"""Vocabularies and sources for the student section. """ from datetime import datetime from zope.component import getUtility from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog from zc.sourcefactory.basic import BasicSourceFactory from zc.sourcefactory.contextual import BasicContextualSourceFactory from waeup.sirp.interfaces import SimpleWAeUPVocabulary from waeup.sirp.students.lgas import LGAS from waeup.sirp.university.vocabularies import course_levels def year_range(): curr_year = datetime.now().year return range(curr_year - 2, curr_year + 5) def academic_sessions(): curr_year = datetime.now().year year_range = range(curr_year - 10, curr_year + 2) return [('%s/%s' % (year,year+1), year) for year in year_range] academic_sessions_vocab = SimpleWAeUPVocabulary(*academic_sessions()) lgas_vocab = SimpleWAeUPVocabulary( *sorted([(x[1],x[0]) for x in LGAS])) def study_levels(studycourse): try: start_level = int(studycourse.certificate.start_level) end_level = int(studycourse.certificate.end_level) levels = [level for level in range(start_level,end_level+200,10) if level % 100 < 30 and level < end_level + 120] return levels except AttributeError: return [] class StudyLevelSource(BasicContextualSourceFactory): """The StudyLevelSource is based on and extends the course_levels vocabulary defined in the university package. Repeating study levels are denoted by increments of 10, the first spillover level by the certificate's end level plus 100 and the second spillover level by the end level plus 110. """ def getValues(self, context): return study_levels(context) def getToken(self, context, value): return str(value) def getTitle(self, context, value): end_level = int(context.certificate.end_level) level,repeat = divmod(value, 100) level = level * 100 repeat = repeat//10 title = course_levels.by_value[level].title if level > end_level and repeat: title = course_levels.by_value[level-100].title title = "%s 2nd spillover" % title elif level > end_level: title = course_levels.by_value[level-100].title title = "%s spillover" % title elif repeat: title = "%s on %d. probation" % (title, repeat) return title verdicts = SimpleWAeUPVocabulary( ('Not set',''), ('Successful student','A'), ('Student with carryover courses','B'), ('Student on probation','C'), ('Student who were previously on probation','E'), ('Medical case','F'), ('Absent from examination','G'), ('Withheld results','H'), ('Expelled/rusticated/suspended student','I'), ('Temporary withdrawn from the university','J'), ('Unregistered student','K'), ('Referred student','L'), ('Reinstatement','M'), ('Student on transfer','N'), ('NCE-III repeater','O'), ('New 300 level student','X'), ('No previous verdict','Y'), ('Successful student (provisional)','Z'), ('First Class','A1'), ('Second Class Upper','A2'), ('Second Class Lower','A3'), ('Third Class','A4'), ('Pass','A5'), ('Distinction','A6'), ('Credit','A7'), ('Merit','A8'), ) class CertificateSource(BasicContextualSourceFactory): """A certificate source delivers all certificates provided in the portal. """ def getValues(self, context): catalog = getUtility(ICatalog, name='certificates_catalog') return sorted(list( catalog.searchResults( code=('', 'z*'))), key=lambda value: value.code) def getToken(self, context, value): return value.code def getTitle(self, context, value): return "%s - %s" % (value.code, value.title[:64]) class GenderSource(BasicSourceFactory): """A gender source delivers basically a mapping ``{'m': 'Male', 'f': 'Female'}`` Using a source, we make sure that the tokens (which are stored/expected for instance from CSV files) are something one can expect and not cryptic IntIDs. """ def getValues(self): return ['m', 'f'] def getToken(self, value): return value[0].lower() def getTitle(self, value): if value == 'm': return 'Male' if value == 'f': return 'Female'