1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (c) 2010 Brian Knox (taotetek@gmail.com)
4 | # License: GNU LGPLv3
5 | #
6 | # This file is part of Multi-Mechanize
7 | #
8 | """a collection of functions and classes for multi-mechanize results files"""
9 |
10 | import re
11 | import fileinput
12 | from datetime import datetime
13 |
14 | try:
15 | from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
16 | from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relation
17 | from sqlalchemy import create_engine
18 | from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Float, DateTime
19 | from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, UniqueConstraint
20 | except ImportError:
21 | print "(optional: please install sqlalchemy to enable db logging)"
22 |
23 |
24 | Base = declarative_base()
25 |
26 | class GlobalConfig(Base):
27 | """class representing a muli-mechanize global config"""
28 | __tablename__ = 'mechanize_global_configs'
29 |
30 | id = Column(Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
31 | run_time = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
32 | rampup = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
33 | results_ts_interval = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
34 | user_group_configs = relation("UserGroupConfig",
35 | primaryjoin="UserGroupConfig.mechanize_global_configs_id==GlobalConfig.id")
36 | results = relation("ResultRow",
37 | primaryjoin="GlobalConfig.id==ResultRow.mechanize_global_configs_id")
38 |
39 | def __init__(self, run_time=None, rampup=None, results_ts_interval=None):
40 | self.run_time = str(run_time)
41 | self.rampup = int(rampup)
42 | """rampup time for the rest run"""
43 | self.results_ts_interval = int(results_ts_interval)
44 |
45 | def __repr__(self):
46 | return "<GlobalConfig('%i', '%i', '%i')>" % (
47 | self.run_time, self.rampup, self.results_ts_interval)
48 |
49 | class UserGroupConfig(Base):
50 | """class representing a multi-mechanize user group config"""
51 | __tablename__ = 'mechanize_user_group_configs'
52 |
53 | id = Column (Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
54 | mechanize_global_configs_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('mechanize_global_configs.id'), nullable=False)
55 | user_group = Column(String(50), nullable=False)
56 | threads = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
57 | script = Column(String(50), nullable=False)
58 |
59 | def __init__(self, user_group=None, threads=None, script=None):
60 | self.user_group = str(user_group)
61 | self.threads = int(threads)
62 | self.script = str(script)
63 |
64 | def __repr__(self):
65 | return "<UserGroupConfig('%s','%s','%s')>" % (
66 | self.user_group, self.threads, self.script)
67 |
68 | class ResultRow(Base):
69 | """class representing a multi-mechanize results.csv row"""
70 | __tablename__ = 'mechanize_results'
71 | __table_args__ = (
72 | UniqueConstraint('run_id','trans_count', name='uix_1')
73 | )
74 |
75 | id = Column(Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
76 | mechanize_global_configs_id = Column(Integer,
77 | ForeignKey('mechanize_global_configs.id'), nullable=False)
78 | project_name = Column(String(50), nullable=False, index=True)
79 | run_id = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True)
80 | trans_count = Column(Integer, nullable=False, index=True)
81 | elapsed = Column(Float, nullable=False, index=True)
82 | epoch = Column(Float, nullable=False, index=True)
83 | user_group_name = Column(String(50), nullable=False)
84 | scriptrun_time = Column(Float, nullable=False)
85 | error = Column(String(255))
86 | custom_timers = Column(String(50))
87 |
88 | global_config = relation("GlobalConfig",
89 | primaryjoin="ResultRow.mechanize_global_configs_id==GlobalConfig.id")
90 |
91 | timers = relation("TimerRow",
92 | primaryjoin="ResultRow.id==TimerRow.mechanize_results_id")
93 |
94 | def __init__(self, project_name=None, run_id=None, trans_count=None,
95 | elapsed=None, epoch=None, user_group_name=None,
96 | scriptrun_time=None, error=None, custom_timers=None):
97 | self.project_name = str(project_name)
98 | self.run_id = run_id
99 | self.trans_count = int(trans_count)
100 | self.elapsed = float(elapsed)
101 | self.epoch = int(epoch)
102 | self.user_group_name = str(user_group_name)
103 | self.scriptrun_time = float(scriptrun_time)
104 | self.error = str(error)
105 | self.custom_timers = str(custom_timers)
106 |
107 | def __repr__(self):
108 | return "<ResultRow('%s','%s','%i','%.3f','%i','%s','%.3f','%s','%s')>" % (
109 | self.project_name, self.run_id, self.trans_count, self.elapsed,
110 | self.epoch, self.user_group_name, self.scriptrun_time,
111 | self.error, self.custom_timers)
112 |
113 | class TimerRow(Base):
114 | """class representing a multi-mechanize custom timer result"""
115 | __tablename__ = 'mechanize_custom_timers'
116 | id = Column(Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
117 | mechanize_results_id = Column(Integer,
118 | ForeignKey('mechanize_results.id'), nullable=False)
119 | timer_name = Column(String(50), nullable=False, index=True)
120 | elapsed = Column(Float, nullable=False, index=True)
121 |
122 | def __init__(self, timer_name=None, elapsed=None):
123 | self.timer_name = str(timer_name)
124 | self.elapsed = int(elapsed)
125 |
126 | def __repr__(self):
127 | return "<TimerRow('%s', '%s')>" % (self.timer_name, self.elapsed)
128 |
129 | result_rows = relation("ResultRow",
130 | primaryjoin="TimerRow.mechanize_results_id==ResultRow.id")
131 |
132 | def load_results_database(project_name, run_localtime, results_dir,
133 | results_database, run_time, rampup, results_ts_interval,
134 | user_group_configs):
135 | """parse and load a multi-mechanize results csv file into a database"""
136 |
137 | logline_re = re.compile('(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.+),(.?),(\{.+\})')
138 |
139 | engine = create_engine(results_database, echo=False)
140 | ResultRow.metadata.create_all(engine)
141 | TimerRow.metadata.create_all(engine)
142 | GlobalConfig.metadata.create_all(engine)
143 | UserGroupConfig.metadata.create_all(engine)
144 |
145 | sa_session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
146 | sa_current_session = sa_session()
147 |
148 | run_id = datetime(run_localtime.tm_year, run_localtime.tm_mon,
149 | run_localtime.tm_mday, run_localtime.tm_hour, run_localtime.tm_min,
150 | run_localtime.tm_sec)
151 |
152 | results_file = results_dir + 'results.csv'
153 |
154 | global_config = GlobalConfig(run_time, rampup, results_ts_interval)
155 | sa_current_session.add(global_config)
156 |
157 | for i, ug_config in enumerate(user_group_configs):
158 | user_group_config = UserGroupConfig(ug_config.name,
159 | ug_config.num_threads, ug_config.script_file)
160 | global_config.user_group_configs.append(user_group_config)
161 |
162 | for line in fileinput.input([results_file]):
163 | line = line.rstrip()
164 | match = logline_re.match(line)
165 | if match:
166 | result_row = ResultRow(project_name, run_id, match.group(1),
167 | match.group(2), match.group(3), match.group(4),
168 | match.group(5), match.group(6), match.group(7))
169 |
170 | global_config.results.append(result_row)
171 | timer_data = eval(match.group(7))
172 | for index in timer_data:
173 | timer_row = TimerRow(index, timer_data[index])
174 | result_row.timers.append(timer_row)
175 |
176 | sa_current_session.add(result_row)
177 |
178 | sa_current_session.commit()
179 | sa_current_session.close()