## $Id: export.py 12084 2014-11-28 09:54:10Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2015 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## """Exporters for student related stuff. """ import grok import os from datetime import datetime from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ( IExtFileStore, IFileStoreNameChooser, IKofaUtils) from zope.component import getUtility from waeup.uniben.students.interfaces import ( ICustomStudent, ICustomStudentStudyCourse, ICustomStudentStudyLevel, ICustomCourseTicket, ICustomStudentOnlinePayment, IMedicalHistory) from kofacustom.nigeria.students.export import ( NigeriaStudentExporter, NigeriaStudentStudyCourseExporter, NigeriaStudentStudyLevelExporter, NigeriaCourseTicketExporter, NigeriaStudentPaymentExporter, NigeriaDataForBursaryExporter, NigeriaTrimmedDataExporter, ) from waeup.kofa.students.export import ( SchoolFeePaymentsOverviewExporter, StudentExporterBase) from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import iface_names class CustomStudentExporter(NigeriaStudentExporter): """Exporter for Students. """ fields = tuple(sorted(iface_names( ICustomStudent, omit=['loggerInfo']))) + ( 'password', 'state', 'history', 'certcode', 'is_postgrad', 'current_level', 'current_session') class CustomTrimmedDataExporter(NigeriaTrimmedDataExporter): """The Student Trimmed Data Exporter first filters the set of students by searching the students catalog. Then it exports a trimmed data set of this set of students. """ fields = ( 'student_id', 'matric_number', 'reg_number', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'sex', 'email', 'email2', 'phone', 'perm_address', 'nationality', 'date_of_birth', 'state', 'current_mode', 'certcode', 'faccode', 'depcode', 'current_level', 'current_session', 'current_verdict', 'entry_session', 'lg_state', 'lg_area', 'flash_notice', 'physical_clearance_date', 'former_matric', 'hq_matric_no', 'hq2_matric_no', ) #def mangle_value(self, value, name, context=None): # if name == 'routing_slip_path': # file_id = IFileStoreNameChooser(context).chooseName( # attr='routingslip.pdf') # os_path = getUtility(IExtFileStore)._pathFromFileID(file_id) # if not os.path.exists(os_path): # value = None # else: # value = '/'.join(os_path.split('/')[-4:]) # return super( # CustomTrimmedDataExporter, self).mangle_value( # value, name, context=context) class CustomStudentStudyCourseExporter(NigeriaStudentStudyCourseExporter): """Exporter for StudentStudyCourses. """ fields = tuple( sorted(iface_names(ICustomStudentStudyCourse))) + ( 'student_id', 'previous') class CustomStudentStudyLevelExporter(NigeriaStudentStudyLevelExporter): """Exporter for StudentStudyLevels. """ #: Fieldnames considered by this exporter fields = tuple(sorted(iface_names( ICustomStudentStudyLevel))) + ( 'student_id', 'number_of_tickets','certcode', 'previous') class CustomCourseTicketExporter(NigeriaCourseTicketExporter): """Exporter for CourseTickets. """ fields = tuple(sorted(iface_names(ICustomCourseTicket) + ['level', 'code', 'level_session'])) + ('student_id', 'certcode', 'display_fullname', 'previous', 'matric_number') class CustomStudentPaymentExporter(NigeriaStudentPaymentExporter): """Exporter for OnlinePayment instances. """ fields = tuple( sorted(iface_names( ICustomStudentOnlinePayment, exclude_attribs=False, omit=['display_item']))) + ( 'student_id','state','current_session') class CustomDataForBursaryExporter(NigeriaDataForBursaryExporter): """ """ fields = tuple( sorted(iface_names( ICustomStudentOnlinePayment, exclude_attribs=False, omit=['display_item', 'certificate', 'student']))) + ( 'student_id','matric_number','reg_number', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'state','current_session', 'entry_session', 'entry_mode', 'faccode', 'depcode','certcode') class CustomSchoolFeePaymentsOverviewExporter(SchoolFeePaymentsOverviewExporter): curr_year = datetime.now().year year_range = range(curr_year - 14, curr_year + 1) # 3 more years in Uniben year_range_tuple = tuple([str(year) for year in year_range]) fields = ('student_id', 'matric_number', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'state', 'certcode', 'faccode', 'depcode', 'is_postgrad', 'current_level', 'current_session', 'current_mode', 'entry_session', 'reg_number', 'email2', 'sex' ) + year_range_tuple class MedicalHistoryExporter(grok.GlobalUtility, StudentExporterBase): """ """ grok.name('medicalhistory') fields = tuple( sorted(iface_names( IMedicalHistory, exclude_attribs=False,))) + ( 'student_id','display_fullname', 'matric_number', 'faccode', 'depcode', 'state','current_session', 'current_level', 'genotype', 'bloodgroup') title = 'Medical Questionnaire Data' def mangle_value(self, value, name, context=None): """The mangler determines the titles of faculty, department and certificate. It also computes the path of passport image file stored in the filesystem. """ if context is not None: student = context.student if name in ('student_id','display_fullname', 'matric_number', 'faccode', 'depcode', 'state','current_session', 'current_level', 'genotype', 'bloodgroup') and student is not None: value = getattr(student, name, None) return super( MedicalHistoryExporter, self).mangle_value( value, name, context=context) def get_routingslip_exists(students, **kw): """Get students with outstanding certificate courses. """ students_with_slip = [] for student in students: file_id = IFileStoreNameChooser(student).chooseName( attr='routingslip.pdf') os_path = getUtility(IExtFileStore)._pathFromFileID(file_id) if os.path.exists(os_path): students_with_slip.append(student) return students_with_slip class RoutingSlipExporter(grok.GlobalUtility, StudentExporterBase): """ """ grok.name('routingslip') fields = ('student_id', 'matric_number',) title = 'Routing Slip Exists' def filter_func(self, x, **kw): return get_routingslip_exists(x, **kw) #def mangle_value(self, value, name, context=None): # if name == 'routing_slip': # file_id = IFileStoreNameChooser(context).chooseName( # attr='routingslip.pdf') # os_path = getUtility(IExtFileStore)._pathFromFileID(file_id) # if not os.path.exists(os_path): # value = None # else: # value = '1' # return super( # RoutingSlipExporter, self).mangle_value( # value, name, context=context) class NYSCExporter(SchoolFeePaymentsOverviewExporter): """ """ grok.name('nysc') curr_year = datetime.now().year year_range = range(curr_year - 11, curr_year + 1) year_range_tuple = tuple([str(year) for year in year_range]) fields = ('student_id', 'matric_number', 'reg_number', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'sex', 'email', 'email2', 'phone', 'nationality', 'date_of_birth', 'state', 'lg_state', 'lg_area', 'current_mode', 'certificate', 'faccode', 'depcode', 'current_level', 'current_session', 'current_verdict', 'entry_session', 'nysc_verdict', 'nysc_senate_info', 'nysc_date_of_graduation', 'nysc_updated', 'nysc_processed', ) + year_range_tuple title = u'NYSC Indication' def filter_func(self, x, **kw): students = list() for student in x: if student.nysc == True and student.nysc_processed == False: students.append(student) return students def mangle_value(self, value, name, context=None): verdicts = getUtility(IKofaUtils).VERDICTS_DICT if name in ('lg_state', 'lg_area') and context.lga: value = context.lga if value.startswith('cross_river') or value.startswith('akwa_ibom'): value = context.lga.replace('_', '-', 1) if name == 'lg_state': value = value.split('_')[0] if name == 'lg_area': value = '-'.join(value.split('_')[1:]) if name == 'certificate': cert = getattr(context.get('studycourse', None), 'certificate', None) if cert is not None: value = cert.title if name == 'nysc_verdict' and value: value = verdicts[value] return super( NYSCExporter, self).mangle_value( value, name, context=context)