source: main/waeup.kofa/trunk/src/waeup/kofa/students/ @ 9427

Last change on this file since 9427 was 9423, checked in by Henrik Bettermann, 12 years ago

Use addBedticket properly.

Implement maintenance fee payment in base package and ensure that maintenance (rent) can only be paid if bed has been booked in current session.

  • Property svn:keywords set to Id
File size: 21.9 KB
1## $Id: 9423 2012-10-26 07:55:45Z henrik $
3## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann
4## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7## (at your option) any later version.
9## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12## GNU General Public License for more details.
14## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18"""General helper functions and utilities for the student section.
20import grok
21from time import time
22from reportlab.lib import colors
23from reportlab.lib.units import cm
24from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
25from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
26from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Image, Table, Spacer
27from zope.component import getUtility, createObject
28from zope.formlib.form import setUpEditWidgets
29from zope.i18n import translate
30from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (
31    IExtFileStore, IKofaUtils, RETURNING, PAID, CLEARED)
32from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
33from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils
36    ('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'TOP'),
37    #('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'Helvetica', 11),
38    ]
41    ('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'TOP'),
42    #('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'Helvetica', 8),
43    #('TEXTCOLOR',(0,0),(-1,0),colors.white),
44    ('BACKGROUND',(0,0),(-1,0),,
45    ]
47FONT_SIZE = 10
48FONT_COLOR = 'black'
50def formatted_label(color=FONT_COLOR, size=FONT_SIZE):
51    tag1 ='<font color=%s size=%d>' % (color, size)
52    return tag1 + '%s:</font>'
54def trans(text, lang):
55    # shortcut
56    return translate(text, 'waeup.kofa', target_language=lang)
58def formatted_text(text, color=FONT_COLOR, size=FONT_SIZE):
59    """Turn `text`, `color` and `size` into an HTML snippet.
61    The snippet is suitable for use with reportlab and generating PDFs.
62    Wraps the `text` into a ``<font>`` tag with passed attributes.
64    Also non-strings are converted. Raw strings are expected to be
65    utf-8 encoded (usually the case for widgets etc.).
67    Finally, a br tag is added if widgets contain div tags
68    which are not supported by reportlab.
70    The returned snippet is unicode type.
71    """
72    try:
73        # In unit tests IKofaUtils has not been registered
74        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
75    except:
76        portal_language = 'en'
77    if not isinstance(text, unicode):
78        if isinstance(text, basestring):
79            text = text.decode('utf-8')
80        else:
81            text = unicode(text)
82    # Mainly for boolean values we need our customized
83    # localisation of the zope domain
84    text = translate(text, 'zope', target_language=portal_language)
85    text = text.replace('</div>', '<br /></div>')
86    tag1 = u'<font color="%s" size="%d">' % (color, size)
87    return tag1 + u'%s</font>' % text
89def generate_student_id():
90    students = grok.getSite()['students']
91    new_id = students.unique_student_id
92    return new_id
94def set_up_widgets(view, ignore_request=False):
95    view.adapters = {}
96    view.widgets = setUpEditWidgets(
97        view.form_fields, view.prefix, view.context, view.request,
98        adapters=view.adapters, for_display=True,
99        ignore_request=ignore_request
100        )
102def render_student_data(studentview):
103    """Render student table for an existing frame.
104    """
105    width, height = A4
106    set_up_widgets(studentview, ignore_request=True)
107    data_left = []
108    data_right = []
109    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
110    img = getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext(
111        studentview.context, attr='passport.jpg')
112    if img is None:
113        from waeup.kofa.browser import DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_PATH
114        img = open(DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_PATH, 'rb')
115    doc_img = Image(, width=4*cm, height=4*cm, kind='bound')
116    data_left.append([doc_img])
117    #data.append([Spacer(1, 12)])
118    portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
120    f_label = formatted_label(size=12) % _('Name')
121    f_label = Paragraph(f_label, style["Normal"])
122    f_text = formatted_text(studentview.context.display_fullname, size=12)
123    f_text = Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"])
124    data_right.append([f_label,f_text])
126    for widget in studentview.widgets:
127        if 'name' in
128            continue
129        f_label = formatted_label(size=12) % translate(
130            widget.label.strip(), 'waeup.kofa',
131            target_language=portal_language)
132        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, style["Normal"])
133        f_text = formatted_text(widget(), size=12)
134        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"])
135        data_right.append([f_label,f_text])
137    if hasattr(studentview.context, 'certcode'):
138        f_label = formatted_label(size=12) % _('Study Course')
139        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, style["Normal"])
140        f_text = formatted_text(
141            studentview.context['studycourse'].certificate.longtitle(), size=12)
142        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"])
143        data_right.append([f_label,f_text])
145        f_label = formatted_label(size=12) % _('Department')
146        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, style["Normal"])
147        f_text = formatted_text(
148            studentview.context[
149            'studycourse'].certificate.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle(),
150            size=12)
151        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"])
152        data_right.append([f_label,f_text])
154        f_label = formatted_label(size=12) % _('Faculty')
155        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, style["Normal"])
156        f_text = formatted_text(
157            studentview.context[
158            'studycourse'].certificate.__parent__.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle(),
159            size=12)
160        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, style["Normal"])
161        data_right.append([f_label,f_text])
163    table_left = Table(data_left,style=SLIP_STYLE)
164    table_right = Table(data_right,style=SLIP_STYLE, colWidths=[5*cm, 6*cm])
165    table = Table([[table_left, table_right],],style=SLIP_STYLE)
166    return table
168def render_table_data(tableheader,tabledata):
169    """Render children table for an existing frame.
170    """
171    data = []
172    #data.append([Spacer(1, 12)])
173    line = []
174    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
175    for element in tableheader:
176        field = formatted_text(element[0], color='white')
177        field = Paragraph(field, style["Normal"])
178        line.append(field)
179    data.append(line)
180    for ticket in tabledata:
181        line = []
182        for element in tableheader:
183              field = formatted_text(getattr(ticket,element[1],u' '))
184              field = Paragraph(field, style["Normal"])
185              line.append(field)
186        data.append(line)
187    table = Table(data,colWidths=[
188        element[2]*cm for element in tableheader], style=CONTENT_STYLE)
189    return table
191def get_signature_table(signatures, lang='en'):
192    """Return a reportlab table containing signature fields (with date).
193    """
194    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
195    space_width = 0.4  # width in cm of space between signatures
196    table_width = 16.0 # supposed width of signature table in cms
197    # width of signature cells in cm...
198    sig_col_width = table_width - ((len(signatures) - 1) * space_width)
199    sig_col_width = sig_col_width / len(signatures)
200    data = []
201    col_widths = [] # widths of columns
203    sig_style = [
204        ('VALIGN',(0,-1),(-1,-1),'TOP'),
205        ('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 12),
206        ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0,0), (-1,0), 36),
207        ('TOPPADDING', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 0),
208        ]
209    for num, elem in enumerate(signatures):
210        # draw a line above each signature cell (not: empty cells in between)
211        sig_style.append(
212            ('LINEABOVE', (num*2,-1), (num*2, -1), 1,
214    row = []
215    for signature in signatures:
216        row.append(trans(_('Date:'), lang))
217        row.append('')
218        if len(signatures) > 1:
219            col_widths.extend([sig_col_width*cm, space_width*cm])
220        else:
221            col_widths.extend([sig_col_width/2*cm, sig_col_width/2*cm])
222            row.append('') # empty spaceholder on right
223    data.append(row[:-1])
224    data.extend(([''],)*3) # insert 3 empty rows...
225    row = []
226    for signature in signatures:
227        row.append(Paragraph(trans(signature, lang), style["Normal"]))
228        row.append('')
229    data.append(row[:-1])
230    table = Table(data, style=sig_style, repeatRows=len(data),
231                  colWidths=col_widths)
232    return table
234def docs_as_flowables(view, lang='en'):
235    """Create reportlab flowables out of scanned docs.
236    """
237    # XXX: fix circular import problem
238    from waeup.kofa.students.viewlets import FileManager
239    from waeup.kofa.browser import DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH
240    from waeup.kofa.browser.pdf import NORMAL_STYLE, ENTRY1_STYLE
241    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
242    data = []
244    # Collect viewlets
245    fm = FileManager(view.context, view.request, view)
246    fm.update()
247    if fm.viewlets:
248        sc_translation = trans(_('Scanned Documents'), lang)
249        data.append(Paragraph(sc_translation, style["Heading3"]))
250        # Insert list of scanned documents
251        table_data = []
252        for viewlet in fm.viewlets:
253            f_label = Paragraph(trans(viewlet.label, lang), ENTRY1_STYLE)
254            img_path = getattr(getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext(
255                view.context, attr=viewlet.download_name), 'name', None)
256            f_text = Paragraph(trans(_('(not provided)'),lang), ENTRY1_STYLE)
257            if img_path is None:
258                pass
259            elif not img_path[-4:] in ('.jpg', '.JPG'):
260                # reportlab requires jpg images, I think.
261                f_text = Paragraph('%s (not displayable)' % (
262                    viewlet.title,), ENTRY1_STYLE)
263            else:
264                f_text = Image(img_path, width=2*cm, height=1*cm, kind='bound')
265            table_data.append([f_label, f_text])
266        if table_data:
267            # safety belt; empty tables lead to problems.
268            data.append(Table(table_data, style=SLIP_STYLE))
269    return data
271class StudentsUtils(grok.GlobalUtility):
272    """A collection of methods subject to customization.
273    """
274    grok.implements(IStudentsUtils)
276    def getReturningData(self, student):
277        """ Define what happens after school fee payment
278        depending on the student's senate verdict.
280        In the base configuration current level is always increased
281        by 100 no matter which verdict has been assigned.
282        """
283        new_level = student['studycourse'].current_level + 100
284        new_session = student['studycourse'].current_session + 1
285        return new_session, new_level
287    def setReturningData(self, student):
288        """ Define what happens after school fee payment
289        depending on the student's senate verdict.
291        This method folllows the same algorithm as getReturningData but
292        it also sets the new values.
293        """
294        new_session, new_level = self.getReturningData(student)
295        student['studycourse'].current_level = new_level
296        student['studycourse'].current_session = new_session
297        verdict = student['studycourse'].current_verdict
298        student['studycourse'].current_verdict = '0'
299        student['studycourse'].previous_verdict = verdict
300        return
302    def setPaymentDetails(self, category, student,
303            previous_session, previous_level):
304        """Create Payment object and set the payment data of a student for
305        the payment category specified.
307        """
308        p_item = u''
309        amount = 0.0
310        if previous_session:
311            p_session = previous_session
312            p_level = previous_level
313            p_current = False
314        else:
315            p_session = student['studycourse'].current_session
316            p_level = student['studycourse'].current_level
317            p_current = True
318        session = str(p_session)
319        try:
320            academic_session = grok.getSite()['configuration'][session]
321        except KeyError:
322            return _(u'Session configuration object is not available.'), None
323        if category == 'schoolfee':
324            try:
325                certificate = student['studycourse'].certificate
326                p_item = certificate.code
327            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
328                return _('Study course data are incomplete.'), None
329            if previous_session:
330                if previous_session < student['studycourse'].entry_session:
331                    return _('The previous session must not fall below '
332                             'your entry session.'), None
333                if previous_session > student['studycourse'].current_session - 1:
334                    return _('This is not a previous session.'), None
335                if previous_level == 100:
336                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_1', 0.0)
337                else:
338                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_2', 0.0)
339            else:
340                if student.state == CLEARED:
341                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_1', 0.0)
342                elif student.state == RETURNING:
343                    # In case of returning school fee payment the payment session
344                    # and level contain the values of the session the student
345                    # has paid for.
346                    p_session, p_level = self.getReturningData(student)
347                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_2', 0.0)
348                elif student.is_postgrad and student.state == PAID:
349                    # Returning postgraduate students also pay for the next session
350                    # but their level always remains the same.
351                    p_session += 1
352                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_2', 0.0)
353        elif category == 'clearance':
354            try:
355                p_item = student['studycourse'].certificate.code
356            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
357                return _('Study course data are incomplete.'), None
358            amount = academic_session.clearance_fee
359        elif category == 'bed_allocation':
360            p_item = self.getAccommodationDetails(student)['bt']
361            amount = academic_session.booking_fee
362        elif category == 'hostel_maintenance':
363            amount = academic_session.maint_fee
364        if amount in (0.0, None):
365            return _('Amount could not be determined.' +
366                     ' Would you like to pay for a previous session?'), None
367        for key in student['payments'].keys():
368            ticket = student['payments'][key]
369            if ticket.p_state == 'paid' and\
370               ticket.p_category == category and \
371               ticket.p_item == p_item and \
372               ticket.p_session == p_session:
373                  return _('This type of payment has already been made.' +
374                           ' Would you like to pay for a previous session?'), None
375        payment = createObject(u'waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
376        timestamp = ("%d" % int(time()*10000))[1:]
377        payment.p_id = "p%s" % timestamp
378        payment.p_category = category
379        payment.p_item = p_item
380        payment.p_session = p_session
381        payment.p_level = p_level
382        payment.p_current = p_current
383        payment.amount_auth = amount
384        return None, payment
386    def getAccommodationDetails(self, student):
387        """Determine the accommodation data of a student.
388        """
389        d = {}
390        d['error'] = u''
391        hostels = grok.getSite()['hostels']
392        d['booking_session'] = hostels.accommodation_session
393        d['allowed_states'] = hostels.accommodation_states
394        d['startdate'] = hostels.startdate
395        d['enddate'] = hostels.enddate
396        d['expired'] = hostels.expired
397        # Determine bed type
398        studycourse = student['studycourse']
399        certificate = getattr(studycourse,'certificate',None)
400        entry_session = studycourse.entry_session
401        current_level = studycourse.current_level
402        if None in (entry_session, current_level, certificate):
403            return d
404        end_level = certificate.end_level
405        if current_level == 10:
406            bt = 'pr'
407        elif entry_session == grok.getSite()['hostels'].accommodation_session:
408            bt = 'fr'
409        elif current_level >= end_level:
410            bt = 'fi'
411        else:
412            bt = 're'
413        if == 'f':
414            sex = 'female'
415        else:
416            sex = 'male'
417        special_handling = 'regular'
418        d['bt'] = u'%s_%s_%s' % (special_handling,sex,bt)
419        return d
421    def selectBed(self, available_beds):
422        """Select a bed from a list of available beds.
424        In the base configuration we select the first bed found,
425        but can also randomize the selection if we like.
426        """
427        return available_beds[0]
429    def renderPDFAdmissionLetter(self, view, student=None):
430        """Render pdf admission letter.
431        """
432        # XXX: we have to fix the import problems here.
433        from waeup.kofa.browser.interfaces import IPDFCreator
434        from waeup.kofa.browser.pdf import format_html, NOTE_STYLE
435        if student is None:
436            return
437        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
438        creator = getUtility(IPDFCreator)
439        data = []
440        doc_title = view.label
441        author = '%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
443        footer_text = view.label
444        if getattr(student, 'student_id', None) is not None:
445            footer_text = "%s - %s - " % (student.student_id, footer_text)
447        # Admission text
448        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
449        inst_name = grok.getSite()['configuration'].name
450        text = trans(_(
451            'This is to inform you that you have been provisionally'
452            ' admitted into ${a} as follows:', mapping = {'a': inst_name}),
453            portal_language)
454        html = format_html(text)
455        data.append(Paragraph(html, NOTE_STYLE))
456        data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
458        # Student data
459        data.append(render_student_data(view))
461        # Insert history
462        data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
463        datelist = student.history.messages[0].split()[0].split('-')
464        creation_date = u'%s/%s/%s' % (datelist[2], datelist[1], datelist[0])
465        text = trans(_(
466            'Your Kofa student record was created on ${a}.',
467            mapping = {'a': creation_date}),
468            portal_language)
469        html = format_html(text)
470        data.append(Paragraph(html, NOTE_STYLE))
472        # Create pdf stream
473        view.response.setHeader(
474            'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
475        pdf_stream = creator.create_pdf(
476            data, None, doc_title, author=author, footer=footer_text,
477            note=None)
478        return pdf_stream
480    def renderPDF(self, view, filename='slip.pdf', student=None,
481                  studentview=None, tableheader=None, tabledata=None,
482                  note=None, signatures=None):
483        """Render pdf slips for various pages.
484        """
485        # XXX: we have to fix the import problems here.
486        from waeup.kofa.browser.interfaces import IPDFCreator
487        from waeup.kofa.browser.pdf import NORMAL_STYLE, ENTRY1_STYLE
488        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
489        creator = getUtility(IPDFCreator)
490        data = []
491        doc_title = view.label
492        author = '%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
494        footer_text = view.label
495        if getattr(student, 'student_id', None) is not None:
496            footer_text = "%s - %s - " % (student.student_id, footer_text)
498        # Insert history
499        if not filename.startswith('payment'):
500            data.extend(creator.fromStringList(student.history.messages))
502        # Insert student data table
503        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
504        if student is not None:
505            bd_translation = trans(_('Base Data'), portal_language)
506            data.append(Paragraph(bd_translation, style["Heading3"]))
507            data.append(render_student_data(studentview))
509        # Insert widgets
510        if view.form_fields:
511            data.append(Paragraph(view.title, style["Heading3"]))
512            portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
513            separators = getattr(self, 'SEPARATORS_DICT', {})
514            table = creator.getWidgetsTable(
515                view.form_fields, view.context, None, lang=portal_language,
516                separators=separators)
517            data.append(table)
519        # Insert scanned docs
520        data.extend(docs_as_flowables(view, portal_language))
522        # Insert content table (optionally on second page)
523        if tabledata and tableheader:
524            #data.append(PageBreak())
525            data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
526            data.append(Paragraph(view.content_title, style["Heading3"]))
527            contenttable = render_table_data(tableheader,tabledata)
528            data.append(contenttable)
530        # Insert signatures
531        if signatures:
532            data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
533            signaturetable = get_signature_table(signatures)
534            data.append(signaturetable)
536        view.response.setHeader(
537            'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
538        try:
539            pdf_stream = creator.create_pdf(
540                data, None, doc_title, author=author, footer=footer_text,
541                note=note)
542        except IOError:
543            view.flash('Error in image file.')
544            return view.redirect(view.url(view.context))
545        return pdf_stream
547    VERDICTS_DICT = {
548        '0': _('(not yet)'),
549        'A': 'Successful student',
550        'B': 'Student with carryover courses',
551        'C': 'Student on probation',
552        }
555        }
557    #: A prefix used when generating new student ids. Each student id will
558    #: start with this string. The default is 'K' for ``Kofa``.
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.