 1235 } 1236 1237 #portal-breadcrumbs { 1238 color: #818181; 1239 font-size: 10px; 1240 line-height: 14px; 1241 } 1242 1243 #breadcrumbs-you-are-here { 1244 text-transform: lowercase; 1245 } 1246 1247 #portal-languageselector { 1248 float: right; 1249 font-size: 10px; 1250 line-height: 14px; 1251 margin: 0; 1252 padding: 0; 1253 } 1254 1255 #portal-languageselector li { 1256 display: inline; 1257 margin-left: 15px; 1258 } 1259 1260 #portal-languageselector a { 1261 color: #5c5f5f; 1262 } 1263 1264 #portal-languageselector .currentLanguage a { 1265 color: #3b9d9a; 1266 } 1267 1268 /* 1269 * Personal Tools 1270 */ 1271 #portal-personaltools { 1272 font-size: 0.85em; 1273 line-height: 1.27em; 1274 list-style: none; 1275 } 1276 1277 #portal-personaltools dt a, 1278 #portal-personaltools li a { 1279 color: #00a19a; 1280 font-weight: normal; 1281 margin: 0; 1282 padding: 5px 11px; 1283 } 1284 1285 #portal-personaltools dd { 1286 background-color: #fff; 1287 margin: 0; 1288 padding: 0 0 5px; 1289 right: 0; 1290 top: 100%; 1291 } 1292 1293 #portal-personaltools.activated .actionMenuContent { 1294 display: block; 1295 } 1296 1297 #portal-personaltools li a:hover { 1298 background-color: transparent; 1299 } 1300 1301 /* 1302 * Footer and Colophon 1303 */ 1304 #portal-bottom { 1305 clear: both; 1306 margin: auto; 1307 width: 960px; 1308 } 1309 1310 #portal-footer { 1311 color: #00a19a; 1312 font-size: 0.77em; 1313 padding-right: 135px; 1314 } 1315 1316 #portal-colophon { 1317 color: #00a19a; 1318 font-size: 0.77em; 1319 padding-right: 135px; 1320 overflow: hidden; 1321 } 1322 1323 #portal-colophon:after { 1324 border: 7px solid #00a19a; 1325 border: 7px solid rgba(0, 161, 154, 0.75); 1326 border-radius: 7px 7px 0 0; 1327 box-shadow: 0 -1px rgba(0, 161, 154, 0.9); 1328 content: ""; 1329 display: block; 1330 margin: 0 -135px -9px 0; 1331 } 1332 1333 #portal-footer-wrapper p { 1334 margin: 0; 1335 } 1336 1337 .colophonWrapper ul { 1338 list-style: none; 1339 margin: 0; 1340 padding: 0; 1341 } 1342 1343 /* 1344 * Social Links 1345 */ 1346 .slinks { 1347 bottom: 10px; 1348 margin: 0; 1349 padding: 0; 1350 position: absolute; 1351 right: 0; 1352 } 1353 1354 .slinks li { 1355 display: inline-block; 1356 vertical-align: top; 1357 } 1358 1359 .slink { 1360 background-image: url( 1361 RkZVVVVzc3NSUlJlZWV+fn5UVFRkZGSGhoZgYGBXV1c3Nzc0NDSOjo5ra2t6enpoaGh2dnZVVVViYmJtbW1zc3NTU1NdXV06OjoAAADVhkfsAAABAHRSTlMtPTc/CCw2CRMjHSwYIiY2Njw2HkA/PEAaByYaLjMgKzYqJTMOQCw7MjcdHTU4MD8oMzcHOTA9PD0QMzg2JTMhCykkFTJAMCUaMyglLxQuPRwoFhk7HiMhPTk4QBoxQD4dPD0TPhsYBjo6MikzJz0GPSVAGCIEOSQ5Ki9ADREtIiwQCw8tGwkrOzkKGwMTPiEhLA4dQCEiIzAJOjsHChcXPjg5QC5ANDg1FTwlQDIxIA0RLS0/HikIPkAGGxUKED8yPkBAQD9AEkAECD4gDBlAPkAhQAcENwRAPBEFQBEhFEBAQAJAQEA/QEBAQEBAQEBADwNAQEBAQEBAQAICQAEACREf4AAAA5tJREFUeNqN1HdYE2ccB/BU62jr1tY+zlprq7VDWxfu1uKodSsK2LoFxQluEfcA9wIVtEzZFGUXhMoeAqKCSQBJQjZ35ELGJZe7/MypebgLfYLfP+6P33P3ed7n+77vcWBvI9hN0KYBsds/b4H2ciI2dlNRGgvjfPzJR2lgJ/+Gi8Xi/oNq28UvevYTfxp/VF3CwMPCwrab7XzzbaFUKo0Lbx9vEMdJi/PzJ52tb8X/8vT8wV4xZ0VCRcKS0/9TS8nFBuZUHR+1y4BhBsXyGTut+OAR32fZW7kPJnHns4u6DXTMc3i+asa4sbR8w9qFvY0UJjz16B1eq34EdmJOooyR2eyd++1XGt2sEBbMKwJ23I575KCVyP3yt/iyiopr5mvXr1eUeh8dE9AA7MxKiEH1yT+N3V/LWOIv4tDUmeRsFKUMUa0r8+7RvdtdgOpoFyWFTC99g29Mf3qFvFJWtiVpVEHxj7wANp5pyNMTWlSSymx3pRRRTT14B5cTKOZfm/ 1362 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); 1363 background-repeat: no-repeat; 1364 display: block; 1365 height: 18px; 1366 width: 20px; 1367 text-indent: -119988px; 1368 overflow: hidden; 1369 text-align: left; 1370 } 1371 1372 .linked-in-link { 1373 background-position: 0 0; 1374 } 1375 1376 .facebook-link { 1377 background-position: -25px 0; 1378 } 1379 1380 .twitter-link { 1381 background-position: -47px 0; 1382 } 1383 1384 .rss-link { 1385 background-position: -72px 0; 1386 } 1387 1388 /* 1389 * Top Carousel 1390 */ 1391 #top-carousel { 1392 position: absolute; 1393 width: 100%; 1394 } 1395 1396 #top-carousel .carousel-banners { 1397 margin: auto; 1398 } 1399 1400 .carousel-text { 1401 background-color: transparent; 1402 background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); 1403 bottom: 0; 1404 color: #fff; 1405 font: 2.23em/1em yorkvilleregular, sans-serif; 1406 left: 0; 1407 padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.75em; 1408 right: 0; 1409 width: auto; 1410 } 1411 1412 .carousel-text a, 1413 .carousel-text a:visited { 1414 color: #fff; 1415 } 1416 1417 #top-carousel .carousel-text { 1418 background-color: transparent; 1419 color: #00a19a; 1420 left: 50%; 1421 padding: 0 1em 0 0; 1422 top: 110px; 1423 z-index: 1; 1424 } 1425 1426 #top-carousel .carousel-text a { 1427 color: #00a19a; 1428 } 1429 1430 .carousel-text * { 1431 margin: 0; 1432 line-height: 1em; 1433 } 1434 1435 .carousel-pager { 1436 bottom: 0; 1437 left: 0; 1438 margin: 0; 1439 padding: 0 1em; 1440 position: absolute; 1441 right: 0; 1442 } 1443 1444 #top-carousel .carousel-pager { 1445 left: 50%; 1446 margin: 0 0 0 -4px; 1447 padding: 0; 1448 right: auto; 1449 text-align: right; 1450 z-index: 2; 1451 } 1452 1453 .carousel-pager-button-prev { 1454 background: url(); 1455 float: left; 1456 height: 15px; 1457 margin: 0 5px 0 0; 1458 padding: 0; 1459 width: 15px; 1460 text-indent: -119988px; 1461 overflow: hidden; 1462 text-align: left; 1463 } 1464 1465 .carousel-pager-button-prev:hover { 1466 background-image: url(); 1467 } 1468 1469 .carousel-pager-button-next { 1470 background: url(); 1471 float: left; 1472 height: 15px; 1473 margin: 0 5px; 1474 padding: 0; 1475 width: 15px; 1476 text-indent: -119988px; 1477 overflow: hidden; 1478 text-align: left; 1479 } 1480 1481 .carousel-pager-button-next:hover { 1482 background-image: url(); 1483 } 1484 1485 .carousel-pager-item { 1486 background: url() no-repeat 50% 50%; 1487 display: inline-block; 1488 height: 11px; 1489 padding: 0; 1490 vertical-align: top; 1491 width: 7px; 1492 text-indent: -119988px; 1493 overflow: hidden; 1494 text-align: left; 1495 } 1496 1497 .carousel-pager-item:hover, 1498 .carousel-pager-item-active { 1499 background-image: url(); 1500 } 1501 1502 .carousel-pager-item-active { 1503 cursor: default; 1504 } 1505 1506 /* ========================================================================== 1507 Portlets 1508 ========================================================================== */ 1509 /* 1510 * General Portlets Styles 1511 */ 1512 .portlet { 1513 margin: 0 0 2em; 1514 } 1515 1516 dt.portletHeader { 1517 font-family: yorkvilleregular,sans-serif; 1518 font-size: 2.31em; 1519 font-weight: normal; 1520 text-transform: lowercase; 1521 } 1522 1523 .portletItem { 1524 font-size: 0.93em; 1525 line-height: 1.33em; 1526 margin: 0; 1527 padding: 1.1em 0 0.3em; 1528 } 1529 1530 .portletFooter { 1531 margin: 0; 1532 padding: 1.1em 0 0.3em; 1533 } 1534 1535 .tile { 1536 display: block; 1537 } 1538 1539 .portletItemDetails { 1540 font-size: 0.83em; 1541 display: block; 1542 } 1543 1544 /* 1545 * Manage Portlets 1546 */ 1547 .managedPortlet { 1548 margin: 10px 0; 1549 } 1550 1551 .managePortletsLink { 1552 text-align: center; 1553 } 1554 1555 .managePortletsFallback { 1556 display: block; 1557 text-align: center; 1558 } 1559 1560 .managedPortletActions { 1561 float: right; 1562 } 1563 1564 div.portletAssignments .managedPortletActions form { 1565 display: inline; 1566 } 1567 1568 div.portletAssignments .managedPortletActions a, 1569 div.portletAssignments .managedPortletActions button { 1570 background-color: transparent; 1571 border: none; 1572 cursor: pointer; 1573 margin: 0; 1574 padding: 0; 1575 } 1576 1577 /* 1578 * Portlet Navigation 1579 */ 1580 .navTree { 1581 list-style: none; 1582 margin: 0; 1583 padding: 0; 1584 } 1585 1586 .portletNavigationTree a { 1587 display: block; 1588 } 1589 1590 .portletNavigationTree a:visited { 1591 color: #00a19a; 1592 } 1593 1594 .portletNavigationTree a:hover { 1595 color: #ff8a00; 1596 } 1597 1598 .navTreeLevel0 { 1599 font-size: 1.5em; 1600 line-height: 1.33em; 1601 text-transform: lowercase; 1602 } 1603 1604 .navTreeLevel0 > .navTreeItem { 1605 margin: 0 0 0.6em; 1606 } 1607 1608 .navTreeLevel1 { 1609 font-size: 0.78em; 1610 line-height: 1em; 1611 margin: 9px 0 9px 18px; 1612 text-transform: none; 1613 } 1614 1615 .navTreeLevel1 > .navTreeItem { 1616 margin: 0 0 0.5em; 1617 } 1618 1619 .navTreeLevel2 { 1620 font-size: 0.86em; 1621 margin: 10px 0 10px 20px; 1622 } 1623 1624 .navTreeLevel2 .navTree { 1625 margin: 5px 0 6px; 1626 } 1627 1628 .navTreeLevel3 { 1629 line-height: 1.67em; 1630 } 1631 1632 .navTree.navTreeLevel3 li { 1633 background: url(../images/bullet.png) no-repeat scroll 2px 8px; 1634 padding-left: 13px; 1635 } 1636 1637 .navTree.navTreeLevel3 li:hover { 1638 background-position: 2px -96px; 1639 } 1640 1641 /* 1642 * Portlet Search 1643 */ 1644 .portletSearch .LSBox { 1645 border-width: 1px; 1646 display: inline-block; 1647 } 1648 1649 .portletSearch .searchField { 1650 background-color: transparent; 1651 border: 0; 1652 color: #3fb7b2; 1653 font-size: 1.08em; 1654 text-transform: lowercase; 1655 width: 188px; 1656 } 1657 1658 .portletSearch .searchField:focus { 1659 outline: none; 1660 } 1661 1662 .portletSearch .searchField::-webkit-input-placeholder { 1663 color: #3fb7b2; 1664 } 1665 1666 /* 1667 * Portlet Static Text 1668 */ 1669 div.portletStaticText { 1670 margin: 0 0 2em; 1671 } 1672 1673 .portletStaticText .portletItem { 1674 padding: 0; 1675 } 1676 1677 /* 1678 * Portlet Calendar 1679 */ 1680 .portletCalendar dt.portletHeader { 1681 font-size: 1.65em; 1682 text-transform: uppercase; 1683 } 1684 1685 .ploneCalendar { 1686 width: 100%; 1687 } 1688 1689 .ploneCalendar th { 1690 text-align: center; 1691 } 1692 1693 .ploneCalendar td { 1694 font-size: 0.83em; 1695 line-height: 1em; 1696 padding: 20px 2px 0; 1697 text-align: center; 1698 vertical-align: baseline; 1699 width: 14%; 1700 } 1701 1702 .ploneCalendar td a { 1703 display: inline-block; 1704 } 1705 1706 .ploneCalendar .event, 1707 .ploneCalendar .todayevent { 1708 border-bottom: 1px solid #00a19a; 1709 } 1710 1711 .ploneCalendar .event:hover, 1712 .ploneCalendar .todayevent:hover { 1713 border-color: #ff8a00; 1714 } 1715 1716 .ploneCalendar .event:hover a, 1717 .ploneCalendar .todayevent:hover a { 1718 color: #ff8a00; 1719 } 1720 1721 .ploneCalendar .todayevent, 1722 .ploneCalendar .todaynoevent { 1723 font-family: yorkvilleregular,sans-serif; 1724 font-size: 1.67em; 1725 letter-spacing: 1px; 1726 line-height: 1em; 1727 padding-top: 13px; 1728 } 1729 1730 #calendar-previous { 1731 background: url() 50% 50% no-repeat; 1732 display: inline-block; 1733 height: 15px; 1734 vertical-align: middle; 1735 width: 15px; 1736 text-indent: -119988px; 1737 overflow: hidden; 1738 text-align: left; 1739 } 1740 1741 #calendar-next { 1742 background: url() 50% 50% no-repeat; 1743 display: inline-block; 1744 height: 15px; 1745 vertical-align: middle; 1746 width: 15px; 1747 text-indent: -119988px; 1748 overflow: hidden; 1749 text-align: left; 1750 } 1751 1752 /* 1753 * Login Portlet 1754 */ 1755 .portletLogin input[type="text"], 1756 .portletLogin input[type="password"] { 1757 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; 1758 -moz-box-sizing: border-box; 1759 box-sizing: border-box; 1760 width: 75%; 1761 } 1762 1763 /* ========================================================================== 1764 Plone styles 1765 ========================================================================== */ 1766 /*----- Document Actions -----*/ 1767 .documentActions { 1768 font-size: 0.92em; 1769 text-align: right; 1770 } 1771 1772 #content .documentActions ul { 1773 list-style-type: none; 1774 } 1775 1776 .documentActions li { 1777 display: inline; 1778 } 1779 1780 .documentActions a { 1781 padding: 0 5px; 1782 text-decoration: none; 1783 } 1784 1785 /*----- Events -----*/ 1786 .eventDetails { 1787 clear: right; 1788 float: right; 1789 margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em; 1790 } 1791 1792 #content .eventDetails { 1793 border: 1px solid #cccccc; 1794 margin-top: 1em; 1795 width: 22em; 1796 } 1797 1798 #content .eventDetails h2 { 1799 background-color: #ddd; 1800 font-size: 100%; 1801 margin: 0; 1802 padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1em; 1803 } 1804 1805 #content .eventDetails .eventDetail { 1806 clear: both; 1807 } 1808 1809 #content .eventDetails .eventDetail h3 { 1810 float: left; 1811 font-size: 100%; 1812 margin: 0; 1813 padding: 2%; 1814 text-align: right; 1815 width: 37%; 1816 } 1817 1818 #content .eventDetails .eventDetail div { 1819 float: left; 1820 padding: 2%; 1821 width: 55%; 1822 } 1823 1824 /*----- Search Results -----*/ 1825 .highlightedSearchTerm { 1826 background-color: #ff9; 1827 padding: 0 2px; 1828 } 1829 1830 /*----- Editing -----*/ 1831 body#content { 1832 margin: 1em; 1833 } 1834 1835 .fieldRequired { 1836 color: #fff; 1837 } 1838 1839 .fieldRequired:before { 1840 color: #f00; 1841 content: "■ "; 1842 } 1843 1844 .formPanel { 1845 padding: 1em 2px; 1846 } 1847 1848 .formPanel textarea { 1849 width: 100%; 1850 } 1851 1852 #title { 1853 font-size: 2em; 1854 width: 100%; 1855 } 1856 1857 #description { 1858 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 1859 width: 100%; 1860 } 1861 1862 .suppressVisualEditor { 1863 margin: 0 !important; 1864 } 1865 1866 .fieldUploadFile { 1867 display: none; 1868 } 1869 1870 .formHelp { 1871 color: #555; 1872 display: block; 1873 font-weight: normal; 1874 margin: 0 0 0.2em 0; 1875 } 1876 1877 .documentByLine { 1878 color: #76797c; 1879 font-size: 0.85em; 1880 font-weight: normal; 1881 margin-bottom: 0.5em; 1882 } 1883 1884 .documentFirstHeading + #viewlet-below-content-title .documentByLine { 1885 margin-top: -1.46em; 1886 } 1887 1888 .tileHeadline + .documentByLine { 1889 display: block; 1890 margin-top: -1.46em; 1891 } 1892 1893 ul.configlets, 1894 #content ul.configlets { 1895 list-style: none; 1896 margin: 1em 0; 1897 } 1898 1899 ul.configlets li { 1900 margin-bottom: 1em; 1901 } 1902 1903 ul.configlets li a { 1904 text-decoration: none; 1905 } 1906 1907 #content ul.configletDetails { 1908 margin: 0 1em 1em 4em; 1909 list-style: none; 1910 } 1911 1912 #content ul.configletDetails li { 1913 margin-bottom: 1em; 1914 display: inline; 1915 } 1916 1917 #content ul.configletDetails li.configletDescription { 1918 display: block; 1919 color: #76797c; 1920 margin: 0; 1921 } 1922 1923 #ajax-spinner { 1924 background-position: 50% 50%; 1925 display: none; 1926 height: 20px; 1927 left: 50%; 1928 margin: -10px 0 0 -10px; 1929 position: fixed; 1930 top: 50%; 1931 width: 20px; 1932 } 1933 1934 .formlibInlineEditable, 1935 .inlineEditable { 1936 display: block; 1937 padding: 1px; 1938 } 1939 1940 body.kssActive .inlineEditable:hover, 1941 body.kssActive .formlibInlineEditable:hover { 1942 border: 1px solid #dddddd; 1943 border-color: #666666 #dddddd #dddddd #666666; 1944 cursor: text; 1945 padding: 0; 1946 } 1947 1948 body.kssActive .inlineEditable a:hover, 1949 body.kssActive .formlibInlineEditable a:hover { 1950 cursor: pointer; 1951 } 1952 1953 body.kssActive .formlibInlineForm:hover, 1954 body.kssActive .formlibInlineForm a:hover { 1955 border: 0; 1956 cursor: default; 1957 padding: 1px; 1958 } 1959 1960 .inlineForm .formHelp, 1961 .inlineForm .fieldRequired, 1962 .inlineForm label { 1963 display: none; 1964 } 1965 1966 /* In inline selection widgets the label *must* be displayed, as 1967 otherwise you only see identical radio buttons without text. */ 1968 .inlineForm .ArchetypesSelectionWidget label { 1969 display: inline; 1970 } 1971 1972 .inlineForm #archetypes-fieldname-title input, 1973 .inlineForm #archetypes-fieldname-title { 1974 font-size: 100%; 1975 } 1976 1977 /* Workaround for abnormally large buttons in the h1 tag */ 1978 h1 div.formControls input { 1979 font-size: 55% !important; 1980 } 1981 1982 /*----- Edit Bar -----*/ 1983 #edit-bar { 1984 background-color: #75ad0a; 1985 margin: 0 0 1em; 1986 padding: 3px; 1987 } 1988 1989 #edit-bar:after { 1990 clear: both; 1991 content: ""; 1992 display: block; 1993 visibility: hidden; 1994 } 1995 1996 #content-views { 1997 background-color: #75ad0a; 1998 float: left; 1999 margin: 0; 2000 padding: 0; 2001 } 2002 2003 #content-views li { 2004 display: inline; 2005 } 2006 2007 #content-views a { 2008 color: #fff; 2009 display: inline-block; 2010 line-height: 1.73em; 2011 padding: 0 0.75em; 2012 text-decoration: none; 2013 } 2014 2015 #content-views li.selected a, 2016 #content-views li a:hover { 2017 background: #fff; 2018 color: #000; 2019 } 2020 2021 #content-views li.selected a { 2022 font-weight: bold; 2023 } 2024 2025 /*----- Content pulldowns -----*/ 2026 #contentActionMenus { 2027 background-color: #75ad0a; 2028 float: right; 2029 margin: 0; 2030 padding: 0; 2031 } 2032 2033 #contentActionMenus > li { 2034 display: inline; 2035 } 2036 2037 .actionMenu { 2038 float: right; 2039 margin: 0 0 0 0.5em; 2040 position: relative; 2041 white-space: nowrap; 2042 } 2043 2044 .actionMenu dt { 2045 font-weight: normal; 2046 } 2047 2048 .actionMenu a { 2049 color: #fff; 2050 display: block; 2051 line-height: 1.73em; 2052 text-decoration: none; 2053 } 2054 2055 .actionMenu dt a { 2056 padding: 0 3px; 2057 } 2058 2059 .arrowDownAlternative { 2060 font-size: 80%; 2061 } 2062 2063 .actionMenu dd { 2064 background-color: #75ad0a; 2065 right: -3px; 2066 margin: 0; 2067 min-width: 100%; 2068 padding: 0 3px 3px; 2069 position: absolute; 2070 width: auto; 2071 z-index: 5; 2072 } 2073 2074 .actionMenu.deactivated dd { 2075 display: none; 2076 } 2077 2078 .actionMenu ul { 2079 list-style: none; 2080 margin: 0; 2081 padding: 0; 2082 } 2083 2084 .actionMenu dd a:hover, 2085 .actionMenu dd .actionMenuSelected { 2086 background-color: #fff; 2087 color: #666; 2088 } 2089 2090 .subMenuTitle { 2091 display: block; 2092 padding: 0 3px; 2093 } 2094 2095 /*----- Form Tabs -----*/ 2096 #content .formTabs { 2097 background-color: #ddd; 2098 margin: 0; 2099 padding: 3px 3px 0; 2100 } 2101 2102 #content .formTab { 2103 display: inline; 2104 margin-right: 0.25em; 2105 } 2106 2107 #content li.formTab a { 2108 display: inline-block; 2109 line-height: 2em; 2110 padding: 0 0.75em; 2111 text-decoration: none; 2112 } 2113 2114 #content li.formTab a.selected, 2115 #content li.formTab a:hover { 2116 background: #fff; 2117 color: #000; 2118 } 2119 2120 #content li.formTab a.notify { 2121 background-color: red; 2122 color: #fff; 2123 } 2124 2125 #content li.formTab a.required span:after, 2126 #content-core li.formTab a.required span:after, 2127 div.field span.required:after { 2128 color: #f00; 2129 content: " ■"; 2130 } 2131 2132 #content fieldset.formPanel { 2133 border: none; 2134 } 2135 2136 #content fieldset.formPanel.hidden { 2137 display: none; 2138 } 2139 2140 #content div.formControls input.hidden { 2141 display: none; 2142 } 2143 2144 /*----- Status messages -----*/ 2145 .portalMessage { 2146 background-color: #ffffe3; 2147 border: 1px solid #999966; 2148 clear: both; 2149 margin: 1em 0; 2150 } 2151 2152 .portalMessage dl { 2153 margin: 0; 2154 } 2155 2156 .portalMessage a { 2157 border-bottom: 1px dotted; 2158 color: #000; 2159 } 2160 2161 .portalMessage dt { 2162 background-color: #996; 2163 color: #fff; 2164 font-weight: bold; 2165 float: left; 2166 line-height: 1.25em; 2167 margin: 0 0.5em 0 0; 2168 max-width: 30%; 2169 padding: 0.5em 0.75em; 2170 } 2171 2172 .portalMessage dd { 2173 line-height: 1.25em; 2174 margin: 0; 2175 padding: 0.5em 0.5em; 2176 } 2177 2178 dl.warning { 2179 border-color: #d80; 2180 } 2181 2182 dl.warning dt { 2183 background-color: #d80; 2184 } 2185 2186 dl.warning dd { 2187 background-color: #fd7; 2188 } 2189 2190 dl.error { 2191 border-color: #d00; 2192 } 2193 2194 dl.error dt { 2195 background-color: #d00; 2196 } 2197 2198 dl.error dd { 2199 background-color: #fdc; 2200 } 2201 2202 /*----- Overlays -----*/ 2203 .overlay { 2204 display: none; 2205 height: auto; 2206 margin: 1em; 2207 width: auto; 2208 } 2209 2210 .overlay-iframe, 2211 .overlay-ajax { 2212 min-height: 100px; 2213 width: 600px; 2214 z-index: 99; 2215 } 2216 2217 .overlay-iframe { 2218 height: 60%; 2219 } 2220 2221 .overlaybg div.close, 2222 .overlay div.close { 2223 background: url(../images/pb_close.png) no-repeat 0 0; 2224 cursor: pointer; 2225 height: 30px; 2226 left: -14px; 2227 position: absolute; 2228 top: -14px; 2229 width: 30px; 2230 } 2231 2232 .pb-ajax { 2233 overflow-y: auto; 2234 } 2235 2236 .pb-ajax, 2237 .pb-image { 2238 background-color: #fff; 2239 border: 1px solid #999999; 2240 white-space: normal; 2241 box-shadow: 0 0 3em 0.5em #666666; 2242 -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3em 0.5em #666666; 2243 -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3em #666666; 2244 } 2245 2246 .pb-ajax > div { 2247 padding: 1em; 2248 } 2249 2250 .pb-ajax .documentActions { 2251 display: none; 2252 } 2253 2254 div.overlay div.close span { 2255 display: block; 2256 height: 1px; 2257 margin: -1px 0 0 -1px; 2258 overflow: hidden; 2259 padding: 0; 2260 width: 1px; 2261 } 2262 2263 .overlay textarea { 2264 width: 100%; 2265 } 2266 2267 .overlay .link-parent { 2268 display: none; 2269 } 2270 2271 .overlay #createGroup legend { 2272 display: none; 2273 } 2274 2275 .overlay #createGroup fieldset { 2276 border: none; 2277 } 2278 2279 .overlay p { 2280 margin-bottom: 1em; 2281 } 2282 2283 .overlay label { 2284 margin-bottom: 0.25em; 2285 } 2286 2287 .overlay a:hover { 2288 color: #75ad0a; 2289 } 2290 2291 .overlay a.selected { 2292 color: #000000; 2293 } 2294 2295 .overlay .formTab { 2296 margin-right: 1em; 2297 font-weight: bold; 2298 } 2299 2300 .overlay .formTab.lastFormTab { 2301 margin-right: 0em; 2302 } 2303 2304 .overlay .formControls a { 2305 display: block; 2306 margin: 0.75em; 2307 } 2308 2309 /*----- Login form -----*/ 2310 #fieldset-openid-login input, 2311 #login-form input { 2312 font-size: 150%; 2313 } 2314 2315 body.template-register #content input, 2316 body.template-new-user #content input { 2317 font-size: 150%; 2318 width: inherit; 2319 } 2320 2321 #fieldset-openid-login label, 2322 #login-form label { 2323 display: inline-block; 2324 margin-right: 0.5em; 2325 padding-top: 0.2em; 2326 width: 10em; 2327 } 2328 2329 #fieldset-openid-login .formControls, 2330 #login-form .formControls { 2331 padding-left: 10.7em; 2332 } 2333 2334 /*----- Content History -----*/ 2335 div.historyRecord { 2336 margin-bottom: 1em; 2337 } 2338 2339 div.historyTools ul { 2340 float: right; 2341 margin: 0.5em 1em; 2342 } 2343 2344 div.historyTools ul li { 2345 display: inline; 2346 padding: 0 0.015em; 2347 } 2348 2349 div.historyTools form { 2350 display: inline; 2351 } 2352 2353 .historyByLine { 2354 background: #ddd; 2355 padding: 0.5em; 2356 } 2357 2358 div.historyLinks { 2359 clear: right; 2360 float: right; 2361 margin: 0.5em 1em 0 0; 2362 } 2363 2364 div.historyComment { 2365 border: 1px solid #dddddd; 2366 padding: 0.5em 1em; 2367 } 2368 2369 div.historyComment p { 2370 margin: 0; 2371 padding-top: 1px; 2372 } 2373 2374 a.historyComparePrevious { 2375 border-top: 1px dotted #cccccc; 2376 display: block; 2377 margin-top: 3em; 2378 text-align: center; 2379 } 2380 2381 a.historyComparePrevious span { 2382 background-color: white; 2383 position: relative; 2384 top: -0.75em; 2385 padding: 0 0.5em; 2386 } 2387 2388 /*----- Data tables -----*/ 2389 table.listing, 2390 table.plain { 2391 border-spacing: 0; 2392 border-collapse: collapse; 2393 margin: 0 0 0.75em; 2394 width: 100%; 2395 } 2396 2397 table.invisible td, 2398 table.invisible th, 2399 table.plain td, 2400 table.plain th, 2401 table.listing td, 2402 table.listing th { 2403 padding: 0.5em 1em; 2404 vertical-align: top; 2405 } 2406 2407 table.plain th, 2408 table.plain td { 2409 border: 1px solid #dddddd; 2410 } 2411 2412 table.listing td.listingCheckbox, 2413 table.listing th.listingCheckbox { 2414 text-align: center; 2415 } 2416 2417 table.listing { 2418 border-left: 1px solid #dddddd; 2419 border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; 2420 } 2421 2422 table.listing .top { 2423 border-left: 1px solid #dddddd; 2424 border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; 2425 border-right: 1px solid #dddddd; 2426 } 2427 2428 table.listing th { 2429 background: #ddd; 2430 border: 0.1em solid #e7e7e7; 2431 border-style: solid solid none; 2432 color: #666; 2433 text-align: left; 2434 } 2435 2436 table.listing tr.odd th { 2437 border: 0.1em solid white; 2438 border-style: solid solid none none; 2439 } 2440 2441 table.listing tbody th { 2442 font-weight: bold; 2443 } 2444 2445 table.listing tbody tr { 2446 text-align: left; 2447 } 2448 2449 table.listing tbody tr.odd { 2450 background: #eee; 2451 } 2452 2453 table.listing tbody tr td { 2454 background: transparent; 2455 } 2456 2457 table.listing tbody tr.odd td { 2458 background: #eee; 2459 } 2460 2461 table.listing td { 2462 border-right: 1px solid #dddddd; 2463 } 2464 2465 table.listing a { 2466 border: none; 2467 display: inline-block; 2468 } 2469 2470 table.listing td.draggable { 2471 background: #dddddd !important; 2472 border-bottom: 1px solid white; 2473 padding: 0.4em 0.4em 0 0.5em; 2474 text-shadow: white 1px 1px 1px; 2475 } 2476 2477 /* Vertical table data listings */ 2478 table.vertical th { 2479 text-align: right; 2480 } 2481 2482 table.vertical td { 2483 border-top: 0.1em solid #e7e7e7; 2484 padding: 0.5em; 2485 } 2486 2487 /* Grid table listings */ 2488 table.grid td, 2489 table.grid th { 2490 border: 1px solid #e7e7e7; 2491 padding: 0.5em; 2492 } 2493 2494 .dragindicator { 2495 outline: 2px solid gold; 2496 } 2497 2498 #foldercontents-order-column { 2499 padding: 0; 2500 } 2501 2502 /* Listing Bar */ 2503 .listingBar { 2504 margin: 1em 0; 2505 text-align: center; 2506 } 2507 2508 .listingBar .previous { 2509 float: left; 2510 } 2511 2512 .listingBar .next { 2513 float: right; 2514 } 2515 2516 .listingBar .previous { 2517 display: inline-block; 2518 } 2519 2520 .listingBar a, 2521 .listingBar .current { 2522 display: inline-block; 2523 padding: 0.25em 0.5em; 2524 } 2525 2526 /*---------- DASHBOARD ----------*/ 2527 #dashboard { 2528 font-size: 100%; 2529 line-height: inherit; 2530 } 2531 2532 #dashboard-portlets1, 2533 #dashboard-portlets2, 2534 #dashboard-portlets3, 2535 #dashboard-portlets4 { 2536 margin-right: 1.3%; 2537 padding: 0; 2538 width: 24%; 2539 } 2540 2541 #dashboard-portlets4 { 2542 margin-right: 0; 2543 } 2544 2545 /*---------- ALBUM ----------*/ 2546 .photoAlbumEntry { 2547 background: url(../images/album.png) no-repeat; 2548 float: left; 2549 font-size: 0.92em; 2550 height: 162px; 2551 line-height: 1.36em; 2552 margin: 0 6px 6px; 2553 padding: 8px 7px 8px 6px; 2554 width: 132px; 2555 } 2556 2557 .photoAlbumFolder { 2558 background-position: 0 -178px; 2559 } 2560 2561 .photoAlbumEntry a { 2562 display: block; 2563 height: 162px; 2564 overflow: hidden; 2565 position: relative; 2566 text-decoration: none; 2567 } 2568 2569 .photoAlbumEntry a:after { 2570 background-color: rgba(241, 241, 241, 0.4); 2571 bottom: 0; 2572 content: ""; 2573 height: 8px; 2574 position: absolute; 2575 width: 100%; 2576 } 2577 2578 .photoAlbumEntryWrapper { 2579 display: block; 2580 text-align: center; 2581 } 2582 2583 .photoAlbumEntry img { 2584 border: 2px solid white; 2585 } 2586 2587 .photoAlbumEntryTitle { 2588 color: #757373; 2589 display: block; 2590 padding: 4px 3px 0; 2591 width: 126px; 2592 } 2593 2594 .photoAlbumEntry a:hover { 2595 overflow: visible; 2596 } 2597 2598 .photoAlbumEntry a:hover .photoAlbumEntryTitle { 2599 background-color: #f1f1f1; 2600 background-color: rgba(241, 241, 241, 0.8); 2601 bottom: 0; 2602 min-height: 50%; 2603 position: absolute; 2604 } 2605 2606 /*----- Accessibility elements, applied by JS -----*/ 2607 body.largeText { 2608 font-size: 81%; 2609 } 2610 2611 body.smallText { 2612 font-size: 56%; 2613 } 2614 2615 /*---------- COMMENTING ----------*/ 2616 .discussion .hide { 2617 display: none; 2618 } 2619 2620 .discussion { 2621 clear: both; 2622 font-size: 1.09em; 2623 } 2624 2625 .comment { 2626 padding: 0 0 9px; 2627 } 2628 2629 .commentImage { 2630 float: left; 2631 padding: 5px 7px; 2632 } 2633 2634 .discussion .documentByLine { 2635 background-color: #f1f1f1; 2636 margin: 0; 2637 padding: 5px; 2638 } 2639 2640 .commentBody { 2641 border-color: #d9d9d9 #f1f1f1 #f1f1f1; 2642 border-style: solid; 2643 border-width: 1px; 2644 clear: both; 2645 margin: 0 0 5px; 2646 padding: 5px; 2647 overflow: auto; 2648 } 2649 2650 .commentActions { 2651 text-align: right; 2652 } 2653 2654 .reply-to-comment-button { 2655 margin-left: 11px; 2656 } 2657 2658 .reply { 2659 background-color: #f1f1f1; 2660 clear: both; 2661 font-size: 1.09em; 2662 margin: 35px 0 0; 2663 padding: 5px 7px; 2664 position: relative; 2665 } 2666 2667 .reply fieldset { 2668 margin: 0; 2669 } 2670 2671 .reply legend { 2672 font-weight: bold; 2673 position: absolute; 2674 top: -28px; 2675 } 2676 2677 .reply p { 2678 color: #76797c; 2679 font-size: 0.92em; 2680 } 2681 2682 .reply textarea { 2683 min-height: 50px; 2684 width: 100%; 2685 } 2686 2687 /*----- Collapsible -----*/ 2688 dl.collapsible { 2689 border: 0.1em solid #8cacbb; 2690 margin: 1em 0; 2691 padding: 0; 2692 } 2693 2694 dl.collapsible dt.collapsibleHeader { 2695 display: block; 2696 float: left; 2697 background: White; 2698 line-height: 1.2em; 2699 vertical-align: middle; 2700 font-size: 90%; 2701 position: relative; 2702 top: -0.6em; 2703 width: auto; 2704 margin: 0 0 -0.6em 1em; 2705 padding: 0 0.5em; 2706 } 2707 2708 dl.collapsible dd.collapsibleContent { 2709 margin: 0; 2710 padding: 0 1em 0.4em; 2711 clear: left; 2712 } 2713 2714 /* for IE the following isn't needed, that's why the css2 selector is used */ 2715 dl.collapsible dd.collapsibleContent > dl { 2716 margin: 0; 2717 padding: 0; 2718 } 2719 2720 dl.expandedInlineCollapsible dt.collapsibleHeader, 2721 dl.expandedBlockCollapsible dt.collapsibleHeader { 2722 background: url(../images/treeExpanded.png) no-repeat 0.5em 50% white; 2723 cursor: pointer; 2724 padding: 0 0.5em 0 2em; 2725 } 2726 2727 dl.collapsedBlockCollapsible { 2728 border: none; 2729 height: 1em; 2730 width: auto; 2731 } 2732 2733 dl.collapsedInlineCollapsible dt.collapsibleHeader, 2734 dl.collapsedBlockCollapsible dt.collapsibleHeader { 2735 float: none; 2736 position: relative; 2737 margin: 0 0 0 1em; 2738 padding: 0 0.5em 0 2em; 2739 line-height: 1.2em; 2740 cursor: pointer; 2741 background: white url(../images/treeCollapsed.png) no-repeat 0.5em 50%; 2742 } 2743 2744 dl.collapsedInlineCollapsible dd.collapsibleContent, 2745 dl.collapsedBlockCollapsible dd.collapsibleContent { 2746 display: none; 2747 } 2748 2749 dl.collapsedInlineCollapsible { 2750 border: 0; 2751 height: 1em; 2752 width: auto; 2753 display: inline; 2754 } 2755 2756 dl.collapsedInlineCollapsible dt.collapsibleHeader { 2757 position: static; 2758 float: none; 2759 margin: 0; 2760 padding: 0 0 0 2em; 2761 line-height: 1em; 2762 cursor: pointer; 2763 display: inline; 2764 } 2765 2766 .collapsible .collapser.collapsed:after { 2767 content: " ▶"; 2768 } 2769 2770 .collapsible .collapser.expanded:after { 2771 content: " ▼"; 2772 } 2773 2774 /*---------- CONTENT TYPE ICONS ----------*/ 2775 .icons-on .contenttype-folder { 2776 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -1600px; 2777 display: inline-block; 2778 padding-left: 19px; 2779 } 2780 2781 .icons-on .contenttype-document { 2782 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -1800px; 2783 display: inline-block; 2784 padding-left: 19px; 2785 } 2786 2787 .icons-on .contenttype-news-item { 2788 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -2000px; 2789 display: inline-block; 2790 padding-left: 19px; 2791 } 2792 2793 .icons-on .contenttype-event { 2794 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -2201px; 2795 display: inline-block; 2796 padding-left: 19px; 2797 } 2798 2799 .icons-on .contenttype-topic { 2800 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -2402px; 2801 display: inline-block; 2802 padding-left: 19px; 2803 } 2804 2805 .icons-on .contenttype-image { 2806 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -2601px; 2807 display: inline-block; 2808 padding-left: 19px; 2809 } 2810 2811 .icons-on .contenttype-link { 2812 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 0 -2997px; 2813 display: inline-block; 2814 padding-left: 19px; 2815 } 2816 2817 .icons-on img[alt='File'] { 2818 margin-right: 3px; 2819 } 2820 2821 /* Add new */ 2822 #plone-contentmenu-factories li a { 2823 background: url(../images/icons-sprite.png) no-repeat 1px -1199px; 2824 display: block; 2825 padding-left: 17px; 2826 } 2827 2828 #plone-contentmenu-factories li a:hover { 2829 background-color: #fff; 2830 background-position: 1px -2799px; 2831 } 2832 2833 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-folder { 2834 background-position: 1px 2px; 2835 } 2836 2837 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-folder:hover { 2838 background-position: 2px -1598px; 2839 } 2840 2841 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-document { 2842 background-position: 1px -199px; 2843 } 2844 2845 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-document:hover { 2846 background-position: 2px -1799px; 2847 } 2848 2849 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-news-item { 2850 background-position: 1px -399px; 2851 } 2852 2853 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-news-item:hover { 2854 background-position: 2px -1999px; 2855 } 2856 2857 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-event { 2858 background-position: 1px -599px; 2859 } 2860 2861 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-event:hover { 2862 background-position: 2px -2199px; 2863 } 2864 2865 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-topic { 2866 background-position: 1px -800px; 2867 } 2868 2869 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-topic:hover { 2870 background-position: 2px -2400px; 2871 } 2872 2873 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-image { 2874 background-position: 1px -999px; 2875 } 2876 2877 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-image:hover { 2878 background-position: 2px -2599px; 2879 } 2880 2881 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-file { 2882 background-position: 1px -1199px; 2883 } 2884 2885 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-file:hover { 2886 background-position: 2px -2799px; 2887 } 2888 2889 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-link { 2890 background-position: 1px -1395px; 2891 } 2892 2893 #plone-contentmenu-factories li .contenttype-link:hover { 2894 background-position: 2px -2995px; 2895 } 2896 2897 #plone-contentmenu-factories #settings { 2898 background-image: none; 2899 padding: 0; 2900 } 2901 } 2902 /*----- Smaller than standard 960 (devices and browsers) -----*/ 2903 /*----- Tablet Portrait size to standard 960 (devices and browsers) -----*/ 2904 /*----- All Mobile Sizes (devices and browser) -----*/ 2905 @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 2906 /* ========================================================================== 2907 Mobile styles 2908 ========================================================================== */ 2909 div.row { 2910 float: none; 2911 width: auto; 2912 } 2913 2914 div.cell { 2915 float: none; 2916 left: auto; 2917 margin: 0 !important; 2918 width: auto !important; 2919 } 2920 2921 #portal-top { 2922 min-width: 0; 2923 } 2924 2925 #portal-header { 2926 padding-left: 10px; 2927 padding-right: 10px; 2928 } 2929 2930 #portal-header-wrapper, 2931 #portal-columns-wrapper, 2932 #portal-bottom { 2933 margin: 0; 2934 width: auto; 2935 } 2936 2937 #portal-personaltools { 2938 float: left; 2939 margin: 0; 2940 padding: 0; 2941 } 2942 2943 #portal-searchbox { 2944 clear: none; 2945 margin: 7px 0 15px; 2946 position: relative; 2947 z-index: 4; 2948 } 2949 2950 #theme-globalnav { 2951 clear: both; 2952 margin: 0 0 15px; 2953 } 2954 2955 #theme-globalnav > li > a { 2956 margin-right: 10px; 2957 padding: 0; 2958 } 2959 2960 #theme-globalnav > li:hover > .hasChildrens { 2961 background: none; 2962 } 2963 2964 #theme-globalnav ul { 2965 display: none !important; 2966 } 2967 2968 #theme-globalnav.mobileMenuOn { 2969 display: none; 2970 } 2971 2972 #portal-globalnav-mobile { 2973 display: block; 2974 margin: 0 0 15px; 2975 } 2976 2977 #portal-logo { 2978 margin: 0 0 15px; 2979 max-width: 100%; 2980 } 2981 2982 #portal-logo img { 2983 max-width: 100%; 2984 } 2985 2986 #slogan { 2987 max-width: none; 2988 } 2989 2990 #portal-path { 2991 margin: 0 10px; 2992 width: auto; 2993 } 2994 2995 #portal-column-content, 2996 #portal-column-one, 2997 #portal-column-two { 2998 padding: 0 10px !important; 2999 } 3000 3001 #portal-footer, 3002 #portal-colophon { 3003 padding-left: 10px; 3004 } 3005 3006 .carousel-banners, 3007 .carousel-slider, 3008 .carousel-banner { 3009 max-width: 100%; 3010 } 3011 3012 .carousel-image img { 3013 height: auto; 3014 width: auto; 3015 } 3016 3017 #top-carousel .carousel-text { 3018 bottom: 0; 3019 height: 33px; 3020 left: 10px; 3021 overflow: hidden; 3022 padding: 0; 3023 top: auto; 3024 right: 45px; 3025 } 3026 3027 #top-carousel .carousel-title { 3028 display: block; 3029 overflow: hidden; 3030 text-overflow: ellipsis; 3031 white-space: nowrap; 3032 } 3033 3034 #top-carousel .carousel-body { 3035 display: none; 3036 } 3037 3038 #top-carousel .carousel-pager { 3039 left: auto; 3040 right: 0; 3041 } 3042 3043 #portlets-in-header, 3044 #portlets-footer { 3045 margin: 0 10px; 3046 } 3047 3048 #dashboard-portlets1, 3049 #dashboard-portlets2, 3050 #dashboard-portlets3, 3051 #dashboard-portlets4 { 3052 margin-right: 0; 3053 width: 100%; 3054 } 3055 } 3056 @media print { 3057 /* ========================================================================== 3058 Print styles 3059 ========================================================================== */ 3060 body { 3061 font-family: "Lucida Grande", Verdana, Lucida, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; 3062 font-size: 11pt; 3063 } 3064 3065 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { 3066 font-weight: bold; 3067 line-height: 125%; 3068 page-break-inside: avoid; 3069 page-break-after: avoid; 3070 } 3071 3072 a { 3073 border-bottom: 0.5pt solid black; 3074 color: #000; 3075 text-decoration: none; 3076 } 3077 3078 .documentDescription { 3079 font-weight: bold; 3080 } 3081 3082 pre { 3083 border: 1pt dotted black; 3084 font-size: 8pt; 3085 overflow: auto; 3086 padding: 1em; 3087 white-space: pre; 3088 } 3089 3090 table.listing, 3091 table.listing td { 3092 border: 1pt solid black; 3093 border-collapse: collapse; 3094 } 3095 3096 table.listing td, 3097 table.listing th { 3098 padding: 6px; 3099 } 3100 3101 div.pageBreak { 3102 page-break-before: always; 3103 } 3104 3105 #content dt { 3106 margin: 1em 0 0.625em; 3107 } 3108 3109 #content p, #content table { 3110 margin-bottom: 0.625em; 3111 margin-top: 0.625em; 3112 } 3113 3114 #content .documentDescription, #content #description { 3115 margin: 0.5em 0 1.31em; 3116 } 3117 3118, 3119 #portal-logo, 3120 #portal-siteactions, 3121 .hiddenStructure, 3122 #portal-searchbox, 3123 #theme-globalnav, 3124 #portal-globalnav-mobile, 3125 #portal-personaltools, 3126 #portal-breadcrumbs, 3127 #edit-bar, 3128 .carousel, 3129 #portlets-in-header, 3130 #portal-column-one, 3131 #portlets-above, 3132 #portlets-below, 3133 #portal-column-two, 3134 #portlets-footer, 3135 #portal-languageselector, 3136 .contentViews, 3137 .contentActions, 3138 .help, 3139 .legend, 3140 .portalMessage, 3141 .documentActions, 3142 .netscape4, 3143 #viewlet-below-content .reply, 3144 #viewlet-below-content .discussion, 3145 #portal-footer, 3146 #portal-colophon, 3147 .skipnav, 3148 #ajax-spinner, 3149 #review-history, 3150 #content-history, 3151 .listingBar, 3152 .link-presentation, 3153 input.standalone, 3154 .overlay, 3155 .managePortletsFallback, 3156 .close, 3157 .link-parent, 3158 .draggingHook, 3159 #foldercontents-order-column, 3160 input.context, 3161 .visualNoPrint, 3162 .slinks { 3163 display: none; 3164 } 3165 3166 .image-left { 3167 clear: left; 3168 float: left; 3169 margin: 0.5em 1em 0.5em 0; 3170 } 3171 3172 .image-inline { 3173 float: none; 3174 } 3175 3176 .image-right { 3177 clear: right; 3178 float: right; 3179 margin: 0.5em; 3180 } 3181 3182 dd.image-caption { 3183 margin: 0; 3184 padding: 0; 3185 text-align: left; 3186 } 3187 3188 dl.captioned { 3189 padding: 0.8em; 3190 } 3191 3192 .newsImageContainer { 3193 float: right; 3194 margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em; 3195 width: 16em; 3196 } 3197 3198 .tileImage { 3199 float: right; 3200 margin: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em; 3201 } 3202 }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.