1 | <span class="bubble"> |
2 | <i class="fas fa-fw {{ or .ctx.Params.icon "fa-comment" }}"></i> |
3 | </span> |
4 | |
5 | <article class="status"> |
6 | {{ if .ctx.Resources.GetMatch "featuredImage.*" }} |
7 | <div class="featured-image"> |
8 | {{ if and (.ctx.Site.Params.resizeImages | default true) (.ctx.Params.resizeImages | default true) }} |
9 | <img src="{{ ((.ctx.Resources.GetMatch "featuredImage.*").Fill "700x350 q95").RelPermalink }}" alt=""> |
10 | {{ else }} |
11 | <img src="{{ (.ctx.Resources.GetMatch "featuredImage.*").RelPermalink }}" alt=""> |
12 | {{ end }} |
13 | </div> |
14 | {{ else if and (isset .ctx.Params "featuredimage") (ne .ctx.Params.featuredImage "") }} |
15 | <div class="featured-image"> |
16 | <img src="{{ .ctx.Params.featuredImage | relURL }}" alt=""> |
17 | </div> |
18 | {{ end }} |
19 | |
20 | <div class="content"> |
21 | |
22 | |
23 | {{ if or ( or ( .ctx.Params.showDate | default true ) .ctx.Params.categories) .ctx.Params.author }} |
24 | <div class="meta"> |
25 | {{ if ( .ctx.Params.showDate | default true ) }} |
26 | {{ if ( .ctx.Site.Params.enableMomentJs | default true ) }} |
27 | <span class="date moment">{{ .ctx.PublishDate.Format "2006-01-02" }}</span> |
28 | {{ else }} |
29 | <span class="date">{{ .ctx.PublishDate.Format (.ctx.Site.Params.DateFormat | default "2006-01-02") }}</span> |
30 | {{ end }} |
31 | {{ end }} |
32 | |
33 | {{ with .ctx.Params.categories }} |
34 | <span class="categories"> |
35 | {{ range . }} |
36 | {{ $urlValue := replace . " " "-" | lower}} |
37 | {{ with $.ctx.Site.GetPage (printf "/categories/%s" $urlValue) }} |
38 | <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a> |
39 | {{ end }} |
40 | {{ end }} |
41 | </span> |
42 | {{ end }} |
43 | |
44 | {{ with .ctx.Params.author }} |
45 | <span class="author"> |
46 | {{ $urlValue := replace . " " "-" | lower}} |
47 | {{ with $.ctx.Site.GetPage (printf "/author/%s" $urlValue ) }} |
48 | <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a> |
49 | {{ end }} |
50 | </span> |
51 | {{ end }} |
52 | </div> |
53 | {{ end }} |
54 | |
55 | {{ .ctx.Content }} |
56 | |
57 | </div> |
58 | |
59 | {{ partial "article-footer.html" .ctx }} |
60 | </article> |