To install this software, manually adapt the schema to your needs (esp.: change the usernames contained therein), and create a database. The pre-configured database name is "waeup". Then import the schema: $ psql waeup < waeup-schema.sql If you get errors, you may need some prerequisites, like eg PL-SQL. After that, get a Zope instance, preferably 2.8.2 (I only tested with that), and import the .zexp file. To use the software, point your browser to the folder created by the import (named "demo"). Please note that this is less than alpha quality software. Suggestions on how to improve this software is very welcome, as well as useful patches, although I can promise you nothing. (c) 2005 Oeko.neT, software available under the GPLv2, or via private arrangement(s). Included files: - README.txt (this file you are currently reading) - demo-2005-10-20.1.zexp (code "base") - waeup-schema.sql (database structure for Pg) 2005-10-20, Toni Mueller,