Changeset 10019

12 Mar 2013, 22:17:52 (12 years ago)
Henrik Bettermann

Start customization of clearance slip.

4 edited


  • main/waeup.fceokene/trunk/src/waeup/fceokene/students/

    r9986 r10019  
    3030    NigeriaExportPDFPaymentSlipPage,
    3131    NigeriaStudentClearanceEditFormPage,
     32    NigeriaExportPDFClearanceSlipPage
    3233    )
    34 from waeup.fceokene.students.interfaces import ICustomStudentOnlinePayment
     35from waeup.fceokene.students.interfaces import (
     36    ICustomStudentOnlinePayment, ICustomUGStudentClearance)
    3638class CustomExportPDFAdmissionSlipPage(ExportPDFAdmissionSlipPage):
    4850    def label(self):
    4951        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
    50         lang = self.request.cookies.get('kofa.language', portal_language)
    5152        line0 = ''
    5253        if self.context.student.current_mode.startswith('ug'):
    9293        return False
     95class CustomExportPDFClearanceSlipPage(NigeriaExportPDFClearanceSlipPage):
     96    """Deliver a PDF slip of the context.
     97    """
     99    @property
     100    def form_fields(self):
     101        if self.context.is_postgrad:
     102            form_fields = grok.AutoFields(
     103                ICustomPGStudentClearance).omit('clearance_locked')
     104        else:
     105            form_fields = grok.AutoFields(
     106                ICustomUGStudentClearance).omit('clearance_locked')
     107        if not getattr(self.context, 'officer_comment'):
     108            form_fields = form_fields.omit('officer_comment')
     109        return form_fields
     111    @property
     112    def label(self):
     113        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
     115        line0 = ''
     116        if self.context.student.current_mode.startswith('ug'):
     117            line0 = 'Directorate of Undergraduate Programme\n'
     118        line1 = translate(_('Clearance Slip of'),
     119            'waeup.kofa', target_language=portal_language) \
     120            + ' %s' % self.context.display_fullname
     121        return '%s%s' % (line0, line1)
    94124class CustomStudentClearanceEditFormPage(NigeriaStudentClearanceEditFormPage):
    95125    """ View to edit student clearance data by student
  • main/waeup.fceokene/trunk/src/waeup/fceokene/students/

    r9538 r10019  
    1919from zope import schema
     20from waeup.kofa.schema import FormattedDate, PhoneNumber
     21from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IUGStudentClearance
     22from waeup.kofa.students.vocabularies import nats_vocab
     23from waeup.kofa.schoolgrades import ResultEntryField
     24from kofacustom.nigeria.interfaces import (
     25    high_qual, high_grade, exam_types, LGASource)
    2026from kofacustom.nigeria.students.interfaces import (
    2127    INigeriaStudentBase, INigeriaUGStudentClearance, INigeriaPGStudentClearance,
    3743    """
    39 class ICustomUGStudentClearance(INigeriaUGStudentClearance):
     45class ICustomUGStudentClearance(IUGStudentClearance):
    4046    """Representation of ug student clearance data.
    42     """
     48    Completely customized for FCE Okene.
     50    """
     52    officer_comment = schema.Text(
     53        title = _(u"Officer's Comment"),
     54        required = False,
     55        )
     57    clearance_locked = schema.Bool(
     58        title = _(u'Clearance form locked'),
     59        default = False,
     60        required = False,
     61        )
     63    clr_code = schema.TextLine(
     64        title = _(u'CLR Activation Code'),
     65        required = False,
     66        readonly = False,
     67        )
     69    date_of_birth = FormattedDate(
     70        title = _(u'Date of Birth'),
     71        required = False,
     72        show_year = True,
     73        )
     75    nationality = schema.Choice(
     76        source = nats_vocab,
     77        title = _(u'Nationality'),
     78        required = True,
     79        )
     81    lga = schema.Choice(
     82        source = LGASource(),
     83        title = _(u'State/LGA (Nigerians only)'),
     84        required = False,
     85        )
     87    def_adm = schema.Bool(
     88        title = _(u'Deferent of Admission'),
     89        required = False,
     90        readonly = False,
     91        )
     93    fst_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
     94        title = _(u'Full Name'),
     95        required = False,
     96        readonly = False,
     97        )
     98    fst_sit_no = schema.TextLine(
     99        title = _(u'Exam Number'),
     100        required = False,
     101        readonly = False,
     102        )
     104    fst_sit_date = FormattedDate(
     105        title = _(u'Exam Date'),
     106        required = False,
     107        readonly = False,
     108        show_year = True,
     109        )
     111    fst_sit_type = schema.Choice(
     112        title = _(u'Exam Type'),
     113        required = False,
     114        readonly = False,
     115        vocabulary = exam_types,
     116        )
     118    fst_sit_results = schema.List(
     119        title = _(u'Exam Results'),
     120        value_type = ResultEntryField(),
     121        required = False,
     122        readonly = False,
     123        default = [],
     124        )
     126    scd_sit_fname = schema.TextLine(
     127        title = _(u'Full Name'),
     128        required = False,
     129        readonly = False,
     130        )
     131    scd_sit_no = schema.TextLine(
     132        title = _(u'Exam Number'),
     133        required = False,
     134        readonly = False,
     135        )
     137    scd_sit_date = FormattedDate(
     138        title = _(u'Exam Date'),
     139        required = False,
     140        readonly = False,
     141        show_year = True,
     142        )
     144    scd_sit_type = schema.Choice(
     145        title = _(u'Exam Type'),
     146        required = False,
     147        readonly = False,
     148        vocabulary = exam_types,
     149        )
     151    scd_sit_results = schema.List(
     152        title = _(u'Exam Results'),
     153        value_type = ResultEntryField(),
     154        required = False,
     155        readonly = False,
     156        default = [],
     157        )
     159    #alr_fname = schema.TextLine(
     160    #    title = _(u'Full Name'),
     161    #    required = False,
     162    #    readonly = False,
     163    #    )
     165    #alr_no = schema.TextLine(
     166    #    title = _(u'Exam Number'),
     167    #    required = False,
     168    #    readonly = False,
     169    #    )
     171    #alr_date = FormattedDate(
     172    #    title = _(u'Exam Date'),
     173    #    required = False,
     174    #    readonly = False,
     175    #    show_year = True,
     176    #    )
     178    #alr_results = schema.List(
     179    #    title = _(u'Exam Results'),
     180    #    value_type = ResultEntryField(),
     181    #    required = False,
     182    #    readonly = False,
     183    #    default = [],
     184    #    )
     186    hq_type = schema.Choice(
     187        title = _(u'Qualification Obtained'),
     188        required = False,
     189        readonly = False,
     190        vocabulary = high_qual,
     191        )
     193    hq_fname = schema.TextLine(
     194        title = _(u'Full Name'),
     195        required = False,
     196        readonly = False,
     197        )
     199    hq_matric_no = schema.TextLine(
     200        title = _(u'Former Matric Number'),
     201        required = False,
     202        readonly = False,
     203        )
     205    #hq_degree = schema.Choice(
     206    #    title = _(u'Class of Degree'),
     207    #    required = False,
     208    #    readonly = False,
     209    #    vocabulary = high_grade,
     210    #    )
     212    hq_school = schema.TextLine(
     213        title = _(u'Institution Attended'),
     214        required = False,
     215        readonly = False,
     216        )
     218    hq_session = schema.TextLine(
     219        title = _(u'Years Attended'),
     220        required = False,
     221        readonly = False,
     222        )
     224    hq_disc = schema.TextLine(
     225        title = _(u'Course Combination'),
     226        required = False,
     227        readonly = False,
     228        )
    44230class ICustomPGStudentClearance(INigeriaPGStudentClearance):
  • main/waeup.fceokene/trunk/src/waeup/fceokene/students/tests/

    r10018 r10019  
    344344    def test_open_slips(self):
    345         # Managers can add online clearance slip
     345        # Managers can open clearance slip
    346346        self.browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw')
    347347 + '/view_clearance')
  • main/waeup.fceokene/trunk/src/waeup/fceokene/students/

    r10012 r10019  
    330330        return _('(see payment slip)')
     332    SEPARATORS_DICT = {
     333        'form.fst_sit_fname': _(u'First Sitting Record'),
     334        'form.scd_sit_fname': _(u'Second Sitting Record'),
     335        #'form.alr_fname': _(u'Advanced Level Record'),
     336        'form.hq_type': _(u'Advanced Level Record'),
     337        'form.hq2_type': _(u'Second Higher Education Record'),
     338        'form.nysc_year': _(u'NYSC Information'),
     339        'form.employer': _(u'Employment History'),
     340        'form.former_matric': _(u'Former Student'),
     341        }
    332343    # FCEOkene prefix
    333344    STUDENT_ID_PREFIX = u'K'
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