[5] | 1 | <html xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal" |
| 2 | xmlns:metal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal" |
| 3 | i18n:domain="plone"> |
| 4 | |
| 5 | <body> |
| 6 | |
| 7 | <div metal:define-macro="portlet" |
| 8 | tal:omit-tag="" |
| 9 | tal:define="DateTime python:modules['DateTime'].DateTime; |
| 10 | current python:DateTime(); |
| 11 | current_day current/day; |
| 12 | yearmonth here/getYearAndMonthToDisplay; |
| 13 | nextYearMax python: current+365; |
| 14 | prevYearMin python: current-365; |
| 15 | year python:yearmonth[0]; |
| 16 | month python:yearmonth[1]; |
| 17 | prevMonthTime python:here.getPreviousMonth(month, year); |
| 18 | nextMonthTime python:here.getNextMonth(month, year); |
| 19 | weeks python:here.portal_calendar.getEventsForCalendar(month, year); |
| 20 | anchor_url request/anchor_url | here_url; |
| 21 | query_string python:request.get('orig_query', None); |
| 22 | query_string python: (query_string is None and request.get('QUERY_STRING', None)) or query_string; |
| 23 | url_quote python:modules['Products.PythonScripts.standard'].url_quote; |
| 24 | anchor_method request/anchor_method | template/getId; |
| 25 | translation_service nocall:here/translation_service;" |
| 26 | tal:condition="python:here.getId() in ['events', 'previous']"> <!-- included, HB --> |
| 27 | <!-- The calendar, rendered as a table --> |
| 28 | |
| 29 | <table class="ploneCalendar" id="thePloneCalendar" summary="Calendar" i18n:attributes="summary summary_calendar;"> |
| 30 | <thead> |
| 31 | <tr> |
| 32 | <th id="calendar-previous"> |
| 33 | <a href="#" rel="nofollow" |
| 34 | title="Previous month" |
| 35 | tal:attributes="href python:'%s/%s?%s&month:int=%d&year:int=%d&orig_query=%s' % (anchor_url, anchor_method, query_string, prevMonthTime.month(),prevMonthTime.year(),url_quote(query_string))" |
| 36 | tal:condition="python: yearmonth > (prevYearMin.year(), prevYearMin.month())" |
| 37 | i18n:attributes="title title_previous_month;">«</a> |
| 38 | </th> |
| 39 | <th colspan="5"> |
| 40 | <span i18n:translate="" tal:omit-tag=""> |
| 41 | <span i18n:name="monthname"> |
| 42 | <span tal:define="month_english python:translation_service.month_english(month);" |
| 43 | tal:attributes="id string:calendar-month-$month_english" |
| 44 | tal:content="python: here.utranslate(translation_service.month_msgid(month), default=month_english)" |
| 45 | id="calendar-month-month"> </span> |
| 46 | </span> |
| 47 | <span i18n:name="year" |
| 48 | tal:content="string:$year" |
| 49 | tal:attributes="id string:calendar-year-$year;" |
| 50 | id="calendar-year"> </span> |
| 51 | </span> |
| 52 | </th> |
| 53 | <th id="calendar-next"> |
| 54 | <a href="#" rel="nofollow" |
| 55 | title="Next month" |
| 56 | tal:attributes="href python:'%s/%s?%s&month:int=%d&year:int=%d&orig_query=%s' % (anchor_url, anchor_method, query_string, nextMonthTime.month(),nextMonthTime.year(),url_quote(query_string))" |
| 57 | tal:condition="python: yearmonth < (nextYearMax.year(), nextYearMax.month())" |
| 58 | i18n:attributes="title title_next_month;">»</a> |
| 59 | </th> |
| 60 | </tr> |
| 61 | <tr tal:define="weekdaynumbers here/portal_calendar/getDayNumbers" class="weekdays"> |
| 62 | <tal:data tal:repeat="daynumber weekdaynumbers"> |
| 63 | <td tal:define="weekday_english python:translation_service.weekday_english(daynumber);" |
| 64 | tal:content="python: here.utranslate(translation_service.day_msgid(daynumber, format='s'), default=weekday_english)">Su</td> |
| 65 | </tal:data> |
| 66 | </tr> |
| 67 | </thead> |
| 68 | |
| 69 | <tal:comment replace="nothing"><!-- |
| 70 | Sorry for the obtuse formatting below (the stray end-of-tag markers), but until |
| 71 | tal:block doesn't render an entire line of blank space when used, this is the only way. |
| 72 | --></tal:comment> |
| 73 | <tbody> |
| 74 | <tr tal:repeat="week weeks" |
| 75 | ><tal:block repeat="day week" |
| 76 | ><tal:block define="daynumber day/day; |
| 77 | int_daynumber python: int(daynumber); |
| 78 | day_event day/event; |
| 79 | is_today python: current_day==int_daynumber and current.month()==month and current.year()==year"> |
| 80 | <td class="event" tal:condition="day_event" |
| 81 | tal:attributes="class python:test(is_today, 'todayevent', 'event')" |
| 82 | ><tal:data tal:define="cur_date python:DateTime(year,month,int_daynumber); |
| 83 | begin python:url_quote((cur_date.latestTime()).ISO()); |
| 84 | end python:url_quote(cur_date.earliestTime().ISO());" |
| 85 | tal:omit-tag="" |
| 86 | ><a href="" |
| 87 | tal:attributes="href string:${here/portal_url}/search?review_state=published&start.query:record:list:date=${begin}&start.range:record=max&end.query:record:list:date=${end}&end.range:record=min; |
| 88 | title python:'\n'.join([here.toLocalizedTime(cur_date)]+[here.getEventString(e) for e in day['eventslist']]);" |
| 89 | tal:content="python: daynumber or default"> |
| 90 | 31 |
| 91 | </a |
| 92 | ></tal:data> |
| 93 | </td |
| 94 | ><tal:notdayevent tal:condition="not: day_event" |
| 95 | ><td tal:attributes="class python:test(is_today,'todaynoevent',None)" |
| 96 | tal:content="python: daynumber or default"></td |
| 97 | ></tal:notdayevent |
| 98 | ></tal:block |
| 99 | ></tal:block> |
| 100 | </tr> |
| 101 | </tbody> |
| 102 | </table> |
| 103 | |
| 104 | </div> |
| 105 | |
| 106 | </body> |
| 107 | |
| 108 | </html> |