"""Workflow for students. """ import grok from datetime import datetime from zope.component import getUtility from hurry.workflow.workflow import Transition, WorkflowState, NullCondition from hurry.workflow.interfaces import IWorkflowState, IWorkflowTransitionEvent from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ( IObjectHistory, IKofaWorkflowInfo, IKofaUtils, CREATED, ADMITTED, CLEARANCE, REQUESTED, CLEARED, PAID, RETURNING, REGISTERED, VALIDATED, GRADUATED, TRANSCRIPT) from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _ from waeup.kofa.workflow import KofaWorkflow, KofaWorkflowInfo from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudent, IStudentsUtils from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import get_current_principal IMPORTABLE_STATES = (ADMITTED, CLEARANCE, REQUESTED, CLEARED, PAID, RETURNING, REGISTERED, VALIDATED) FORBIDDEN_POSTGRAD_STATES = (RETURNING, REGISTERED, VALIDATED) REGISTRATION_TRANSITIONS = ( Transition( transition_id = 'create', title = _('Create student'), source = None, condition = NullCondition, msg = _('Record created'), destination = CREATED), Transition( transition_id = 'admit', title = _('Admit student'), msg = _('Admitted'), source = CREATED, destination = ADMITTED), Transition( transition_id = 'reset1', title = _('Reset student'), msg = _('Reset to initial state'), source = ADMITTED, destination = CREATED), Transition( transition_id = 'start_clearance', title = _('Start clearance'), msg = _('Clearance started'), source = ADMITTED, destination = CLEARANCE), Transition( transition_id = 'reset2', title = _('Reset to admitted'), msg = _("Reset to 'admitted'"), source = CLEARANCE, destination = ADMITTED), Transition( transition_id = 'request_clearance', title = _('Request clearance'), msg = _('Clearance requested'), source = CLEARANCE, destination = REQUESTED), Transition( transition_id = 'reset3', title = _('Reset to clearance started'), msg = _("Reset to 'clearance started'"), source = REQUESTED, destination = CLEARANCE), Transition( transition_id = 'clear', title = _('Clear student'), msg = _('Cleared'), source = REQUESTED, destination = CLEARED), Transition( transition_id = 'reset4', title = _('Reset to clearance started'), msg = _("Reset to 'clearance started'"), source = CLEARED, destination = CLEARANCE), Transition( transition_id = 'pay_first_school_fee', title = _('Pay school fee'), msg = _('First school fee payment made'), source = CLEARED, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'approve_first_school_fee', title = _('Approve payment'), msg = _('First school fee payment approved'), source = CLEARED, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'reset5', title = _('Reset to cleared'), msg = _("Reset to 'cleared'"), source = PAID, destination = CLEARED), Transition( transition_id = 'pay_school_fee', title = _('Pay school fee'), msg = _('School fee payment made'), source = RETURNING, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'pay_pg_fee', title = _('Pay PG school fee'), msg = _('PG school fee payment made'), source = PAID, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'approve_school_fee', title = _('Approve school fee payment'), msg = _('School fee payment approved'), source = RETURNING, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'approve_pg_fee', title = _('Approve PG school fee payment'), msg = _('PG school fee payment approved'), source = PAID, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'reset6', title = _('Reset to returning'), msg = _("Reset to 'returning'"), source = PAID, destination = RETURNING), Transition( transition_id = 'register_courses', title = _('Register courses'), msg = _('Courses registered'), source = PAID, destination = REGISTERED), Transition( transition_id = 'reset7', title = _('Reset to school fee paid'), msg = _("Reset to 'school fee paid'"), source = REGISTERED, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'validate_courses', title = _('Validate courses'), msg = _('Courses validated'), source = REGISTERED, destination = VALIDATED), Transition( transition_id = 'bypass_validation', title = _('Return and bypass validation'), msg = _("Course validation bypassed"), source = REGISTERED, destination = RETURNING), Transition( transition_id = 'reset8', title = _('Reset to school fee paid'), msg = _("Reset to 'school fee paid'"), source = VALIDATED, destination = PAID), Transition( transition_id = 'return', title = _('Return'), msg = _("Returned"), source = VALIDATED, destination = RETURNING), Transition( transition_id = 'reset9', title = _('Reset to courses validated'), msg = _("Reset to 'courses validated'"), source = RETURNING, destination = VALIDATED), # There is no transition to graduated. Transition( transition_id = 'request_transcript', title = _('Request transript'), msg = _("Transcript requested"), source = GRADUATED, destination = TRANSCRIPT), Transition( transition_id = 'process_transcript', title = _('Transcript processed'), msg = _("Transcript processed"), source = TRANSCRIPT, destination = GRADUATED), ) IMPORTABLE_TRANSITIONS = [i.transition_id for i in REGISTRATION_TRANSITIONS] FORBIDDEN_POSTGRAD_TRANS = ['reset6', 'register_courses'] LOCK_CLEARANCE_TRANS = ('reset2', 'request_clearance') UNLOCK_CLEARANCE_TRANS = ('reset3', 'reset4', 'start_clearance') registration_workflow = KofaWorkflow(REGISTRATION_TRANSITIONS) class RegistrationWorkflowState(WorkflowState, grok.Adapter): """An adapter to adapt Student objects to workflow states. """ grok.context(IStudent) grok.provides(IWorkflowState) state_key = 'wf.registration.state' state_id = 'wf.registration.id' class RegistrationWorkflowInfo(KofaWorkflowInfo, grok.Adapter): """Adapter to adapt Student objects to workflow info objects. """ grok.context(IStudent) grok.provides(IKofaWorkflowInfo) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.wf = registration_workflow @grok.subscribe(IStudent, IWorkflowTransitionEvent) def handle_student_transition_event(obj, event): """Append message to student history and log file when transition happened. Lock and unlock clearance form. Trigger actions after school fee payment. """ msg = event.transition.user_data['msg'] history = IObjectHistory(obj) history.addMessage(msg) if event.transition.transition_id in LOCK_CLEARANCE_TRANS: obj.clearance_locked = True if event.transition.transition_id in UNLOCK_CLEARANCE_TRANS: obj.clearance_locked = False # School fee payment of returning students triggers the change of # current session, current level, and current verdict if event.transition.transition_id in ( 'pay_school_fee', 'approve_school_fee'): getUtility(IStudentsUtils).setReturningData(obj) elif event.transition.transition_id in ( 'pay_pg_fee', 'approve_pg_fee'): new_session = obj['studycourse'].current_session + 1 obj['studycourse'].current_session = new_session elif event.transition.transition_id == 'validate_courses': current_level = obj['studycourse'].current_level level_object = obj['studycourse'].get(str(current_level), None) if level_object is not None: user = get_current_principal() if user is None: usertitle = 'system' else: usertitle = getattr(user, 'public_name', None) if not usertitle: usertitle = user.title level_object.validated_by = usertitle level_object.validation_date = datetime.utcnow() elif event.transition.transition_id == 'clear': obj.officer_comment = None elif event.transition.transition_id == 'reset8': current_level = obj['studycourse'].current_level level_object = obj['studycourse'].get(str(current_level), None) if level_object is not None: level_object.validated_by = None level_object.validation_date = None # In some tests we don't have a students container try: students_container = grok.getSite()['students'] students_container.logger.info('%s - %s' % (obj.student_id,msg)) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass return