#-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*- # $Id: __init__.py 265 2006-06-23 08:58:00Z lregebro $ from Products.CMFCore.utils import ContentInit, ToolInit from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerDirectory from Products.CMFCore import utils as cmfutils from Products.CMFCore.CMFCorePermissions import AddPortalContent from Products.GenericSetup import profile_registry from Products.GenericSetup import EXTENSION from Products.CPSCore.interfaces import ICPSSite # Only for CPS 3.4.1. In 3.4.2 and later this should be fixed. import PatchCPSDefaultImportExport import Products.WAeUP.WAeUPPermissions from Products.WAeUP.University import University, addUniversity from Products.WAeUP.Accommodation import AccoFolder, addAccoFolder from Products.WAeUP.Accommodation import Accommodation, addAccommodation #from Products.WAeUP.Academics import SCFolder, addSCFolder from Products.WAeUP.Academics import Certificate, addCertificate from Products.WAeUP.Academics import CertificateCourse, addCertificateCourse from Products.WAeUP.Academics import Faculty, addFaculty from Products.WAeUP.Academics import Department, addDepartment from Products.WAeUP.Academics import Course, addCourse from Products.WAeUP.Academics import CourseTicket, addCourseTicket from Products.WAeUP.Academics import CertificateCourse, addCertificateCourse from Products.WAeUP.Students import Student, addStudent from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudentPersonal, addStudentPersonal from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudentEligibility, addStudentEligibility from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudentDocuments, addStudentDocuments from Products.WAeUP.Students import Jamb, addJamb from Products.WAeUP.Students import StudyLevel, addStudyLevel from Products.WAeUP.Students import Semester, addSemester import Widgets contentClasses = ( University, #SCFolder, Certificate, CertificateCourse, Faculty, Department, Course, CourseTicket, CertificateCourse, AccoFolder, Accommodation, Student, StudentPersonal, StudentEligibility, StudentDocuments, Jamb, StudyLevel, Semester, ) contentConstructors = ( addUniversity, #addSCFolder, addCertificate, addCertificateCourse, addFaculty, addDepartment, addCourse, addCourseTicket, addCertificateCourse, addAccoFolder, addAccommodation, addStudent, addStudentPersonal, addStudentEligibility, addStudentDocuments, addJamb, addStudyLevel, addSemester, ) fti = ( {}, # University #{}, #SCFolder {}, #Certificate {}, #CertificateCourse {}, # Faculty {}, # Department {}, # Course {}, # CourseTicket {}, # CertificateCourse {}, # AccoFolder {}, # Accommodation {}, # Student, {}, # StudentPersonal, {}, # StudentEligibility, {}, # StudentDocuments, {}, # Jamb, {}, # StudyLevel, {}, # Semester, ) registerDirectory('skins', globals()) def initialize(registrar): ContentInit('WAeUP Types', content_types = contentClasses, permission = AddPortalContent, extra_constructors = contentConstructors, fti = fti, ).initialize(registrar) # Extension profile registration profile_registry.registerProfile( 'default', 'WAeUP', "The WestAfrican e-University Project", 'profiles/default', 'WAeUP', EXTENSION, for_=ICPSSite)