To install this software, load the database from the dump: $ pg_restore waeup-dump.dump If you get errors, you may need some prerequisites, like eg PL-SQL. After that, get a Zope instance, preferably 2.8.2 (I only tested with that), and import the .zexp file. To use the software, point your browser to the folder created by the import (named "demo"). Please note that this is less than alpha quality software. Currently, the following things should work: - A student ID can be checked against a pre-loaded list of student IDs. - A student can get a bed. - A student can enter a faculty. This requires that he has sufficient good results in his examinations, and also the right set of subjects which are required on a per-course-of-study basis. During all this, scratchcard PINs are consumed, which means, that these will be emtpy at some point. What doesn't work: - There is way to upload all the photocopied stuff. - Workflow in general is poor to non-existant, as well as - security. The absense of security means that there is no protection against misuse. This could be retrofitted somewhat, along with the much desirable re-architecturing, or at least restructuring, of the application. Suggestions and support on how to improve this software is very welcome, as well as useful patches, although I can promise you nothing at this point. (c) 2005 Oeko.neT, software available under the GPLv2, or via private arrangement(s). Included files: - README.txt (this file you are currently reading) - demo-2005-10-20.1.zexp (code "base") - waeup-dump.dump (database structure and sample data for Pg) 2005-10-26, Toni Mueller,