develop = .
parts = app data zopectl i18n test docs
find-links = http://download.zope.org/distribution/
newest = false
extends= http://grok.zope.org/releaseinfo/grok-1.0a3.cfg
versions = versions
zc.sourcefactory = 0.3.5
zope.container = 3.8.1
recipe = zc.zope3recipes>=0.5.3:application
eggs = waeup
site.zcml =
recipe = zc.recipe.filestorage
# this section named so that the start/stop script is called bin/zopectl
recipe = zc.zope3recipes:instance
application = app
zope.conf = ${data:zconfig}
recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
eggs = waeup
defaults = ['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', '-v']
# this section named so that the i18n scripts are called bin/i18n...
recipe = lovely.recipe:i18n
package = waeup
domain = waeup
location = src/waeup
output = locales
recipe = z3c.recipe.sphinxdoc
eggs = waeup [docs]