"""Converters for zope.schema-based datatypes. """ import grok from zope.component import getMultiAdapter from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest try: from zope.app.form.browser.interfaces import ITerms except ImportError: from zope.browser.interfaces import ITerms from zope.schema.interfaces import IBool, IText, IInt, IChoice from waeup.sirp.interfaces import ISchemaTypeConverter # If a string has this value, it is considered as 'missing_value' or None. NONE_STRING_VALUE = '' class Converter(grok.Adapter): """Base for string-or-none to zope.schema field converters. """ grok.baseclass() grok.provides(ISchemaTypeConverter) def __init__(self, context): """Create a converter with context, a zope.schema.Field, as context. """ self.context = context def _convertValueFromString(self, string): """You must at least override this method to build a working converter. """ raise NotImplementedError('method not implemented') def fromString(self, string=None, strict=True): """Convert ``string`` to value according to assigned field type. """ result = None if string is NONE_STRING_VALUE: string = None if string is None: if self.context.required is True: result = self.context.default else: result = self.context.missing_value else: result = self._convertValueFromString(string) if strict: self.context.validate(result) return result def _convertValueToString(self, value): return str(value) def toString(self, value, strict=True): if strict: self.context.validate(value) if value == self.context.missing_value: return None return self._convertValueToString(value) class BoolConverter(Converter): """A converter for zope.schema.Bool fields. """ grok.context(IBool) grok.provides(ISchemaTypeConverter) def _convertValueFromString(self, string): if string is NONE_STRING_VALUE: string = None if string is None: return None if string.lower() in ['1', 'true', 'yes']: return True return False def _convertValueToString(self, value): if value is None: return None if value: return '1' return '0' class TextConverter(Converter): """A converter for zope.schema.interfaces.IText fields. """ grok.context(IText) grok.provides(ISchemaTypeConverter) def _convertValueFromString(self, string): return unicode(string) class IntConverter(Converter): """A converter for zope.schema.Int fields. """ grok.context(IInt) grok.provides(ISchemaTypeConverter) def _convertValueFromString(self, string): return int(string) class ChoiceConverter(Converter): """A converter for zope.schema.Choice fields. """ grok.context(IChoice) grok.provides(ISchemaTypeConverter) tokens = None values = None def __init__(self, context): self.context = context if not hasattr(self.context.source, 'factory'): try: self.terms = getMultiAdapter( (self.context.source, TestRequest()), ITerms) except: self.terms = None return if not hasattr(self.context.source.factory, 'getToken'): return # For expensive token/key lookups we create a 'cache' # here. This speeds up mass operations with many conversions # by factor 10 or more. # Mapping token -> value self.tokens = dict([(self.context.source.factory.getToken(x), x) for x in self.context.source.factory.getValues()]) # Mapping value -> token self.values = dict([(y,x) for x,y in self.tokens.items()]) def _convertValueFromString(self, string): if self.tokens is not None: return self.tokens[string] if self.terms is not None: return self.terms.getValue(string) return self.context.source.getTermByToken(string).value def _convertValueToString(self, value): if self.values is not None: return self.values[value] if self.terms is not None: return self.terms.getTerm(value).token return str(value) def fromString(self, string=None, strict=False): """Convert ``string`` to value according to assigned field type. We change the default for ``strict``: this disables extra validation checks for Choice fields and saves lots of time. If a string/value is out of allowed range we get a value or key error anyway. """ return super(ChoiceConverter, self).fromString(string=string, strict=strict) def toString(self, value, strict=False): """Convert ``value`` to string according to assigned field type. We change the default for ``strict``: this disables extra validation checks for Choice fields and saves lots of time. If a string/value is out of allowed range we get a value or key error anyway. """ return super(ChoiceConverter, self).toString(value=value, strict=strict)