[7478] | 1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
| 2 | #
| 3 | # Copyright (c) 2010 Corey Goldberg (corey@goldb.org)
| 4 | # License: GNU LGPLv3
| 5 | #
| 6 | # This file is part of Multi-Mechanize
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 | import sys
| 10 |
| 11 | try:
| 12 | import matplotlib
| 13 | matplotlib.use('Agg') # use a non-GUI backend
| 14 | from pylab import *
| 15 | except ImportError:
| 16 | print 'ERROR: can not import Matplotlib. install Matplotlib to generate graphs'
| 17 |
| 18 |
| 19 |
| 20 | # response time graph for raw data
| 21 | def resp_graph_raw(nested_resp_list, image_name, dir='./'):
| 22 | fig = figure(figsize=(8, 3.3)) # image dimensions
| 23 | ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
| 24 | ax.set_xlabel('Elapsed Time In Test (secs)', size='x-small')
| 25 | ax.set_ylabel('Response Time (secs)' , size='x-small')
| 26 | ax.grid(True, color='#666666')
| 27 | xticks(size='x-small')
| 28 | yticks(size='x-small')
| 29 | x_seq = [item[0] for item in nested_resp_list]
| 30 | y_seq = [item[1] for item in nested_resp_list]
| 31 | ax.plot(x_seq, y_seq,
| 32 | color='blue', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.0, marker='o',
| 33 | markeredgecolor='blue', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=2.0)
| 34 | ax.plot([0.0,], [0.0,], linewidth=0.0, markersize=0.0)
| 35 | savefig(dir + image_name)
| 36 |
| 37 |
| 38 |
| 39 | # response time graph for bucketed data
| 40 | def resp_graph(avg_resptime_points_dict, percentile_80_resptime_points_dict, percentile_90_resptime_points_dict, image_name, dir='./'):
| 41 | fig = figure(figsize=(8, 3.3)) # image dimensions
| 42 | ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
| 43 | ax.set_xlabel('Elapsed Time In Test (secs)', size='x-small')
| 44 | ax.set_ylabel('Response Time (secs)' , size='x-small')
| 45 | ax.grid(True, color='#666666')
| 46 | xticks(size='x-small')
| 47 | yticks(size='x-small')
| 48 |
| 49 | x_seq = sorted(avg_resptime_points_dict.keys())
| 50 | y_seq = [avg_resptime_points_dict[x] for x in x_seq]
| 51 | ax.plot(x_seq, y_seq,
| 52 | color='green', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.75, marker='o',
| 53 | markeredgecolor='green', markerfacecolor='yellow', markersize=2.0)
| 54 |
| 55 | x_seq = sorted(percentile_80_resptime_points_dict.keys())
| 56 | y_seq = [percentile_80_resptime_points_dict[x] for x in x_seq]
| 57 | ax.plot(x_seq, y_seq,
| 58 | color='orange', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.75, marker='o',
| 59 | markeredgecolor='orange', markerfacecolor='yellow', markersize=2.0)
| 60 |
| 61 | x_seq = sorted(percentile_90_resptime_points_dict.keys())
| 62 | y_seq = [percentile_90_resptime_points_dict[x] for x in x_seq]
| 63 | ax.plot(x_seq, y_seq,
| 64 | color='purple', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.75, marker='o',
| 65 | markeredgecolor='purple', markerfacecolor='yellow', markersize=2.0)
| 66 |
| 67 | ax.plot([0.0,], [0.0,], linewidth=0.0, markersize=0.0)
| 68 |
| 69 | legend_lines = reversed(ax.get_lines()[:3])
| 70 | ax.legend(
| 71 | legend_lines,
| 72 | ('90pct', '80pct', 'Avg'),
| 73 | loc='best',
| 74 | handlelength=1,
| 75 | borderpad=1,
| 76 | prop=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='xx-small')
| 77 | )
| 78 |
| 79 | savefig(dir + image_name)
| 80 |
| 81 |
| 82 |
| 83 | # throughput graph
| 84 | def tp_graph(throughputs_dict, image_name, dir='./'):
| 85 | fig = figure(figsize=(8, 3.3)) # image dimensions
| 86 | ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
| 87 | ax.set_xlabel('Elapsed Time In Test (secs)', size='x-small')
| 88 | ax.set_ylabel('Transactions Per Second (count)' , size='x-small')
| 89 | ax.grid(True, color='#666666')
| 90 | xticks(size='x-small')
| 91 | yticks(size='x-small')
| 92 | x_seq = sorted(throughputs_dict.keys())
| 93 | y_seq = [throughputs_dict[x] for x in x_seq]
| 94 | ax.plot(x_seq, y_seq,
| 95 | color='red', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.75, marker='o',
| 96 | markeredgecolor='red', markerfacecolor='yellow', markersize=2.0)
| 97 | ax.plot([0.0,], [0.0,], linewidth=0.0, markersize=0.0)
| 98 | savefig(dir + image_name)
| 99 | |