#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2010 Corey Goldberg (corey@goldb.org) # License: GNU LGPLv3 # # This file is part of Multi-Mechanize """ Multi-Mechanize Grid Controller sample gui application for controlling multi-mechanize instances via the remote management api """ import socket import ScrolledText import Tkinter import tkFileDialog import xmlrpclib # list of hosts:ports where multi-mechanize is listening NODES = [ '', '', ] class Application: def __init__(self, root, hosts): self.hosts = hosts self.root = root self.root.geometry('%dx%d%+d%+d' % (600, 400, 100, 100)) self.root.title('Multi-Mechanize Grid Controller') Tkinter.Button(self.root, text='List Nodes', command=self.list_nodes, width=15,).place(x=5, y=5) Tkinter.Button(self.root, text='Check Tests', command=self.check_servers, width=15,).place(x=5, y=35) Tkinter.Button(self.root, text='Get Project Names', command=self.get_project_names, width=15).place(x=5, y=65) Tkinter.Button(self.root, text='Get Configs', command=self.get_configs, width=15).place(x=5, y=95) Tkinter.Button(self.root, text='Update Configs', command=self.update_configs, width=15).place(x=5, y=125) Tkinter.Button(self.root, text='Get Results', command=self.get_results, width=15).place(x=5, y=155) Tkinter.Button(self.root, text='Run Tests', command=self.run_tests, width=15).place(x=5, y=185) self.text_box = ScrolledText.ScrolledText(self.root, width=59, height=24, font=('Helvetica', 9)) self.text_box.place(x=162, y=5) def clear_window(self): self.text_box.delete(1.0, Tkinter.END) def list_nodes(self): self.clear_window() for host, port in self.hosts: self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, '%s:%s\n' % (host, port)) def run_tests(self): self.clear_window() for host, port in self.hosts: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s' % (host, port)) try: status = server.run_test() self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, '%s:%s:\n%s\n\n\n' % (host, port, status)) except socket.error: self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, 'can not make connection to: %s:%s\n' % (host, port)) def get_configs(self): self.clear_window() for host, port in self.hosts: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s' % (host, port)) try: config = server.get_config() self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, '%s:%s config:\n%s\n\n\n' % (host, port, config)) except socket.error: self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, 'can not make connection to: %s:%s\n' % (host, port)) def update_configs(self): self.clear_window() f = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(parent=self.root, initialdir='./', title='Select a Config File') for host, port in self.hosts: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s' % (host, port)) try: status = server.update_config(f.read()) self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, '%s:%s config updated:\n%s\n\n' % (host, port, status)) except socket.error: self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, 'can not make connection to: %s:%s\n' % (host, port)) def get_results(self): self.clear_window() for host, port in self.hosts: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s' % (host, port)) try: results = server.get_results() self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, '%s:%s results:\n%s\n\n\n' % (host, port, results)) except socket.error: self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, 'can not make connection to: %s:%s\n' % (host, port)) def get_project_names(self): self.clear_window() for host, port in self.hosts: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s' % (host, port)) try: name = server.get_project_name() self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, '%s:%s project name:\n%s\n\n' % (host, port, name)) except socket.error: self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, 'can not make connection to: %s:%s\n' % (host, port)) def check_servers(self): self.clear_window() for host, port in self.hosts: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://%s:%s' % (host, port)) try: is_running = server.check_test_running() self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, '%s:%s test running:\n%s\n\n' % (host, port, is_running)) except socket.error: self.text_box.insert(Tkinter.END, 'can not make connection to: %s:%s\n' % (host, port)) def main(): hosts = [(host_port.split(':')[0], host_port.split(':')[1]) for host_port in NODES] root = Tkinter.Tk() app = Application(root, hosts) root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()