## $Id: interfaces.py 7811 2012-03-08 19:00:51Z uli $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## from datetime import datetime from zope.component import getUtility from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface from zope import schema from zc.sourcefactory.contextual import BasicContextualSourceFactory from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ( IKOFAObject, academic_sessions_vocab, validate_email, IKOFAUtils) from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _ from waeup.kofa.schema import TextLineChoice from waeup.kofa.university.vocabularies import CourseSource, StudyModeSource from waeup.kofa.students.vocabularies import ( CertificateSource, StudyLevelSource, contextual_reg_num_source, contextual_mat_num_source, GenderSource, nats_vocab, ) from waeup.kofa.payments.interfaces import IPaymentsContainer, IOnlinePayment # VerdictSource can't be placed into the vocabularies module because it # requires importing IStudentsUtils which then leads to circular imports. class VerdictSource(BasicContextualSourceFactory): """A verdicts source delivers all verdicts provided in the portal. """ def getValues(self, context): verdicts_dict = getUtility(IStudentsUtils).getVerdictsDict() return verdicts_dict.keys() def getToken(self, context, value): return value def getTitle(self, context, value): verdicts_dict = getUtility(IStudentsUtils).getVerdictsDict() return verdicts_dict[value] class IStudentsUtils(Interface): """A collection of methods which are subject to customization. """ def getPaymentDetails(category, student): """Get the payment dates of a student for the payment category specified. """ def getAccommodation_details(student): """Determine the accommodation dates of a student. """ def selectBed(available_beds): """Select a bed from a list of available beds. In the standard configuration we select the first bed found, but can also randomize the selection if we like. """ def renderPDF(view, subject='', filename='slip.pdf',): """Render pdf slips for various pages. """ class IStudentsContainer(IKOFAObject): """A students container contains university students. """ def addStudent(student): """Add an IStudent object and subcontainers. """ def archive(id=None): """Create on-dist archive of students. If id is `None`, all students are archived. If id contains a single id string, only the respective students are archived. If id contains a list of id strings all of the respective students types are saved to disk. """ def clear(id=None, archive=True): """Remove students of type given by 'id'. Optionally archive the students. If id is `None`, all students are archived. If id contains a single id string, only the respective students are archived. If id contains a list of id strings all of the respective student types are saved to disk. If `archive` is ``False`` none of the archive-handling is done and respective students are simply removed from the database. """ class IStudentNavigation(IKOFAObject): """Interface needed for student navigation. """ def getStudent(): """Return student object. """ class IStudentBase(IKOFAObject): """Representation of student base data. """ history = Attribute('Object history, a list of messages') state = Attribute('Returns the registration state of a student') password = Attribute('Encrypted password of a student') certcode = Attribute('The certificate code of any chosen study course') depcode = Attribute('The department code of any chosen study course') faccode = Attribute('The faculty code of any chosen study course') current_session = Attribute('The current session of the student') current_mode = Attribute('The current mode of the student') fullname = Attribute('All name parts separated by hyphens') display_fullname = Attribute('The fullname of an applicant') def loggerInfo(ob_class, comment): """Adds an INFO message to the log file. """ student_id = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Student Id'), required = False, ) firstname = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'First Name'), required = True, ) middlename = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Middle Name'), required = False, ) lastname = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Last Name (Surname)'), required = True, ) sex = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Sex'), source = GenderSource(), default = u'm', required = True, ) reg_number = TextLineChoice( title = _(u'Registration Number'), required = True, readonly = False, source = contextual_reg_num_source, ) matric_number = TextLineChoice( title = _(u'Matriculation Number'), #default = u'', required = False, readonly = False, source = contextual_mat_num_source, ) adm_code = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'PWD Activation Code'), default = u'', required = False, readonly = True, ) email = schema.ASCIILine( title = _(u'Email'), required = False, constraint=validate_email, ) phone = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Phone'), description = u'', required = False, ) class IStudentClearance(IKOFAObject): """Representation of student clearance data. """ date_of_birth = schema.Date( title = _(u'Date of Birth'), required = True, ) clearance_locked = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Clearance form locked'), default = False, ) clr_code = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'CLR Activation Code'), default = u'', required = False, readonly = True, ) nationality = schema.Choice( source = nats_vocab, title = _(u'Nationality'), default = 'nigeria', required = True, ) class IStudentPersonal(IKOFAObject): """Representation of student personal data. """ perm_address = schema.Text( title = _(u'Permanent Address'), required = False, ) class IStudent(IStudentBase,IStudentClearance,IStudentPersonal): """Representation of a student. """ class IStudentUpdateByRegNo(IStudent): """Representation of a student. Skip regular reg_number validation. """ reg_number = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Registration Number'), default = None, required = False, ) class IStudentUpdateByMatricNo(IStudent): """Representation of a student. Skip regular matric_number validation. """ matric_number = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Matriculation Number'), default = None, required = False, ) class IStudentStudyCourse(IKOFAObject): """A container for student study levels. """ certificate = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Certificate'), source = CertificateSource(), default = None, required = False, ) entry_mode = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Entry Mode'), source = StudyModeSource(), default = u'ug_ft', required = True, readonly = False, ) entry_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Entry Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, #default = datetime.now().year, default = None, required = True, readonly = False, ) current_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, default = None, required = True, readonly = False, ) current_level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), default = None, required = False, readonly = False, ) current_verdict = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Verdict'), source = VerdictSource(), default = '0', required = False, ) previous_verdict = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Previous Verdict'), source = VerdictSource(), default = '0', required = False, ) class IStudentStudyLevel(IKOFAObject): """A container for course tickets. """ level = Attribute('The level code') validation_date = Attribute('The date of validation') validated_by = Attribute('User Id of course adviser') level_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, default = None, required = True, ) level_verdict = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Verdict'), source = VerdictSource(), default = '0', required = False, ) class ICourseTicket(IKOFAObject): """A course ticket. """ code = Attribute('code of the original course') title = Attribute('title of the original course') credits = Attribute('credits of the original course') passmark = Attribute('passmark of the original course') semester = Attribute('semester of the original course') fcode = Attribute('faculty code of the original course') dcode = Attribute('department code of the original course') mandatory = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Mandatory'), default = False, required = False, readonly = False, ) score = schema.Int( title = _(u'Score'), default = 0, required = False, readonly = False, ) automatic = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Automatical Creation'), default = False, required = False, readonly = True, ) carry_over = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Carry-over Course'), default = False, required = False, readonly = False, ) def getLevel(): """Returns the id of the level the ticket has been added to. """ def getLevelSession(): """Returns the session of the level the ticket has been added to. """ class ICourseTicketAdd(ICourseTicket): """An interface for adding course tickets. """ course = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Course'), source = CourseSource(), readonly = False, ) class IStudentAccommodation(IKOFAObject): """A container for student accommodation objects. """ class IBedTicket(IKOFAObject): """A ticket for accommodation booking. """ bed = Attribute('The bed object.') bed_coordinates = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Bed Coordinates'), default = None, required = False, readonly = False, ) bed_type = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Bed Type'), default = None, required = False, readonly = False, ) booking_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, default = None, required = True, readonly = True, ) booking_date = schema.Datetime( title = _(u'Booking Date'), required = False, readonly = True, ) booking_code = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Booking Activation Code'), default = u'', required = False, readonly = True, ) def getSessionString(): """Returns the title of academic_sessions_vocab term. """ class IStudentPaymentsContainer(IPaymentsContainer): """A container for student payment objects. """ class IStudentOnlinePayment(IOnlinePayment): """A student payment via payment gateways. """ p_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = False, ) IStudentOnlinePayment['p_session'].order = IStudentOnlinePayment[ 'p_item'].order class IStudentChangePassword(IKOFAObject): """Interface needed for change pasword page. """ reg_number = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Registration Number'), default = None, required = True, readonly = False, ) email = schema.ASCIILine( title = _(u'Email Address'), required = True, constraint=validate_email, )