1 | Installing waeup.sirp on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7
2 | ***********************************************************
3 |
4 | 1. Install Python. Currently, version 2.6.x and version 2.5.x are supported. Note that these links point to installers for the ordinary x86 processor architecture. We recommend to download the follwoing software and install into into C:\Python26:
5 |
6 | http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.0/python-2.6.0.msi
7 |
8 | http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=78018&filename=pywin32-213.win32-py2.6.exe
9 |
10 | http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.6.exe
11 |
12 | 3. Add 'C:\Python26\Scripts\'to your system path (see instruction below)
13 |
14 | 4. Open up a command window and change to the folder where you want to place the sandbox that will contain your SIRP project. In this HowTo we will assume this folder is C:\
15 |
16 | C:\[any_path]> cd c:\
17 |
18 | 5. Install virtualenv by using the command:
19 |
20 | C:\> easy_install virtualenv
21 |
22 | 6. Create an isolated environment (sandbox) using the command:
23 |
24 | C:\> virtualenv winsirp
25 |
26 | 7. Activate the environment:
27 |
28 | C:\> cd winsirp
29 | C:\winsirp> Scripts\activate
30 |
31 | Note that the system prompt has changed.
32 |
33 | 8. Copy the waeup.sirp folder into C:\winsirp
34 |
35 | 9. Run the bootstrap script:
36 |
37 | (winsirp) C:\winsirp\waeup.sirp> cd waeup.sirp
38 | (winsirp) C:\winsirp\waeup.sirp> python bootstrap\bootstrap.py -c buildout-windows.cfg
39 |
40 | 10. Run buildout (this takes a while!):
41 |
42 | C:\winsirp\waeup.sirp> bin\buildout.exe -c buildout-windows.cfg
43 |
44 | 11. You can deactivate your environment again:
45 |
46 | (winsirp) C:\winsirp\waeup.sirp> ..\Scripts\deactivate
47 |
48 | 11. Start your SIRP instance:
49 |
50 | C:\winsirp\waeup.sirp> bin\paster serve parts\etc\deploy.ini
51 |
52 | or from anywhere in your system:
53 |
54 | C:\[any_path]> C:\winsirp\trunk\bin\paster serve C:\winsirp\trunk\parts\etc\deploy.ini
55 |
56 | 12. Visit the SIRP website and creata your university instance:
57 |
58 | http://localhost:8080
59 |
60 | User name: grok
61 | Password: grok
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 | Change system path in Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7
66 | ********************************************************
67 | 1. Right-click on the My Computer icon. (Under Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7, the My Computer Icon may be located in the start menu.)
68 |
69 | 2. Choose Properties from the context menu. Alternatively, you can double-click on the System icon in the Control Panel.
70 |
71 | 4. Click the Advanced tab or "Advanced system settings" on Windows Vista or Windows 7
72 |
73 | 5. Click the Environment Variables button.
74 |
75 | 6. Click on the variable called 'Path' and then click on Edit. Now add 'C:\Python26\Scripts\' to the value of the variable, using a semi-colon as a separator.
76 |
77 | 7. Reboot Windows