## ## interfaces.py from zc.sourcefactory.basic import BasicSourceFactory from zope.component import getUtility from zope.component.interfaces import IObjectEvent from zope.app.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute from zope import schema from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary, SimpleTerm from waeup.sirp.permissions import RoleSource class FatalCSVError(Exception): """Some row could not be processed. """ pass def SimpleWAeUPVocabulary(*terms): """A well-buildt vocabulary provides terms with a value, token and title for each term """ return SimpleVocabulary([ SimpleTerm(value, value, title) for title, value in terms]) class IWAeUPObject(Interface): """A WAeUP object. """ class IUniversity(IWAeUPObject): """Representation of a university. """ name = schema.TextLine( title = u'Name of University', default = u'Unnamed', required = True, ) faculties = Attribute("A container for faculties.") students = Attribute("A container for students.") hostels = Attribute("A container for hostels.") class IWAeUPContainer(IWAeUPObject): """A container for WAeUP objects. """ class IWAeUPContained(IWAeUPObject): """An item contained in an IWAeUPContainer. """ class IStudentContainer(IWAeUPContainer): """A container for StudentObjects. """ class IHostelContainer(IWAeUPContainer): """A container for hostels. """ def addHostel(hostel): """Add an IHostel object. Returns the key, under which the object was stored. """ class IHostel(IWAeUPObject): """Representation of a hostel. """ name = schema.TextLine( title = u'Name of Hostel', default = u'Nobody', required = True, ) class IWAeUPExporter(Interface): """An exporter for objects. """ def export(obj, filepath=None): """Export by pickling. Returns a file-like object containing a representation of `obj`. This is done using `pickle`. If `filepath` is ``None``, a `cStringIO` object is returned, that contains the saved data. """ class IWAeUPXMLExporter(Interface): """An XML exporter for objects. """ def export(obj, filepath=None): """Export as XML. Returns an XML representation of `obj`. If `filepath` is ``None``, a StringIO` object is returned, that contains the transformed data. """ class IWAeUPXMLImporter(Interface): """An XML import for objects. """ def doImport(filepath): """Create Python object from XML. Returns a Python object. """ class IBatchProcessor(Interface): """A batch processor that handles mass-operations. """ name = schema.TextLine( title = u'Importer name' ) mode = schema.Choice( title = u'Import mode', values = ['create', 'update', 'remove'] ) def doImport(path): """Read data from ``path`` and update connected object. """ class ISchemaTypeConverter(Interface): """A converter for zope.schema.types. """ def convert(string): """Convert string to certain schema type. """ class IUserAccount(IWAeUPObject): """A user account. """ name = schema.TextLine( title = u'User ID', description = u'Loginname', required = True,) title = schema.TextLine( title = u'Username', description = u'Real name', required = False,) description = schema.TextLine( title = u'User description', required = False,) password = schema.Password( title = u'Password', required = True,) roles = schema.List( title = u'Roles', value_type = schema.Choice(source=RoleSource())) class IUserContainer(IWAeUPObject): """A container for users (principals). These users are used for authentication purposes. """ def addUser(name, password, title=None, description=None): """Add a user. """ def delUser(name): """Delete a user if it exists. """ class IDataCenter(IWAeUPObject): """A data center. TODO : declare methods, at least those needed by pages. """ pass class IDataCenterFile(Interface): """A data center file. """ name = schema.TextLine( title = u'Filename') size = schema.TextLine( title = u'Human readable file size') uploaddate = schema.TextLine( title = u'Human readable upload datetime') lines = schema.Int( title = u'Number of lines in file') def getDate(): """Get creation timestamp from file in human readable form. """ def getSize(): """Get human readable size of file. """ def getLinesNumber(): """Get number of lines of file. """ class IDataCenterStorageMovedEvent(IObjectEvent): """Emitted, when the storage of a datacenter changes. """